Hi Dave,
I have some questions regarding the registration of participants’ data response in the data file.
I have two types of word stimuli: column “word”, and column “word_fillers”. Every 20 words of the “word” stimuli, one word of the “word_fillers” appears. The stimuli is coded as “norepeatword”. There’s 2 radiobutton questions (q1 and q2) for each stimuli. Responses are registered in the data file in columns “radiobuttons.q1.response” and radiobuttons.q2.response” for “word” and “radiobuttons.q1_fillers.response” and “radiobuttons.q2_fillers.response” for “word_fillers”. As you can see in the red lines, when the “word” trial ends, and the “word_fillers” begin, it still registers the response of the last “word” trial along with the new “word_fillers” trial, and vice versa. Is it possible to have one or the other register in the data sheet response, and how can I code it in the script?
My second question is the following, to each questions q1 and q2, there’s a “unknown word” checkbox. Some participants will mistakenly have answered q1 and q2 and have the unknown word checked. Is it possible to only register the “unknown checked word” if the checkbox is checked? And how can I code it?
I can also send you my script privately,
Thanks for your help, very much appreciate it