survey page + posttrialpause

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I have two hopefully simple questions!

1) I saw another post where surveypage does not have posttrialpause and I am trying to figure out how to get around this. 
I want the subject to click their response, where the circle they clicked is then filled black and I want it to stay like that for 250 ms before moving to the next trial. I know I can branch to the same trial but I want the circle to be filled black for those 250 ms. Any suggestions?
2) I also wanted to know if I can put the options' text underneath the circle for radiobuttons (rather than beside circles).

Thanks, I really appreciate the help!
experiment.iqx (159 views, 2.00 KB)
woman-570883_1920.jpg (174 views, 314.00 KB)
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anisa_khalfan - 6/29/2021
I have two hopefully simple questions!

1) I saw another post where surveypage does not have posttrialpause and I am trying to figure out how to get around this. 
I want the subject to click their response, where the circle they clicked is then filled black and I want it to stay like that for 250 ms before moving to the next trial. I know I can branch to the same trial but I want the circle to be filled black for those 250 ms. Any suggestions?
2) I also wanted to know if I can put the options' text underneath the circle for radiobuttons (rather than beside circles).

Thanks, I really appreciate the help!

See attached.
experiment.iqx (192 views, 4.00 KB)
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Dave - 6/29/2021
anisa_khalfan - 6/29/2021
I have two hopefully simple questions!

1) I saw another post where surveypage does not have posttrialpause and I am trying to figure out how to get around this. 
I want the subject to click their response, where the circle they clicked is then filled black and I want it to stay like that for 250 ms before moving to the next trial. I know I can branch to the same trial but I want the circle to be filled black for those 250 ms. Any suggestions?
2) I also wanted to know if I can put the options' text underneath the circle for radiobuttons (rather than beside circles).

Thanks, I really appreciate the help!

See attached.

Perfect, thank you! So if I wanted to add to the fear_rating survey page such that it moves to the fear_rating_ptp once a response is made (rather than them clicking continue) I would need to use an expression in the branch statement?

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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
anisa_khalfan - 6/29/2021
Dave - 6/29/2021
anisa_khalfan - 6/29/2021
I have two hopefully simple questions!

1) I saw another post where surveypage does not have posttrialpause and I am trying to figure out how to get around this. 
I want the subject to click their response, where the circle they clicked is then filled black and I want it to stay like that for 250 ms before moving to the next trial. I know I can branch to the same trial but I want the circle to be filled black for those 250 ms. Any suggestions?
2) I also wanted to know if I can put the options' text underneath the circle for radiobuttons (rather than beside circles).

Thanks, I really appreciate the help!

See attached.

Perfect, thank you! So if I wanted to add to the fear_rating survey page such that it moves to the fear_rating_ptp once a response is made (rather than them clicking continue) I would need to use an expression in the branch statement?

No, that's not possible using surveypages, they'll always require use of the navigation button,

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