Script for same/different task

John Clapper
John Clapper
Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)Associate Member (74 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 14
I would like to run a simple same-different task, where participants see a stimulus (selected from a collection of image files) on the left side of the screen, followed 1000 msec later by a second stimulus (again selected from a collection of image files) on the right side of the screen. The participant decides if they are the same or different by pressing either S or D, respectively. The program records their response and the latency in msec on each trial. Is there an existing script that does something like this?


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John Clapper - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
             Thanks, I'll give it a try
John Clapper - 4 Years Ago
John Clapper - 4 Years Ago
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                         That would vary with the specific experiment, but for the sake of this...
John Clapper - 4 Years Ago
                             Then that's simply: Generally see...
Dave - 4 Years Ago
                                 Thanks, I'll try it out!
John Clapper - 4 Years Ago

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