+xDear all,
At the beginning of our experiment, I would like to request the postal code of our participants and only allow people who live in certain areas to participate in our experiment. For this purpose, I have created the following:
<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal
/PLZ_correct = 0
<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = Einwilligung; 2 = Alter; 3 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]
<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) survey.X
else surveypage.s_ende;]
Unfortunately, it does not work, and I can not find the error. For any help, I would be very grateful!
All the best,
This is not proper syntax:
if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || "20251" || "20249")
The correct way to state the above is
if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20251" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20249")
Moreover, you cannot have a <surveypage> (which is a type of <trial>) /branch to a <survey> (which is a type of <block>).
<surveypage s_einwilligung2>
/ questions = [1 = Sehen; 2 = Erkrankung; 3= LRS]
/ branch = [if (values.PLZ_correct == 1)
survey.X else surveypage.s_ende;]
A <trial> may only branch to another <trial>, it cannot branch to a <block>. Similarly, a <block> may only branch to another <block>, it cannot branch to a <trial>.
<textbox PLZ>
/ caption = "xxx postal code xxx."
/ required = true
/ mask = decimal
/PLZ_correct = 0
<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [1=s_einwilligung]
<surveypage s_einwilligung>
/ questions = [1 = PLZ]
/ ontrialend = [if (textbox.PLZ.response == "20259" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20251" || textbox.PLZ.response == "20249") values.PLZ_correct +=1
else values.PLZ_correct +=0]
/ branch = [
if (values.PLZ_correct == 1) {
} else {
<surveypage ok>
/ caption = "OK"
/ showbackbutton = false
<surveypage ende>
/ caption = "ENDE"
/ showbackbutton = false