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This is the practice portion of the trial. I am trying to branch to where it tells them the correct answer if they get it wrong or tells them they were correct before moving onto the second question (havent written this out fully because am trying to get the first question to branch properly) Can you let me know where I am going wrong?
<radiobuttons cryingChildpos> //positive reappr. practice question 1 / caption = "Which is an example of a positive reappraisal strategy?" / correctresponse = ("The child is being dropped off at summercamp, but he is going to have a great time") //rsp2 / options = ("Children cry for many reasons, often not for anything serious, so he will be fine", "The child is being dropped off at summercamp, but he is going to have a great time", "I'm going to try a new recipe for dinner later", "I don't like seeing people so upset, I wonder what happened to him") / validresponse = ("Children cry for many reasons, often not for anything serious, so he will be fine", "The child is being dropped off at summercamp, but he is going to have a great time", "I'm going to try a new recipe for dinner later", "I don't like seeing people so upset, I wonder what happened to him") </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons posCheck2> //positive reappr. practice question 2 / caption = "Which is an example of a positive reappraisal strategy?" / correctresponse = ("rsp3") / options = ("rsp1", "rsp2", "rsp3", "rsp4") </radiobuttons>
<textbox minStrategy> //open-ended question about how they used a reappr. strategy / caption = "Please briefly describe how you used the 'minimizing reappraisal' strategy to reevaluate the recently shown image." / mask = alphanumeric //check w/ Becca if this is right </textbox>
<textbox posStrategy> //open-ended question about how they used a reappr. strategy / caption = "Please briefly describe how you used the 'positive reappraisal' strategy to reevaluate the recently shown image." / mask = alphanumeric //check w/ Becca if this is right </textbox>
<item cryingChild> //positivize stim 1 /1 = "C:\Users\Rebecca\IAPS1\IAPS2\2900.1.jpg" //change the pathway to pic </item>
<item neonate> //positivize stim 2 /1 = "C:\Users\Rebecca\IAPS1\IAPS2\3350.jpg" //change the pathway to pic </item>
<item sickMan> //minimize stim 1 /1 = "C:\Users\Rebecca\IAPS1\IAPS2\3230.jpg" //change the pathway to pic </item>
<item lonelyBaby> //minimize stim 2 /1 = "C:\Users\Rebecca\IAPS1\IAPS2\3300.jpg" //change the pathway to pic </item>
<item cemetary> //minimize stim 2 /1 = "C:\Users\Rebecca\IAPS1\IAPS2\9000.jpg" //change the pathway to pic </item>
<item storm> //minimize stim 2 /1 = "C:\Users\Rebecca\IAPS1\IAPS2\5972.jpg" //change the pathway to pic </item>
<picture cryingChild> //format the item as a picture (can be named the same thing) /items = cryingChild /size = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture neonate> //format the item as a picture (can be named the same thing) /items = neonate /size = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture sickMan> //format the item as a picture (can be named the same thing) /items = sickMan /size = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture lonelyBaby> //format the item as a picture (can be named the same thing) /items = lonelyBaby /size = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture cemetary> //format the item as a picture (can be named the same thing) /items = cemetary /size = (50%, 50%) </picture>
<picture storm> //format the item as a picture (can be named the same thing) /items = storm /size = (50%, 50%) </picture>
*******create test trails and blocks here******
<surveypage postMin> //survey page with practice question open ended / caption = "How did you reappraise?" / questions = [1=minStrategy] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage >
<surveypage postPos> //survey page with practice question open ended / caption = "How did you reappraise?" / questions = [1=posStrategy] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage >
<surveypage minCheck1> / caption = "Practice Question" / questions = [1 = minCheck1] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage posCheck1> //multiple choice question with branching error response / caption = "Practice Question" / questions = [1 = cryingChildpos] /showpagenumbers = false /showquestionnumbers = false /branch = [ if (surveypage.posCheck1.response == "The child is being dropped off at summercamp, but he is going to have a great time") surveypage.successpage else surveypage.errorPractice1 ] </surveypage>
<surveypage errorPractice1 > //error response for question1 /caption = "The correct response was: " </surveypage>
<surveypage correctanswer> / caption = "Correct press next to move on" / timeout = 400 / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false / showbackbutton = false / nextbuttonposition = (-10%, -10%) </surveypage>
<trial posqustion1> //actual trial first is text, 2 seconds later comes pic, 6 seconds later picture is erased / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 200 =text.positivize; 400=cryingChild; 1200=erasescreen] / response = noresponse / posttrialpause = 200 </trial>
<trial stimMin> //actual trial first is text, 2 seconds later comes pic, 6 seconds later picture is erased / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 200= text.minimizingview; 400=cemetary; 1200=erasescreen] / response = noresponse / posttrialpause = 200 </trial>
<page practice_intro> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ First, we are going to do some practice.
<text error > / items = ("Incorrect, please try again.")
<block practiceblock> //trial with picture, followed by survey / preinstructions = (intro1_appraisal_instructions,practice_intro) / trials = [1=surveypage.posCheck1; 2=trial.posqustion1; 3=surveypage.postPos;] </block>