Please help. I am trying to design what seems to have become a complex study. I have all of the study pieces designed. However, I now need to put the pieces together, and I don't know which way is the best way to do that. I'm actually not sure whether I've reached the point that emailing someone at millisecond would be better.
Currently, I have two AMPs that each have an end page after the trials have been run, and I also have 9 surveys. The reason for the multitude of surveys is that I have study sections that need to be counterbalanced, and there are randomized pages within the study sections. The easiest way to both counterbalance between sections and randomize within sections seemed to be to create separate surveys within Inquisit. Thus, no participant will receive all 9 surveys. Does it seems like this is probably the easiest way to counterbalance between and randomize within study sections? The only reason why I don't like this approach is that it will create many different data files, specifically one for each "survey" (i.e., study section).
Next, the two AMPS and their end pages are in two separate files. All of the surveys are in one file. I am not sure whether it is best to use the batch function or the include function to combine the files. The AMPs have one kind of default page design and the surveys have another. It seems like the batch function would be best and that I should break apart the file that contains all of the surveys. Thus, each survey would be in a separate Inquisit file. In the end, the order in which the AMPs and the surveys are presented will vary in specific ways for each participant. Specifically, there are 32 possible orders. Does it seem like the batch function is the best option (which seems to require breaking up my survey file)? If not, is there a better option?
I am also concerned about the number of and format of the data files that will be produced from this study and how they may be combined into one file. Using this design, there will be two AMP data files in one format and 9 survey files in another format, and I will eventually need them into one SPSS file. I've looked and haven't been able to find an answer for how to combine the files. Has this issue already been addressed and a link can be provided? If not, is there an easy way to combine these files?
I hope all of this was clear. I'll definitely understand if anyone has questions asking me to clarify what on earth I'm doing.
- Miriam