+x+xHi All,
I am returning to Inquisit after modifying a script 5-7 years ago. Most of what I learned doin that has disappeared into the ether.
I was hoping that someone on here was familiar with the propositional evaluation paradigm and would be willing to provide some guidance as to how to go about coding a script for the task?
Thank you very much guys.
You can find PEP scripts used in the publication
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1948550620978019 (experiment 3) at
https://osf.io/yv972/Looking at those is probably a good start.
Thanks again, Dave. Those links really got me pointed in the right direction. However, I'm hoping someone out there might be able to get me over thenect hurdle.
I have modified one of the above scriots to more closely suit my needs (ie. English language, different stimuli set) but the script is no longer functioning when I try and run it with my stimuli and parameters.
Can anyone see what I've got wrong. One thing I'm unsure of is using the escape charaacter when attempting to include punction in my 'probe' text parameters.
I really appreciate any help with this guys.
Kind regards,
M Gerathy
***Trigger warning! The experiment will assess violent attitudes and therefore contains some language that may trigger difficult emotions.***
*********************************************************************Standard settings for the experiment****************************
**Standard text color/backgrund color, size, valid response keys etc. for trials
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", 80)
/ txcolor = (255, 255, 255)
/ txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ validkeys = (" ", "t", "a", "l")
/ halign = center
**Same as above but for instruction pages
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ nextkey = (" ")
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar to continue"
/ prevlabel = "Press 't' to go back"
/ prevkey = ("t")
<text spacebar>
/ fontstyle = ("Geneva", 2.5%, false, false, true, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("Press SPACE BAR to continue")
/ select = noreplace
/ color = (255, 255, 255)
/ position = (80%, 85%)
/ txbgcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ halign = center
***** intro *****
**** introduction
<block introduction>
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ trials = [1 = intro_1; 2 = intro_2; 3 = intro_3; 4 = intro_4; 5 = intro_5]
*** 1s delay
<trial one_second>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=blank]
/ trialduration = 1000
***Practice phase
<block practice>
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ trials = [1 = one_second; 2-7 = list.practice]
/ bgstim = (reminderresponse_linksrechts_links, reminderresponse_linksrechts_rechts)
<block pep>
/ screencolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ preinstructions = (interim)
/ trials = [1 = one_second; 2-352 = list.pep]
/ bgstim = (reminderresponse_linksrechts_links, reminderresponse_linksrechts_rechts)
<item instr_1>
/ 1 = "EXAMPLE INSTRUCTIONS You will perform an assignment that is generally used to estimate whether people have prejudices about
immigrants. However, we are interested in whether it is possible to cheat in this test. So, in this study,
we ask you to carry out the assignment AS IF YOU HAVE ANTI-IMMIGRANT PREJUDICE. You do this by answering
as if you are strongly against immigrants.~n~nOn the following screens you will receive instructions that other participants also see
<item instr_2>
/ 1 = "EXAMPLE INSTRUCTIONS The normal instructions:~n~n~n~n~nIn this task you will get a number of trials. Each trial requires you to use the keyboard
used to give an answer: the 'A' key for 'TRUE' and the 'L' key for 'FALSE'. Now locate these keys on the keyboard.
~n~nEach trial will start with a sentence displaying each word of the sentence one after the other. Make sure you get every
carefully read sentence as it is depicted.~n~nAfter showing each sentence, there are two stimuli that can follow.~n~nThe first stimulus
is “??TRUE OR FALSE???”. If you see this stimulus, you will have to answer based on whether YOU BELIEVE the previous sentence is correct (true)
or was wrong (false).~nFor example, if the previous sentence “Immigration is good for Belgium.” was, and you believe this is right, then you choose
for 'TRUE' by pressing the 'A' key."
<item instr_3>
/ 1 = "EXAMPLE INSTRUCTIONS The normal instructions:~n~n~n~n~nThe second kind of stimulus is the image of either the word “TRUE” or the word “FALSE”. If you
see one of these stimuli, you will have to respond in accordance with the stimulus.~n~nThat is, if the stimulus is TRUE,
you must answer 'TRUE' by pressing the 'A' key and if the stimulus is 'FALSE' you must answer 'FALSE' by pressing the 'L' key
~nImportant for these stimuli is that you should ignore the truth of the previous sentence.~n~nFor example, if you saw the sentence
“Immigration is good for Belgium.” and the stimulus was 'FALSE', then you will have to answer 'FALSE' by pressing the 'L' key even
if you believe this sentence is true.~nThe same is true if you see “Immigration is bad for Belgium” and the stimulus is “TRUE”. Here
you will also have to answer "TRUE" by pressing the "A" key, even if you believe this sentence is not true."
<item instr_4>
/ 1 = "EXAMPLE INSTRUCTIONS The normal instructions:~n~n~n~n~nNow you get the chance to practice the problem.
Also remember the normal instructions of the task:
If you say "??TRUE OR FALSE???" see, you answer based on whether YOU BELIEVE whether this sentence is true (true) or false (false).
If you see “TRUE” or “FALSE”, you are responding based on this stimulus, ignoring your own belief about the truth value of this sentence.
Use the 'A' key to answer TRUE and the 'L' key to answer FALSE.
Start answering as soon as possible, even if you are not sure."
<item instr_5>
<page interim>
^^Great! Now the real task begins. This will take approximately 35 minutes to complete.~n~nWhen you are ready to begin, press SPACEBAR.
**********************************************************Permanent text on screen (bgstim from "block")****************************
<text reminderresponse_leftright_left>
/ erase = false
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("TRUE")
/ select = noreplace
/ position = (10%, 10%)
/ font = ("Times New Roman", 48, 700, 0, 34)
<text reminderresponse_leftright_right>
/ erase = false
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("FALSE")
/ select = noreplace
/ position = (90%, 10%)
/ font = ("Times New Roman", 48, 700, 0, 34)
<text wrong>
/ font = ("Times New Roman", -50, 700, 0, 34)
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("INCORRECT!")
/ select = noreplace
/ color = (255, 0, 0)
/ position = (50, 70)
***** PROBES *****
* ITEMS 4 words *
<item probes_4_1>
/ 1 = "WAR"
/ 2 = "WAR"
<item probes_4_2>
/ 1 = "IS"
/ 2 = "CAN"
<item probes_4_3>
/ 1 = "OFTEN"
/ 2 = "BE"
<item probes_4_4>
/ 2 = "JUST"
* ITEMS 5 words *
<item probes_5_1>
/ 1 = "CAPITAL"
<item probes_5_2>
<item probes_5_3>
/ 1 = "IS"
<item probes_5_4>
/ 1 = "OFTEN"
<item probes_5_5>
* ITEMS 6 words *
<item probes_6_1>
/ 1 = "VIOLENT"
/ 2 = "THE"
<item probes_6_2>
/ 1 = "CRIMES"
<item probes_6_3>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
/ 2 = "OF"
<item probes_6_4>
/ 1 = "BE"
/ 2 = "WEAPONS"
<item probes_6_5>
/ 1 = "PUNISHED"
/ 2 = "IS"
<item probes_6_6>
* ITEMS 7 words *
<item probes_7_1>
/ 1 = "CHILDREN"
/ 2 = "A"
/ 3 = "EVERY"
/ 4 = "WAR"
<item probes_7_2>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
/ 2 = "VIOLENT"
/ 3 = "NATION"
/ 4 = "IN"
<item probes_7_3>
/ 1 = "BE"
/ 3 = "SHOULD"
<item probes_7_4>
/ 1 = "SPANKED"
/ 2 = "CAN"
/ 3 = "HAVE"
/ 4 = "IS"
<item probes_7_5>
/ 1 = "FOR"
/ 2 = "BE"
/ 3 = "A"
<item probes_7_6>
/ 1 = "TEMPER"
/ 3 = "WAR"
/ 4 = "ALL"
<item probes_7_7>
/ 1 = "TANTRUMS"
/ 2 = "RIGHT"
/ 3 = "INDUSTRY"
/ 4 = "RIGHT"
* ITEMS 8 words *
<item probes_8_1>
/ 1 = "A"
<item probes_8_2>
/ 1 = "CHILD~'S"
<item probes_8_3>
/ 1 = "HABITUAL"
<item probes_8_4>
<item probes_8_5>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
<item probes_8_6>
/ 1 = "BE"
<item probes_8_7>
/ 1 = "PUNISHED"
<item probes_8_8>
* ITEMS 9 words *
<item probes_9_1>
/ 1 = "OUR"
/ 2 = "YOUNG"
/ 3 = "THE"
<item probes_9_2>
/ 1 = "COUNTRY"
/ 2 = "CHILDREN"
/ 3 = "DOMINANT"
<item probes_9_3>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
/ 2 = "WHO"
/ 3 = "PARTNER"
<item probes_9_4>
/ 1 = "BE"
/ 2 = "REFUSE"
/ 3 = "SHOULD"
<item probes_9_5>
/ 2 = "TO"
/ 3 = "KEEP"
<item probes_9_6>
/ 1 = "WITH"
/ 2 = "OBEY"
/ 3 = "CONTROL"
<item probes_9_7>
/ 1 = "ITS"
/ 2 = "SHOULD"
/ 3 = "BY"
<item probes_9_8>
/ 1 = "MILITARY"
/ 2 = "BE"
/ 3 = "USING"
<item probes_9_9>
/ 2 = "WHIPPED"
/ 3 = "VIOLENCE"
* ITEMS 10 words *
<item probes_10_1>
/ 2 = "OUR"
<item probes_10_2>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
/ 2 = "COUNTRY"
<item probes_10_3>
/ 1 = "HAVE"
/ 2 = "HAS"
<item probes_10_4>
/ 1 = "MORE"
/ 2 = "THE"
<item probes_10_5>
/ 1 = "SEVERE"
/ 2 = "RIGHT"
<item probes_10_6>
/ 1 = "LABOUR"
/ 2 = "TO"
<item probes_10_7>
/ 2 = "PROTECT"
<item probes_10_8>
/ 1 = "THAN"
/ 2 = "ITS"
<item probes_10_9>
/ 1 = "THEY"
/ 2 = "BORDERS"
<item probes_10_10>
/ 1 = "DO"
* ITEMS 11 words *
<item probes_11_1>
/ 1 = "ANY"
/ 2 = "VIOLENCE"
/ 3 = "THE"
/ 6 = "PARTNERS"
<item probes_11_2>
/ 1 = "PRISONER"
/ 2 = "AGAINST"
/ 3 = "DEATH"
/ 4 = "SHOULD"
/ 5 = "SHOULD"
/ 6 = "SHOULD"
<item probes_11_3>
/ 1 = "DESERVES"
/ 2 = "THE"
/ 3 = "PENALTY"
/ 4 = "NEVER"
/ 5 = "USE"
/ 6 = "WORK"
<item probes_11_4>
/ 1 = "TO"
/ 2 = "ENEMY"
/ 3 = "SHOULD"
/ 4 = "GET"
/ 5 = "ARMED"
/ 6 = "THINGS"
<item probes_11_5>
/ 1 = "BE"
/ 2 = "SHOULD"
/ 3 = "BE"
/ 4 = "OUT"
/ 5 = "POLICE"
/ 6 = "OUT"
<item probes_11_6>
/ 2 = "BE"
/ 3 = "A"
/ 4 = "OF"
/ 5 = "AGAINST"
/ 6 = "TOGETHER"
<item probes_11_7>
/ 1 = "BY"
/ 2 = "PART"
/ 3 = "PART"
/ 4 = "THEIR"
/ 5 = "STUDENTS"
/ 6 = "EVEN"
<item probes_11_8>
/ 1 = "OTHER"
/ 2 = "OF"
/ 3 = "OF"
/ 4 = "SENTENCE"
/ 5 = "WHO"
/ 6 = "IF"
<item probes_11_9>
/ 2 = "EVERY"
/ 3 = "EVERY"
/ 4 = "FOR"
/ 5 = "DESTROY"
/ 6 = "IT"
<item probes_11_10>
/ 1 = "IN"
/ 2 = "NATION~'S"
/ 3 = "PENAL"
/ 4 = "GOOD"
/ 6 = "TAKES"
<item probes_11_11>
/ 1 = "JAIL"
/ 2 = "DEFENSE"
/ 3 = "CODE"
/ 5 = "PROPERTY"
/ 6 = "VIOLENCE"
* ITEM 12 words *
<item probe_12_1>
/ 1 = "ANY"
/ 2 = "KILLING"
<item probe_12_2>
/ 1 = "NATION"
/ 2 = "OF"
<item probe_12_3>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
<item probe_12_4>
/ 1 = "BE"
/ 2 = "SHOULD"
<item probe_12_5>
/ 1 = "READY"
/ 2 = "BE"
<item probe_12_6>
/ 1 = "WITH"
/ 2 = "ACCEPTED"
<item probe_12_7>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "AS"
<item probe_12_8>
/ 1 = "STRONG"
/ 2 = "AN"
<item probe_12_9>
/ 1 = "MILITARY"
<item probe_12_10>
/ 1 = "AT"
/ 2 = "PART"
<item probe_12_11>
/ 1 = "ALL"
/ 2 = "OF"
<item probe_12_12>
/ 1 = "TIMES"
/ 2 = "WAR"
* ITEM 14 words *
<item probe_14_1>
/ 1 = "GIVING"
/ 2 = "ITS"
/ 3 = "AN"
<item probe_14_2>
/ 2 = "IS"
/ 3 = "ADULT"
<item probe_14_3>
/ 1 = "CHILDREN"
/ 2 = "ALL"
/ 3 = "SHOULD"
<item probe_14_4>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "RIGHT"
/ 3 = "BEAT"
<item probe_14_5>
/ 1 = "QUICK"
/ 2 = "FOR"
/ 3 = "A"
<item probe_14_6>
/ 1 = "SLAP"
/ 2 = "A"
/ 3 = "CHILD"
<item probe_14_7>
/ 1 = "IS"
/ 2 = "PARTNER"
/ 3 = "WITH"
<item probe_14_8>
/ 1 = "THE"
/ 2 = "TO"
/ 3 = "A"
<item probe_14_9>
/ 1 = "BEST"
/ 2 = "SLAP"
/ 3 = "STRAP"
<item probe_14_10>
/ 1 = "WAY"
/ 2 = "THE"
/ 3 = "OR"
<item probe_14_11>
/ 1 = "TO"
/ 2 = "OTHER~'S"
/ 3 = "STICK"
<item probe_14_12>
/ 1 = "QUICKLY"
/ 2 = "FACE"
/ 3 = "FOR"
<item probe_14_13>
/ 1 = "END"
/ 2 = "IF"
/ 3 = "BEING"
<item probe_14_14>
/ 1 = "TROUBLE"
/ 3 = "EXPELLED"
* ITEM 15 words *
<item probe_15_1>
/ 1 = "IT"
/ 2 = "THE"
/ 3 = "THE"
/ 4 = "IT"
<item probe_15_2>
/ 1 = "IS"
/ 2 = "MALE"
/ 3 = "PARTNER"
/ 4 = "IS"
<item probe_15_3>
/ 1 = "ALL"
/ 2 = "SHOULD"
/ 3 = "IS"
/ 4 = "ALL"
<item probe_15_4>
/ 1 = "RIGHT"
/ 2 = "NOT"
/ 3 = "THE"
/ 4 = "RIGHT"
<item probe_15_5>
/ 1 = "FOR"
/ 2 = "ALLOW"
/ 4 = "FOR"
<item probe_15_6>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "THE"
/ 3 = "ONE"
/ 4 = "A"
<item probe_15_7>
/ 1 = "PARTNER"
/ 2 = "FEMALE"
/ 3 = "TO"
/ 4 = "PARTNER"
<item probe_15_8>
/ 1 = "TO"
/ 2 = "THE"
/ 3 = "TAKE"
/ 4 = "TO"
<item probe_15_9>
/ 1 = "CHOKE"
/ 2 = "SAME"
/ 3 = "OUT"
/ 4 = "SHOOT"
<item probe_15_10>
/ 1 = "THE"
/ 2 = "AMOUNT"
/ 3 = "THE"
/ 4 = "THE"
<item probe_15_11>
/ 1 = "OTHER"
/ 2 = "OF"
/ 4 = "OTHER"
<item probe_15_12>
/ 1 = "IF"
/ 2 = "FREEDOM"
/ 3 = "OF"
/ 4 = "IF"
<item probe_15_13>
/ 1 = "INSULTED"
/ 2 = "AS"
/ 3 = "THE"
/ 4 = "THEY"
<item probe_15_14>
/ 1 = "OR"
/ 2 = "HE"
/ 3 = "DAY"
/ 4 = "ARE"
<item probe_15_15>
/ 2 = "HAS"
/ 3 = "ON"
* ITEM 16 words *
<item probe_16_1>
/ 2 = "IT"
/ 3 = "IT"
/ 4 = "IT"
<item probe_16_2>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "IS"
/ 3 = "IS"
/ 4 = "IS"
<item probe_16_3>
/ 1 = "CHILD"
/ 2 = "ALL"
/ 3 = "ALL"
/ 4 = "ALL"
<item probe_16_4>
/ 2 = "RIGHT"
/ 3 = "RIGHT"
/ 4 = "RIGHT"
<item probe_16_5>
/ 1 = "WHEN"
/ 2 = "FOR"
/ 3 = "FOR"
/ 4 = "FOR"
<item probe_16_6>
/ 1 = "HE~/SHE"
/ 2 = "A"
/ 3 = "A"
/ 4 = "A"
<item probe_16_7>
/ 1 = "DESERVES"
/ 2 = "PARTNER"
/ 3 = "PARTNER"
/ 4 = "PARTNER"
<item probe_16_8>
/ 1 = "IT"
/ 2 = "TO"
/ 3 = "TO"
/ 4 = "TO"
<item probe_16_9>
/ 1 = "WILL"
/ 2 = "SLAP"
/ 3 = "CHOKE"
/ 4 = "SHOOT"
<item probe_16_10>
/ 1 = "MAKE"
/ 2 = "THE"
/ 3 = "THE"
/ 4 = "THE"
<item probe_16_11>
/ 1 = "HIM~/HER"
/ 2 = "OTHER'S"
/ 3 = "OTHER"
/ 4 = "OTHER"
<item probe_16_12>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "FACE"
/ 3 = "IF"
/ 4 = "IF"
<item probe_16_13>
/ 2 = "IF"
/ 3 = "THEY"
/ 4 = "THEY"
<item probe_16_14>
/ 1 = "AND"
/ 2 = "INSULTED"
/ 3 = "HIT"
/ 4 = "FLIRT"
<item probe_16_15>
/ 1 = "MATURE"
/ 2 = "OR"
/ 3 = "A"
/ 4 = "WITH"
<item probe_16_16>
/ 1 = "ADULT"
/ 3 = "CHILD"
/ 4 = "OTHERS"
* ITEM 18 words *
<item probe_18_1>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "A"
<item probe_18_2>
/ 1 = "PARENT"
/ 2 = "TEACHER"
<item probe_18_3>
/ 1 = "HITTING"
/ 2 = "HITTING"
<item probe_18_4>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "A"
<item probe_18_5>
/ 1 = "CHILD"
/ 2 = "CHILD"
<item probe_18_6>
/ 1 = "WHEN"
/ 2 = "WHEN"
<item probe_18_7>
/ 1 = "HE~/SHE"
/ 2 = "HE~/SHE"
<item probe_18_8>
/ 1 = "DOES"
/ 2 = "DOES"
<item probe_18_9>
<item probe_18_10>
/ 1 = "BAD"
/ 2 = "BAD"
<item probe_18_11>
/ 1 = "ON"
/ 2 = "ON"
<item probe_18_12>
/ 1 = "PURPOSE"
/ 2 = "PURPOSE"
<item probe_18_13>
/ 1 = "TEACHES"
/ 2 = "TEACHES"
<item probe_18_14>
/ 1 = "THE"
/ 2 = "THE"
<item probe_18_15>
/ 1 = "CHILD"
/ 2 = "CHILD"
<item probe_18_16>
/ 1 = "A"
/ 2 = "A"
<item probe_18_17>
/ 1 = "GOOD"
/ 2 = "GOOD"
<item probe_18_18>
/ 1 = "LESSON"
/ 2 = "LESSON"
* ITEM 19 words *
<item probe_19_1>
/ 1 = "IT"
<item probe_19_2>
/ 1 = "IS"
<item probe_19_3>
/ 1 = "ALL"
<item probe_19_4>
/ 1 = "RIGHT"
<item probe_19_5>
/ 1 = "TO"
<item probe_19_6>
/ 1 = "COERCE"
<item probe_19_7>
/ 1 = "ONE~'S"
<item probe_19_8>
/ 1 = "PARTNER"
<item probe_19_9>
/ 1 = "INTO"
<item probe_19_10>
/ 1 = "HAVING"
<item probe_19_11>
/ 1 = "SEX"
<item probe_19_12>
/ 1 = "WHEN"
<item probe_19_13>
/ 1 = "THEY"
<item probe_19_14>
/ 1 = "ARE"
<item probe_19_15>
/ 1 = "NOT"
<item probe_19_16>
/ 1 = "WILLING"
<item probe_19_17>
/ 1 = "BY"
<item probe_19_18>
/ 1 = "FORCING"
<item probe_19_19>
/ 1 = "THEM"
* ITEM 20 words *
<item probe_20_1>
/ 1 = "NO"
<item probe_20_2>
/ 1 = "MATTER"
<item probe_20_3>
/ 1 = "HOW"
<item probe_20_4>
/ 1 = "SEVERE"
<item probe_20_5>
/ 1 = "THE"
<item probe_20_6>
/ 1 = "CRIME~,"
<item probe_20_7>
/ 1 = "ONE"
<item probe_20_8>
/ 1 = "SHOULD"
<item probe_20_9>
/ 1 = "PAY"
<item probe_20_10>
/ 1 = "~'AN"
<item probe_20_11>
/ 1 = "EYE"
<item probe_20_12>
/ 1 = "FOR"
<item probe_20_13>
/ 1 = "AN"
<item probe_20_14>
/ 1 = "EYE"
<item probe_20_15>
/ 1 = "AND"
<item probe_20_16>
/ 1 = "A"
<item probe_20_17>
/ 1 = "TOOTH"
<item probe_20_18>
/ 1 = "FOR"
<item probe_20_19>
/ 1 = "A"
<item probe_20_20>
/ 1 = "TOOTH~'"
* ITEM 23 words *
<item probe_23_1>
/ 1 = "IT"
<item probe_23_2>
/ 1 = "IS"
<item probe_23_3>
/ 1 = "ALL"
<item probe_23_4>
/ 1 = "RIGHT"
<item probe_23_5>
/ 1 = "TO"
<item probe_23_6>
/ 1 = "COERCE"
<item probe_23_7>
/ 1 = "ONE~'S"
<item probe_23_8>
/ 1 = "PARTNER"
<item probe_23_9>
/ 1 = "INTO"
<item probe_23_10>
/ 1 = "HAVING"
<item probe_23_11>
/ 1 = "SEX"
<item probe_23_12>
/ 1 = "WHEN"
<item probe_23_13>
/ 1 = "THEY"
<item probe_23_14>
/ 1 = "ARE"
<item probe_23_15>
/ 1 = "NOT"
<item probe_23_16>
/ 1 = "WILLING"
<item probe_23_17>
/ 1 = "BY"
<item probe_23_18>
/ 1 = "GIVING"
<item probe_23_19>
/ 1 = "THE"
<item probe_23_20>
/ 1 = "OTHER"
<item probe_23_21>
/ 1 = "ALCOHOL"
<item probe_23_22>
/ 1 = "OR"
<item probe_23_23>
/ 1 = "DRUGS"
<item true_probe>
/ 1 = "TRUE"
<item false_probe>
/ 1 = "FALSE"
<item catch>
/ 1 = "??TRUE OF FALSE??"
***** TEXT ELEMENTS *****
<text 4words_1>
/ items = probes_4_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 4words_2>
/ items = probes_4_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.4words_1.currentindex
<text 5words_1>
/ items = probes_5_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 6words_1>
/ items = probes_6_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 6words_2>
/ items = probes_6_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.6words_1.currentindex
<text 7words_1>
/ items = probes_7_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 7words_2>
/ items = probes_7_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.7words_1.currentindex
<text 7words_3>
/ items = probes_7_3
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.7words_1.currentindex
<text 7words_4>
/ items = probes_7_4
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.7words_1.currentindex
<text 8words_1>
/ items = probes_8_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 9words_1>
/ items = probes_9_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 9words_2>
/ items = probes_9_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.9words_1.currentindex
<text 9words_3>
/ items = probes_9_3
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.9words_1.currentindex
<text 10words_1>
/ items = probes_10_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 10words_2>
/ items = probes_10_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.10words_1.currentindex
<text 11words_1>
/ items = probes_11_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 11words_2>
/ items = probes_11_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.11words_1.currentindex
<text 11words_3>
/ items = probes_11_3
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.11words_1.currentindex
<text 11words_4>
/ items = probes_11_4
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.11words_1.currentindex
<text 11words_5>
/ items = probes_11_5
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.11words_1.currentindex
<text 11words_6>
/ items = probes_11_6
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.11words_1.currentindex
<text 12words_1>
/ items = probes_12_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 12words_2>
/ items = probes_12_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.12words_1.currentindex
<text 14words_1>
/ items = probe_14_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 14words_2>
/ items = probe_14_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.14words_1.currentindex
<text 14words_3>
/ items = probe_14_3
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.14words_1.currentindex
<text 15words_1>
/ items = probe_15_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 15words_2>
/ items = probe_15_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.15words_1.currentindex
<text 15words_3>
/ items = probe_15_3
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.15words_1.currentindex
<text 15words_4>
/ items = probe_15_4
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.15words_1.currentindex
<text 16words_1>
/ items = probe_16_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 16words_2>
/ items = probe_16_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.16words_1.currentindex
<text 16words_3>
/ items = probe_16_3
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.16words_1.currentindex
<text 16words_4>
/ items = probe_16_4
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.16words_1.currentindex
<text 18words_1>
/ items = probe_18_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 18words_2>
/ items = probe_18_2
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
/ select = text.18words_1.currentindex
<text 19words_1>
/ items = probe_19_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 20words_1>
/ items = probe_20_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text 23words_1>
/ items = probe_23_1
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text true_probe>
/ items = true_probe
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text false_probe>
/ items = false_probe
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text catch>
/ items = catch
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
<text cross>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 6%)
/ hjustify = center
***** SHAPES *****
<shape blank>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = black
/ size = (50%, 45%)
<shape blackscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (0, 0, 0)
/ position = (50, 50)
/ size = (1000, 400)
/ erase = false
<trial ITI>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = blackscreen]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ trialduration = noreplace(250, 500, 750)
*******************PEP TRIALS************************
***** 4 WORDS *****
<trial 4words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 4words_1; 700=blank, 4words_2;
900=blank, 4words_3; 1100=blank, 4words_4;
1600=blank; 2100 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 2100
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 4words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 4words_1; 700=blank, 4words_2;
900=blank, 4words_3; 1100=blank, 4words_4;
1600=blank; 2100 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 2100
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 4words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 4words_1; 700=blank, 4words_2;
900=blank, 4words_3; 1100=blank, 4words_4;
1600=blank; 2100 = catch]
/ responsetime = 2100
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 5 WORDS *****
<trial 5words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 5words_1; 700=blank, 5words_2;
900=blank, 5words_3; 1100=blank, 5words_4;
1300=blank, 5words_5; 1800=blank; 2300 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 2300
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 5words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 5words_1; 700=blank, 5words_2;
900=blank, 5words_3; 1100=blank, 5words_4;
1300=blank, 5words_5; 1800=blank; 2300 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 2300
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 5words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 5words_1; 700=blank, 5words_2;
900=blank, 5words_3; 1100=blank, 5words_4;
1300=blank, 5words_5; 1800=blank; 2300 = catch]
/ responsetime = 2300
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 6 WORDS *****
<trial 6words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 6words_1; 700=blank, 6words_2;
900=blank, 6words_3; 1100=blank, 6words_4;
1300=blank, 6words_5; 1500=blank, 6words_6;
2000=blank; 2500 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 2500
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 6words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 6words_1; 700=blank, 6words_2;
900=blank, 6words_3; 1100=blank, 6words_4;
1300=blank, 6words_5; 1500=blank, 6words_6;
2000=blank; 2500 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 2500
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 6words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 6words_1; 700=blank, 6words_2;
900=blank, 6words_3; 1100=blank, 6words_4;
1300=blank, 6words_5; 1500=blank, 6words_6;
2000=blank; 2500 = catch]
/ responsetime = 2500
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 7 WORDS *****
<trial 7words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 7words_1; 700=blank, 7words_2;
900=blank, 7words_3; 1100=blank, 7words_4;
1300=blank, 7words_5; 1500=blank, 7words_6;
1700=blank, 7words_7; 2200=blank; 2700 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 2700
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 7words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 7words_1; 700=blank, 7words_2;
900=blank, 7words_3; 1100=blank, 7words_4;
1300=blank, 7words_5; 1500=blank, 7words_6;
1700=blank, 7words_7; 2200=blank; 2700 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 2700
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 7words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 7words_1; 700=blank, 7words_2;
900=blank, 7words_3; 1100=blank, 7words_4;
1300=blank, 7words_5; 1500=blank, 7words_6;
1700=blank, 7words_7; 2200=blank; 2700 = catch]
/ responsetime = 2700
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 8 WORDS *****
<trial 8words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 8words_1; 700=blank, 8words_2;
900=blank, 8words_3; 1100=blank, 8words_4;
1300=blank, 8words_5; 1500=blank, 8words_6;
1700=blank, 8words_7; 1900=blank, 8words_8;
2400=blank; 2900 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 2900
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 8words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 8words_1; 700=blank, 8words_2;
900=blank, 8words_3; 1100=blank, 8words_4;
1300=blank, 8words_5; 1500=blank, 8words_6;
1700=blank, 8words_7; 1900=blank, 8words_8;
2400=blank; 2900 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 2900
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 8words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 8words_1; 700=blank, 8words_2;
900=blank, 8words_3; 1100=blank, 8words_4;
1300=blank, 8words_5; 1500=blank, 8words_6;
1700=blank, 8words_7; 1900=blank, 8words_8;
2400=blank; 2900 = catch]
/ responsetime = 2900
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 9 WORDS *****
<trial 9words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 9words_1; 700=blank, 9words_2;
900=blank, 9words_3; 1100=blank, 9words_4;
1300=blank, 9words_5; 1500=blank, 9words_6;
1700=blank, 9words_7; 1900=blank, 9words_8;
2100=blank, 9words_9; 2600=blank; 3100 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 3100
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 9words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 9words_1; 700=blank, 9words_2;
900=blank, 9words_3; 1100=blank, 9words_4;
1300=blank, 9words_5; 1500=blank, 9words_6;
1700=blank, 9words_7; 1900=blank, 9words_8;
2100=blank, 9words_9; 2600=blank; 3100 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 3100
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 9words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 9words_1; 700=blank, 9words_2;
900=blank, 9words_3; 1100=blank, 9words_4;
1300=blank, 9words_5; 1500=blank, 9words_6;
1700=blank, 9words_7; 1900=blank, 9words_8;
2100=blank, 9words_9; 2600=blank; 3100 = catch]
/ responsetime = 3100
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 10 WORDS *****
<trial 10words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 10words_1; 700=blank, 10words_2;
900=blank, 10words_3; 1100=blank, 10words_4;
1300=blank, 10words_5; 1500=blank, 10words_6;
1700=blank, 10words_7; 1900=blank, 10words_8;
2100=blank, 10words_9; 2300=blank, 10words_10;
2800=blank; 3300 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 3300
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 10words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 10words_1; 700=blank, 10words_2;
900=blank, 10words_3; 1100=blank, 10words_4;
1300=blank, 10words_5; 1500=blank, 10words_6;
1700=blank, 10words_7; 1900=blank, 10words_8;
2100=blank, 10words_9; 2300=blank, 10words_10;
2800=blank; 3300 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 3300
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 10words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 10words_1; 700=blank, 10words_2;
900=blank, 10words_3; 1100=blank, 10words_4;
1300=blank, 10words_5; 1500=blank, 10words_6;
1700=blank, 10words_7; 1900=blank, 10words_8;
2100=blank, 10words_9; 2300=blank, 10words_10;
2800=blank; 3300 = catch]
/ responsetime = 3300
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 11 WORDS *****
<trial 11words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 11words_1; 700=blank, 11words_2;
900=blank, 11words_3; 1100=blank, 11words_4;
1300=blank, 11words_5; 1500=blank, 11words_6;
1700=blank, 11words_7; 1900=blank, 11words_8;
2100=blank, 11words_9; 2300=blank, 11words_10;
2500=blank, 11words_11; 3000=blank; 3500 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 3500
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 11words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 11words_1; 700=blank, 11words_2;
900=blank, 11words_3; 1100=blank, 11words_4;
1300=blank, 11words_5; 1500=blank, 11words_6;
1700=blank, 11words_7; 1900=blank, 11words_8;
2100=blank, 11words_9; 2300=blank, 11words_10;
2500=blank, 11words_11; 3000=blank; 3500 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 3500
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 11words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 11words_1; 700=blank, 11words_2;
900=blank, 11words_3; 1100=blank, 11words_4;
1300=blank, 11words_5; 1500=blank, 11words_6;
1700=blank, 11words_7; 1900=blank, 11words_8;
2100=blank, 11words_9; 2300=blank, 11words_10;
2500=blank, 11words_11; 3000=blank; 3500 = catch]
/ responsetime = 3500
/ branch = [trial.iti]
***** 12 WORDS *****
<trial 12words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 12words_1; 700=blank, 12words_2;
900=blank, 12words_3; 1100=blank, 12words_4;
1300=blank, 12words_5; 1500=blank, 12words_6;
1700=blank, 12words_7; 1900=blank, 12words_8;
2100=blank, 12words_9; 2300=blank, 12words_10;
2500=blank, 12words_11; 2700=blank, 12words_12;
3200=blank; 3700 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 3700
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 12words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 12words_1; 700=blank, 12words_2;
900=blank, 12words_3; 1100=blank, 12words_4;
1300=blank, 12words_5; 1500=blank, 12words_6;
1700=blank, 12words_7; 1900=blank, 12words_8;
2100=blank, 12words_9; 2300=blank, 12words_10;
2500=blank, 12words_11; 2700=blank, 12words_12;
3200=blank; 3700 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 3700
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 12words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 12words_1; 700=blank, 12words_2;
900=blank, 12words_3; 1100=blank, 12words_4;
1300=blank, 12words_5; 1500=blank, 12words_6;
1700=blank, 12words_7; 1900=blank, 12words_8;
2100=blank, 12words_9; 2300=blank, 12words_10;
2500=blank, 12words_11; 2700=blank, 12words_12;
3200=blank; 3700 = catch]
/ responsetime = 3700
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 14words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 14words_1; 700=blank, 14words_2;
900=blank, 14words_3; 1100=blank, 14words_4;
1300=blank, 14words_5; 1500=blank, 14words_6;
1700=blank, 14words_7; 1900=blank, 14words_8;
2100=blank, 14words_9; 2300=blank, 14words_10;
2500=blank, 14words_11; 2700=blank, 14words_12;
2900=blank, 14words_13; 3100=blank, 14words_14; 3600=blank;
4100 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 4100
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 14words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 14words_1; 700=blank, 14words_2;
900=blank, 14words_3; 1100=blank, 14words_4;
1300=blank, 14words_5; 1500=blank, 14words_6;
1700=blank, 14words_7; 1900=blank, 14words_8;
2100=blank, 14words_9; 2300=blank, 14words_10;
2500=blank, 14words_11; 2700=blank, 14words_12;
2900=blank, 14words_13; 3100=blank, 14words_14; 3600=blank;
4100 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 4100
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 14words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 14words_1; 700=blank, 14words_2;
900=blank, 14words_3; 1100=blank, 14words_4;
1300=blank, 14words_5; 1500=blank, 14words_6;
1700=blank, 14words_7; 1900=blank, 14words_8;
2100=blank, 14words_9; 2300=blank, 14words_10;
2500=blank, 14words_11; 2700=blank, 14words_12;
2900=blank, 14words_13; 3100=blank, 14words_14; 3600=blank;
4100 = catch]
/ responsetime = 4100
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 15words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 15words_1; 700=blank, 15words_2;
900=blank, 15words_3; 1100=blank, 15words_4;
1300=blank, 15words_5; 1500=blank, 15words_6;
1700=blank, 15words_7; 1900=blank, 15words_8;
2100=blank, 15words_9; 2300=blank, 15words_10;
2500=blank, 15words_11; 2700=blank, 15words_12;
2900=blank, 15words_13; 3100=blank, 15words_14;
3300=blank, 15words_15; 3800=blank; 4300 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 4300
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 15words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 15words_1; 700=blank, 15words_2;
900=blank, 15words_3; 1100=blank, 15words_4;
1300=blank, 15words_5; 1500=blank, 15words_6;
1700=blank, 15words_7; 1900=blank, 15words_8;
2100=blank, 15words_9; 2300=blank, 15words_10;
2500=blank, 15words_11; 2700=blank, 15words_12;
2900=blank, 15words_13; 3100=blank, 15words_14;
3300=blank, 15words_15; 3800=blank; 4300 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 4300
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 15words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 15words_1; 700=blank, 15words_2;
900=blank, 15words_3; 1100=blank, 15words_4;
1300=blank, 15words_5; 1500=blank, 15words_6;
1700=blank, 15words_7; 1900=blank, 15words_8;
2100=blank, 15words_9; 2300=blank, 15words_10;
2500=blank, 15words_11; 2700=blank, 15words_12;
2900=blank, 15words_13; 3100=blank, 15words_14;
3300=blank, 15words_15; 3800=blank; 4300 = catch]
/ responsetime = 4300
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 16words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 16words_1; 700=blank, 16words_2;
900=blank, 16words_3; 1100=blank, 16words_4;
1300=blank, 16words_5; 1500=blank, 16words_6;
1700=blank, 16words_7; 1900=blank, 16words_8;
2100=blank, 16words_9; 2300=blank, 16words_10;
2500=blank, 16words_11; 2700=blank, 16words_12;
2900=blank, 16words_13; 3100=blank, 16words_14;
3300=blank, 16words_15; 3500=blank, 16words_16; 4000=blank;
4500 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 4500
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 16words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 16words_1; 700=blank, 16words_2;
900=blank, 16words_3; 1100=blank, 16words_4;
1300=blank, 16words_5; 1500=blank, 16words_6;
1700=blank, 16words_7; 1900=blank, 16words_8;
2100=blank, 16words_9; 2300=blank, 16words_10;
2500=blank, 16words_11; 2700=blank, 16words_12;
2900=blank, 16words_13; 3100=blank, 16words_14;
3300=blank, 16words_15; 3500=blank, 16words_16; 4000=blank;
4500 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 4500
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 16words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 16words_1; 700=blank, 16words_2;
900=blank, 16words_3; 1100=blank, 16words_4;
1300=blank, 16words_5; 1500=blank, 16words_6;
1700=blank, 16words_7; 1900=blank, 16words_8;
2100=blank, 16words_9; 2300=blank, 16words_10;
2500=blank, 16words_11; 2700=blank, 16words_12;
2900=blank, 16words_13; 3100=blank, 16words_14;
3300=blank, 16words_15; 3500=blank, 16words_16; 4000=blank;
4500 = catch]
/ responsetime = 4500
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 18words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 18words_1; 700=blank, 18words_2;
900=blank, 18words_3; 1100=blank, 18words_4;
1300=blank, 18words_5; 1500=blank, 18words_6;
1700=blank, 18words_7; 1900=blank, 18words_8;
2100=blank, 18words_9; 2300=blank, 18words_10;
2500=blank, 18words_11; 2700=blank, 18words_12;
2900=blank, 18words_13; 3100=blank, 18words_14;
3300=blank, 18words_15; 3500=blank, 18words_16;
3700=blank, 18words_17; 3900=blank, 18words_18;
4400=blank; 4900 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 4900
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 18words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 18words_1; 700=blank, 18words_2;
900=blank, 18words_3; 1100=blank, 18words_4;
1300=blank, 18words_5; 1500=blank, 18words_6;
1700=blank, 18words_7; 1900=blank, 18words_8;
2100=blank, 18words_9; 2300=blank, 18words_10;
2500=blank, 18words_11; 2700=blank, 18words_12;
2900=blank, 18words_13; 3100=blank, 18words_14;
3300=blank, 18words_15; 3500=blank, 18words_16;
3700=blank, 18words_17; 3900=blank, 18words_18;
4400=blank; 4900 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 4900
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 18words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 18words_1; 700=blank, 18words_2;
900=blank, 18words_3; 1100=blank, 18words_4;
1300=blank, 18words_5; 1500=blank, 18words_6;
1700=blank, 18words_7; 1900=blank, 18words_8;
2100=blank, 18words_9; 2300=blank, 18words_10;
2500=blank, 18words_11; 2700=blank, 18words_12;
2900=blank, 18words_13; 3100=blank, 18words_14;
3300=blank, 18words_15; 3500=blank, 18words_16;
3700=blank, 18words_17; 3900=blank, 18words_18;
4400=blank; 4900 = catch]
/ responsetime = 4900
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 19words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 19words_1; 700=blank, 19words_2;
900=blank, 19words_3; 1100=blank, 19words_4;
1300=blank, 19words_5; 1500=blank, 19words_6;
1700=blank, 19words_7; 1900=blank, 19words_8;
2100=blank, 19words_9; 2300=blank, 19words_10;
2500=blank, 19words_11; 2700=blank, 19words_12;
2900=blank, 19words_13; 3100=blank, 19words_14;
3300=blank, 19words_15; 3500=blank, 19words_16;
3700=blank, 19words_17; 3900=blank, 19words_18;
4100=blank, 19words_19;4600=blank; 5100 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 5100
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 19words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 19words_1; 700=blank, 19words_2;
900=blank, 19words_3; 1100=blank, 19words_4;
1300=blank, 19words_5; 1500=blank, 19words_6;
1700=blank, 19words_7; 1900=blank, 19words_8;
2100=blank, 19words_9; 2300=blank, 19words_10;
2500=blank, 19words_11; 2700=blank, 19words_12;
2900=blank, 19words_13; 3100=blank, 19words_14;
3300=blank, 19words_15; 3500=blank, 19words_16;
3700=blank, 19words_17; 3900=blank, 19words_18;
4100=blank, 19words_19;4600=blank; 5100 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 5100
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 19words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 19words_1; 700=blank, 19words_2;
900=blank, 19words_3; 1100=blank, 19words_4;
1300=blank, 19words_5; 1500=blank, 19words_6;
1700=blank, 19words_7; 1900=blank, 19words_8;
2100=blank, 19words_9; 2300=blank, 19words_10;
2500=blank, 19words_11; 2700=blank, 19words_12;
2900=blank, 19words_13; 3100=blank, 19words_14;
3300=blank, 19words_15; 3500=blank, 19words_16;
3700=blank, 19words_17; 3900=blank, 19words_18;
4100=blank, 19words_19;4600=blank; 5100 = catch]
/ responsetime = 5100
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 20words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 20words_1; 700=blank, 20words_2;
900=blank, 20words_3; 1100=blank, 20words_4;
1300=blank, 20words_5; 1500=blank, 20words_6;
1700=blank, 20words_7; 1900=blank, 20words_8;
2100=blank, 20words_9; 2300=blank, 20words_10;
2500=blank, 20words_11; 2700=blank, 20words_12;
2900=blank, 20words_13; 3100=blank, 20words_14;
3300=blank, 20words_15; 3500=blank, 20words_16;
3700=blank, 20words_17; 3900=blank, 20words_18;
4100=blank, 20words_19; 4300=blank, 20words_20;
4800=blank; 5300 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 5300
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 20words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 20words_1; 700=blank, 20words_2;
900=blank, 20words_3; 1100=blank, 20words_4;
1300=blank, 20words_5; 1500=blank, 20words_6;
1700=blank, 20words_7; 1900=blank, 20words_8;
2100=blank, 20words_9; 2300=blank, 20words_10;
2500=blank, 20words_11; 2700=blank, 20words_12;
2900=blank, 20words_13; 3100=blank, 20words_14;
3300=blank, 20words_15; 3500=blank, 20words_16;
3700=blank, 20words_17; 3900=blank, 20words_18;
4100=blank, 20words_19; 4300=blank, 20words_20;
4800=blank; 5300 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 5300
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 20words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 20words_1; 700=blank, 20words_2;
900=blank, 20words_3; 1100=blank, 20words_4;
1300=blank, 20words_5; 1500=blank, 20words_6;
1700=blank, 20words_7; 1900=blank, 20words_8;
2100=blank, 20words_9; 2300=blank, 20words_10;
2500=blank, 20words_11; 2700=blank, 20words_12;
2900=blank, 20words_13; 3100=blank, 20words_14;
3300=blank, 20words_15; 3500=blank, 20words_16;
3700=blank, 20words_17; 3900=blank, 20words_18;
4100=blank, 20words_19; 4300=blank, 20words_20;
4800=blank; 5300 = catch]
/ responsetime = 5300
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 23words_true>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 23words_1; 700=blank, 23words_2;
900=blank, 23words_3; 1100=blank, 23words_4;
1300=blank, 23words_5; 1500=blank, 23words_6;
1700=blank, 23words_7; 1900=blank, 23words_8;
2100=blank, 23words_9; 2300=blank, 23words_10;
2500=blank, 23words_11; 2700=blank, 23words_12;
2900=blank, 23words_13; 3100=blank, 23words_14;
3300=blank, 23words_15; 3500=blank, 23words_16;
3700=blank, 23words_17; 3900=blank, 23words_18;
4100=blank, 23words_19; 4300=blank, 23words_20;
4500=blank, 23words_21; 4700=blank, 23words_22;
4900=blank, 23words_23; 5400=blank; 5900 = true_probe]
/ responsetime = 5900
/ responsemessage = ("l", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 23words_false>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("l")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 23words_1; 700=blank, 23words_2;
900=blank, 23words_3; 1100=blank, 23words_4;
1300=blank, 23words_5; 1500=blank, 23words_6;
1700=blank, 23words_7; 1900=blank, 23words_8;
2100=blank, 23words_9; 2300=blank, 23words_10;
2500=blank, 23words_11; 2700=blank, 23words_12;
2900=blank, 23words_13; 3100=blank, 23words_14;
3300=blank, 23words_15; 3500=blank, 23words_16;
3700=blank, 23words_17; 3900=blank, 23words_18;
4100=blank, 23words_19; 4300=blank, 23words_20;
4500=blank, 23words_21; 4700=blank, 23words_22;
4900=blank, 23words_23; 5400=blank; 5900 = false_probe]
/ responsetime = 5900
/ responsemessage = ("a", wrong, 2000)
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<trial 23words_catch>
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ validresponse = ("a", "l")
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ stimulustimes = [0=cross; 500=blank, 23words_1; 700=blank, 23words_2;
900=blank, 23words_3; 1100=blank, 23words_4;
1300=blank, 23words_5; 1500=blank, 23words_6;
1700=blank, 23words_7; 1900=blank, 23words_8;
2100=blank, 23words_9; 2300=blank, 23words_10;
2500=blank, 23words_11; 2700=blank, 23words_12;
2900=blank, 23words_13; 3100=blank, 23words_14;
3300=blank, 23words_15; 3500=blank, 23words_16;
3700=blank, 23words_17; 3900=blank, 23words_18;
4100=blank, 23words_19; 4300=blank, 23words_20;
4500=blank, 23words_21; 4700=blank, 23words_22;
4900=blank, 23words_23; 5400=blank; 5900 = catch]
/ responsetime = 5900
/ branch = [trial.iti]
<text intro_1>
/ items = instr_1
/ size = (90%, 40%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2%)
<trial intro_1>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = intro_1, spacebar]
/ validresponse = (" ")
<text intro_2>
/ items = instr_2
/ size = (90%, 40%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2%)
<trial intro_2>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = intro_2, spacebar]
/ validresponse = (" ")
<text intro_3>
/ items = instr_3
/ size = (90%, 40%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2%)
<trial intro_3>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = intro_3, spacebar]
/ validresponse = (" ")
<text intro_4>
/ items = instr_4
/ size = (90%, 40%)
/ position = (50%, 30%)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2%)
<trial intro_4>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = intro_4, spacebar]
/ validresponse = (" ")
<text intro_5>
/ items = instr_5
/ size = (90%, 40%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 3%)
<trial intro_5>
/ stimulusframes = [1 = intro_5, spacebar]
/ validresponse = (" ")
************************TRIAL LISTS*************************
<list true_probes>
/ items = (trial.4words_true,
/ itemprobabilities = (.05128205092,
/ poolsize = 117
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false
<list false_probes>
/ items = (trial.4words_false,
/ itemprobabilities = (.05128205092,
/ poolsize = 117
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false
<list catch>
/ items = (trial.4words_catch,
/ itemprobabilities = (.05128205092,
/ poolsize = 117
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false
************************BLOCK LISTS*************************
<list practice>
/ items = (list.true_probes.nextvalue,
/ itemprobabilities = (.333, .333, .333)
/ poolsize = 6
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false
<list pep>
/ items = (list.true_probes.nextvalue,
/ itemprobabilities = (.333, .333, .333)
/ poolsize = 351
/ selectionmode = random
/ replace = false
****************************************************OVERALL EXPERIMENT***************************************************************
/ blocks = [1 = introduction; 2 = practice; 3 = pep]
/ file = "NL_uninstructed_rt_pep.iqdat"
/ latencydistribution = constant(1)
/ percentcorrect = 50