Presenting HTML Pages as Items in Experiment

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Dave - 7/20/2021
jkdemps2 - 7/20/2021

I tried searching for this, but I could not find exactly what I was looking for. I am trying to program an experiment where participants read passages followed by a series of comprehension questions. Obviously, I want the comprehension questions to be recorded, but I'm not looking specifically for any reading measure during the passages. For this reason, I hoped to simply use either a PDF or HTML page as the item itself. For example, instead of writing the item in Inquisit, I was hoping to simply link the item to the HTML page that has the passage in it.

For example, if the Passage1 is in the HTML page titled passage1.html, I'd want the first item participants see to be passage1.html followed by seven or so comprehension questions.

I have a few questions related to this:
1. Can I use entire pages uploaded to the experiment as items in this way?
2. If yes, can I use PDFs as well as HTML pages - would that still work?
3. Is there an example script I could use as a starting point that would make this easier? I'm relatively new to Inquisit, so it's fairly overwhelming.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!


> 1. Can I use entire pages uploaded to the experiment as items in this way?


> 2. If yes, can I use PDFs as well as HTML pages - would that still work?

You can use HTML. You cannot use PDF. The stimulus element to display HTML files is <html>:

> 3. Is there an example script I could use as a starting point that would make this easier? I'm relatively new to Inquisit, so it's fairly overwhelming.

The <html> element in essence works in the exact same way as other stimulus elements (<text>, <picture>, etc.), so any example script should do, regardless of whether it uses <html> stimuli or <text> stimuli or <picture>.

Thank you very much, this is very helpful
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jkdemps2 - 7/20/2021

I tried searching for this, but I could not find exactly what I was looking for. I am trying to program an experiment where participants read passages followed by a series of comprehension questions. Obviously, I want the comprehension questions to be recorded, but I'm not looking specifically for any reading measure during the passages. For this reason, I hoped to simply use either a PDF or HTML page as the item itself. For example, instead of writing the item in Inquisit, I was hoping to simply link the item to the HTML page that has the passage in it.

For example, if the Passage1 is in the HTML page titled passage1.html, I'd want the first item participants see to be passage1.html followed by seven or so comprehension questions.

I have a few questions related to this:
1. Can I use entire pages uploaded to the experiment as items in this way?
2. If yes, can I use PDFs as well as HTML pages - would that still work?
3. Is there an example script I could use as a starting point that would make this easier? I'm relatively new to Inquisit, so it's fairly overwhelming.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!


> 1. Can I use entire pages uploaded to the experiment as items in this way?


> 2. If yes, can I use PDFs as well as HTML pages - would that still work?

You can use HTML. You cannot use PDF. The stimulus element to display HTML files is <html>:

> 3. Is there an example script I could use as a starting point that would make this easier? I'm relatively new to Inquisit, so it's fairly overwhelming.

The <html> element in essence works in the exact same way as other stimulus elements (<text>, <picture>, etc.), so any example script should do, regardless of whether it uses <html> stimuli or <text> stimuli or <picture>.
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Posts: 5, Visits: 16

I tried searching for this, but I could not find exactly what I was looking for. I am trying to program an experiment where participants read passages followed by a series of comprehension questions. Obviously, I want the comprehension questions to be recorded, but I'm not looking specifically for any reading measure during the passages. For this reason, I hoped to simply use either a PDF or HTML page as the item itself. For example, instead of writing the item in Inquisit, I was hoping to simply link the item to the HTML page that has the passage in it.

For example, if the Passage1 is in the HTML page titled passage1.html, I'd want the first item participants see to be passage1.html followed by seven or so comprehension questions.

I have a few questions related to this:
1. Can I use entire pages uploaded to the experiment as items in this way?
2. If yes, can I use PDFs as well as HTML pages - would that still work?
3. Is there an example script I could use as a starting point that would make this easier? I'm relatively new to Inquisit, so it's fairly overwhelming.

Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!


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