Failure to display progress bar

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 118, Visits: 396
Dear all,

I ran into what is presumably an environmental issue recently when testing an experiment for online use. Specifically, I have a word recognition experiment in which a progress bar fills up gradually - depending on the condition, it either becomes filled with red as participants make more errors or it becomes filled with green as participants make more correct responses (condition assigned by subject number). The feedback is actually bogus in that the bar will never actually fill up (given an expected range of participant response accuracy), but should approach being full over the course of the trials.

So far so good, this all works as expected on my computer as well as on that of a research assistant. However, a second research assistant mentioned that the bar wasn't filling up on her screen in either condition and was able to provide screenshots. I have attached a stripped-down version of the code for reference, but the essence is that I'm using a <shape> element with a variable size parameter to fill the bar over time. Is there any known environmental condition that might cause this to fail in Inquisit? If so, is there any setting I might change (in <defaults> for example) to prevent this from happening?

Broad question, I know. Sorry I don't have more information - getting precise technical specs from the RA's computer is even more difficult via Zoom, unfortunately. She was running Windows (as was I and the other tester), if that helps any.

Forum Code example.iqx (235 views, 8.00 KB)

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