Hi there
This is a minor issue. When participants finish the entire experiment and it closes, they are presented with the error log webpage that shows the following error messages:
The web browser returned html errors when loading
https://scripts.millisecond.com/fmm28/ef/info.htmlThe web browser returned html errors when loading
https://scripts.millisecond.com/fmm28/ef/consent.htmlThese relate to the consent script at the beginning of the experiment. However, they work perfectly fine during the running of the experiment: the htmls load without hassle every time. These logged errors are amber. Is there a way to resolve this such that there are no errors at all? This prevails regardless of whether you control + q through it quickly, or take your time on the particular script.
The script I have pasted below (that contain the htmls), in the event you may spot something. Attached is a compressed file containing the htmls themselves. Many thanks in advance.
<htmlpage consent>
/ file = "Consent.html"
<htmlpage Info>
/ file = "info.html"
<html Consent>
/items = ("Consent.html")
/ valign = center
/ halign = center
/position = (50%, 40%)
/ size = (70%, 70%)
<html Info>
/items = ("info.html")
/ valign = center
/ halign = center
/position = (50%, 40%)
/ size = (70%, 70%)
<text agree>
/items = ("I agree to participate")
/position = (75%, 80%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.50%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (white)
/txbgcolor = (black)
/size = (10%, 5%)
/ vjustify = center
<text disagree>
/items = ("I do not agree to participate")
/position = (25%, 80%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.50%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (white)
/txbgcolor = (black)
/size = (10%, 5%)
/vjustify = center
<text next1>
/items = ("NEXT")
/position = (90%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.50%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/size = (3%, 3%)
/vjustify = center
<text back1>
/items = ("BACK")
/position = (10%, 90%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 1.50%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (black)
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/size = (3%, 3%)
/vjustify = center
/ itemnumber = 1
Next = next trial
Back = go back a trial
Do not consent = abort script, they cannot do exp.
Consent = moves on to the next script in batch
<trial Info>
/inputdevice = mouse
/stimulustimes = [0 =Info; 0=next1]
/validresponse = (next1)
/ branch = [if(trial.Info.response == "next1")trial.Consent]
<trial Consent>
/inputdevice = mouse
/stimulusframes = [1 = Consent, agree, disagree, back1]
/validresponse = (agree, disagree, back1)
/ correctresponse = ("agree")
/ontrialend = [if (trial.Consent.response == "disagree") script.abort()]
/ branch = [if(trial.Consent.response == "back1") trial.Info]
<block Info>
/ stop = [values.itemnumber >=3;]
/ trials = [1=Info]
/ blocks = [1 = Info]
/separatefiles = true
/ columns = (time, subject, group, blockcode, response)
/ screencolor = white
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.8%)