Inquisit web and MTurk

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Hi all,

I'm setting up a study on Mturk. Participants will complete a few questionnaires on redcap (or qualtrics), and a computer task on inquisit web. Is there a way to automate ID numbers across MTurk, redcap/qualtrics, and inquisit web?

Thanks in advance,

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Hasagu - 6/28/2021
Hi all,

I'm setting up a study on Mturk. Participants will complete a few questionnaires on redcap (or qualtrics), and a computer task on inquisit web. Is there a way to automate ID numbers across MTurk, redcap/qualtrics, and inquisit web?

Thanks in advance,

In essence, the guidance available at applies.

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
Dave - 6/28/2021
Hasagu - 6/28/2021
Hi all,

I'm setting up a study on Mturk. Participants will complete a few questionnaires on redcap (or qualtrics), and a computer task on inquisit web. Is there a way to automate ID numbers across MTurk, redcap/qualtrics, and inquisit web?

Thanks in advance,

In essence, the guidance available at applies.

To go into a bit more detail, here's a summary of one possible way to set things up for MTurk / Inquisit:

1.) MTurk Setup

(For an explanation of the general terms used in Mturk – Requester, Worker, HIT, etc. – see

- Log in to your Amazon MTurk Requester account.

- Select the Create tab, then choose New Project.

- Select Survey Link from the menu on the left-hand side and click Create Project.

- Follow the instructions to create a new project. Enter project name, description, and keywords for your HIT.

In the description, inform participants that they will have to install an app.
For general information about the Inquisit app, you can link to:
For system requirements, you can link to:

- In the Survey Link section, paste the URL to the Inquisit Launch Page from your Online Experiment’s page. There will also be a box on the HIT page where workers can enter the completion code displayed by the Inquisit finish page at the end of your study.

- In the Setting Up Your HIT section, you determine how many workers your project requires, payment, and length of research. As a general guideline:

  • Pay the workers well, promptly and regardless of what happens (e.g. technical difficulties).
  • Restrict your study to master workers if you can afford to.
  • Keep studies short to 20 minutes or less. If your study is longer and cannot be reasonably shortened, consider more generous compensation.

- The MTurk data you receive will contain the unique MTurk worker IDs and the Inquisit completion code entered by each respective worker. In your Inquisit data, available via your account’s Online Data section, the code is logged in the subject / script.subjectid columns. This allows you to match the data (worker IDs to completion codes / subject IDs) from both platforms, check whether a given worker has completed the HIT to your satisfaction and resolve compensation disputes accordingly.

A similar guide for Qualtrics can be found at

2.) Inquisit Setup

- Log in to your account and go to the Online Experiments section:

- Click “Register New Experiment”

- Choose a name for the experiment, upload the scripts and other materials, and – if multiple scripts are involved – select the batch script you created as the experiment’s start script.

- Configure the experiment’s start page with general description and instructions as needed.

- Select random participant IDs. The randomly generated subject ID will be used as the confirmation code for the MTurk HIT.

Set goup ids to random or sequential and indicate the number of between-subjects conditions in your
task(s). In case of IATs, there are 2 groups: Block order (compatible first vs. incompatible first) is counterbalanced between-subjects.

- The settings under Participants and Advanced Settings can be left as-is.

- Under Finish Page, select the default finish page and choose “Show subject ID as confirmation code”:

- You can now Save and Close the settings.

- The URL for your Inquisit experiment’ Launch Page is now listed on the Online Experiment’s page. This is the URL you will provide in your MTurk HIT.

A similar guide for Qualtrics can be found at

Now, if you're working with two platforms, the steps are essentially the same. In cases where you start with a web survey platform (e.g. Qualtrics or REDcap), you would put the Qualtrics or REDcap survey link into MTurk. The survey platform would then generate the confirmation code and instead of displaying it pass it on to Inquisit via URL parameter. Inquisit can read the code in as its subject ID and then display it at the end. Participants enter the confirmation code into MTurk, and that ties all three platforms together using a single identifier.

In cases where you're starting with Inquisit and then move on to a web survey platform, have Inquisit generate random subject IDs and, instead of displaying them as confirmation code, have Inquisit pass the ID on to the web survey via URL parameter. The web survey can read the ID in and then display it to participants as the confirmation code at the end.

Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)Associate Member (168 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 12, Visits: 40
Dave - 6/28/2021
Dave - 6/28/2021
Hasagu - 6/28/2021
Hi all,

I'm setting up a study on Mturk. Participants will complete a few questionnaires on redcap (or qualtrics), and a computer task on inquisit web. Is there a way to automate ID numbers across MTurk, redcap/qualtrics, and inquisit web?

Thanks in advance,

In essence, the guidance available at applies.

To go into a bit more detail, here's a summary of one possible way to set things up for MTurk / Inquisit:

1.) MTurk Setup

(For an explanation of the general terms used in Mturk – Requester, Worker, HIT, etc. – see

- Log in to your Amazon MTurk Requester account.

- Select the Create tab, then choose New Project.

- Select Survey Link from the menu on the left-hand side and click Create Project.

- Follow the instructions to create a new project. Enter project name, description, and keywords for your HIT.

In the description, inform participants that they will have to install an app.
For general information about the Inquisit app, you can link to:
For system requirements, you can link to:

- In the Survey Link section, paste the URL to the Inquisit Launch Page from your Online Experiment’s page. There will also be a box on the HIT page where workers can enter the completion code displayed by the Inquisit finish page at the end of your study.

- In the Setting Up Your HIT section, you determine how many workers your project requires, payment, and length of research. As a general guideline:

  • Pay the workers well, promptly and regardless of what happens (e.g. technical difficulties).
  • Restrict your study to master workers if you can afford to.
  • Keep studies short to 20 minutes or less. If your study is longer and cannot be reasonably shortened, consider more generous compensation.

- The MTurk data you receive will contain the unique MTurk worker IDs and the Inquisit completion code entered by each respective worker. In your Inquisit data, available via your account’s Online Data section, the code is logged in the subject / script.subjectid columns. This allows you to match the data (worker IDs to completion codes / subject IDs) from both platforms, check whether a given worker has completed the HIT to your satisfaction and resolve compensation disputes accordingly.

A similar guide for Qualtrics can be found at

2.) Inquisit Setup

- Log in to your account and go to the Online Experiments section:

- Click “Register New Experiment”

- Choose a name for the experiment, upload the scripts and other materials, and – if multiple scripts are involved – select the batch script you created as the experiment’s start script.

- Configure the experiment’s start page with general description and instructions as needed.

- Select random participant IDs. The randomly generated subject ID will be used as the confirmation code for the MTurk HIT.

Set goup ids to random or sequential and indicate the number of between-subjects conditions in your
task(s). In case of IATs, there are 2 groups: Block order (compatible first vs. incompatible first) is counterbalanced between-subjects.

- The settings under Participants and Advanced Settings can be left as-is.

- Under Finish Page, select the default finish page and choose “Show subject ID as confirmation code”:

- You can now Save and Close the settings.

- The URL for your Inquisit experiment’ Launch Page is now listed on the Online Experiment’s page. This is the URL you will provide in your MTurk HIT.

A similar guide for Qualtrics can be found at

Now, if you're working with two platforms, the steps are essentially the same. In cases where you start with a web survey platform (e.g. Qualtrics or REDcap), you would put the Qualtrics or REDcap survey link into MTurk. The survey platform would then generate the confirmation code and instead of displaying it pass it on to Inquisit via URL parameter. Inquisit can read the code in as its subject ID and then display it at the end. Participants enter the confirmation code into MTurk, and that ties all three platforms together using a single identifier.

In cases where you're starting with Inquisit and then move on to a web survey platform, have Inquisit generate random subject IDs and, instead of displaying them as confirmation code, have Inquisit pass the ID on to the web survey via URL parameter. The web survey can read the ID in and then display it to participants as the confirmation code at the end.

Thanks Dave, i'll have a search through these resources.



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