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My coding knowledge is rather rudimentary, so I would appreciate any help with the following questions.
I was wondering if it is possible to calculate the fastest 30th percentile of correct reaction times from a baseline block, and use this new reaction time value as the cut-off reaction time in the next block? Specifically, I’m hoping to use the RT from the correct responses in my “No Reward” trials/blocks, calculate the fastest 30th percentile value, and incorporate this value as cut-off RT for the trials in my following “Reward” incentive block for each participant.
In addition, is there a way to manipulate/have two different feedback messages dependent on the participant’s response? Specifically, is there a way to set it up so that if they reply accurately but slower than the RT cutoff (as determined above in the previous “No Reward” block) they receive a “Trial Over” feedback message, but if they respond incorrectly they receive an “Error” message? I currently have it set up as messages for incorrect message and correct message, but was wondering if there would be a way to make this conditional. In line with this, is there a way to change the feedback message for the correct response to also be based on the precue shown in the trial?
I have attached my script for details. Thank you so much in advance!