Two responses in one trial

Heidi Umbach Hansen
Heidi Umbach Hansen
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Posts: 34, Visits: 195

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000
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Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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Heidi Umbach Hansen
Heidi Umbach Hansen
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Posts: 34, Visits: 195
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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Heidi Umbach Hansen
Heidi Umbach Hansen
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Posts: 34, Visits: 195
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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I've looked at the attachment. You can build an interface like this that from the participant's perspective appears as a single trial -- code-wise, however, it will involve multiple trials and some fairly complex logic.
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Dave - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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I've looked at the attachment. You can build an interface like this that from the participant's perspective appears as a single trial -- code-wise, however, it will involve multiple trials and some fairly complex logic.

Here's a quick draft of how code along those lines would have to be set up:

/ screencolor = lightgray
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

/ trialcount = 0
/ trialtype = ""
/ same_diff_response = ""
/ confidence = ""

<block example>
/ trials = [1-10 = noreplace(same, different)]

<trial same>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialcount += 1;
    values.trialtype = "same";
    values.confidence = "";
    values.same_diff_response = "";
    text.same.textcolor = white;
    text.different.textcolor = white;
    text.guess.textcolor = white;
    text.think_so.textcolor = white;
    text.sure.textcolor = white;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, same_placeholder]
/ trialduration = 2000
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    return trial.getresponses

<trial different>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialcount += 1;
    values.trialtype = "different";
    values.confidence = "";
    values.same_diff_response = "";
    text.same.textcolor = white;
    text.different.textcolor = white;
    text.guess.textcolor = white;
    text.think_so.textcolor = white;
    text.sure.textcolor = white;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, different_placeholder]
/ trialduration = 2000
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    return trial.getresponses

<text same_placeholder>
/ items = ("Imagine SAME melodies playing here...")

<text different_placeholder>
/ items = ("Imagine DIFFERENT melodies playing here...")

<trial getresponses>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, q_same_diff, same, different, q_confidence, guess, think_so, sure]
/ validresponse = (same, different, guess, think_so, sure)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ ontrialend = [
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "same"){
        values.same_diff_response = "same";
        text.same.textcolor = black;
        text.different.textcolor = white;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "different"){
        values.same_diff_response = "different";
        text.same.textcolor = white;
        text.different.textcolor = black;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "guess"){
        values.confidence = 1;
        text.guess.textcolor = black;
        text.think_so.textcolor = white;
        text.sure.textcolor = white;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "think_so"){
        values.confidence = 2;
        text.guess.textcolor = white;
        text.think_so.textcolor = black;
        text.sure.textcolor = white;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "sure"){
        values.confidence = 3;
        text.guess.textcolor = white;
        text.think_so.textcolor = white;
        text.sure.textcolor = black;
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    if (values.same_diff_response == "" || values.confidence == "") {
        return trial.getresponses;
    } else {
        return trial.logresponses;

<text q_same_diff>
/ items = ("Was the second tune the same melody as the first, despite being played at a different pitch?")
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ erase = false

<text q_confidence>
/ items = ("How sure are you about this answer?")
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/ erase = false

<text different>
/ items = ("DIFFERENT")
/ txbgcolor = green
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (30%, 40%)
/ vjustify = center

<text same>
/ items = ("SAME")
/ txbgcolor = red
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (70%, 40%)
/ vjustify = center

<text guess>
/ items = ("I'm guessing")
/ txbgcolor = cornflowerblue
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (20%, 80%)
/ vjustify = center

<text think_so>
/ items = ("I think so")
/ txbgcolor = cornflowerblue
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 80%)
/ vjustify = center

<text sure>
/ items = ("I'm totally sure")
/ txbgcolor = cornflowerblue
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (80%, 80%)
/ vjustify = center

<trial logresponses>
/ stimulusframes = [1=q_same_diff, same, different, q_confidence, guess, think_so, sure]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ iscorrectresponse = [
    values.same_diff_response == values.trialtype;
/ trialduration = 500

/ columns = (date time subject group session values.trialcount values.trialtype values.same_diff_response correct values.confidence)

Heidi Umbach Hansen
Heidi Umbach Hansen
Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)Partner Member (508 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 34, Visits: 195
Dave - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021
Dave - 8/19/2021
Heidi Umbach Hansen - 8/19/2021

I would like to have one trial where audio files are played, participants first have to judge whether the beat was on or off, and then give their subjective rating of their confidence of their answer - almost exactly the same as in the attached image.

I can of course program this as two successive trials, but I would like to stay as true to the original as possible. 



I've written the following trial, where sub_rating denotes the confidence question itself, and sr1-sr3 denotes the three "subjective" responses - i.e. I have everything I need, I just have to figure out how to collect responses from two different questions.

<trial off_beat>
/ stimulustimes = [0=clearscreen, remainingtrials, trialquestion, bgstim_audiosymbol, offbeat, response_offbeat, response_onbeat, sub_rating_txt, sr1, sr2, sr3]
/ validresponse = (response_offbeat, response_onbeat)
/ correctresponse = (response_offbeat)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ posttrialpause = 1000

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Still nothing. Please use +Insert -> Add File...

I've looked at the attachment. You can build an interface like this that from the participant's perspective appears as a single trial -- code-wise, however, it will involve multiple trials and some fairly complex logic.

Here's a quick draft of how code along those lines would have to be set up:

/ screencolor = lightgray
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)

/ trialcount = 0
/ trialtype = ""
/ same_diff_response = ""
/ confidence = ""

<block example>
/ trials = [1-10 = noreplace(same, different)]

<trial same>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialcount += 1;
    values.trialtype = "same";
    values.confidence = "";
    values.same_diff_response = "";
    text.same.textcolor = white;
    text.different.textcolor = white;
    text.guess.textcolor = white;
    text.think_so.textcolor = white;
    text.sure.textcolor = white;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, same_placeholder]
/ trialduration = 2000
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    return trial.getresponses

<trial different>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trialcount += 1;
    values.trialtype = "different";
    values.confidence = "";
    values.same_diff_response = "";
    text.same.textcolor = white;
    text.different.textcolor = white;
    text.guess.textcolor = white;
    text.think_so.textcolor = white;
    text.sure.textcolor = white;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, different_placeholder]
/ trialduration = 2000
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    return trial.getresponses

<text same_placeholder>
/ items = ("Imagine SAME melodies playing here...")

<text different_placeholder>
/ items = ("Imagine DIFFERENT melodies playing here...")

<trial getresponses>
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, q_same_diff, same, different, q_confidence, guess, think_so, sure]
/ validresponse = (same, different, guess, think_so, sure)
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ ontrialend = [
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "same"){
        values.same_diff_response = "same";
        text.same.textcolor = black;
        text.different.textcolor = white;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "different"){
        values.same_diff_response = "different";
        text.same.textcolor = white;
        text.different.textcolor = black;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "guess"){
        values.confidence = 1;
        text.guess.textcolor = black;
        text.think_so.textcolor = white;
        text.sure.textcolor = white;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "think_so"){
        values.confidence = 2;
        text.guess.textcolor = white;
        text.think_so.textcolor = black;
        text.sure.textcolor = white;
    if (trial.getresponses.response == "sure"){
        values.confidence = 3;
        text.guess.textcolor = white;
        text.think_so.textcolor = white;
        text.sure.textcolor = black;
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    if (values.same_diff_response == "" || values.confidence == "") {
        return trial.getresponses;
    } else {
        return trial.logresponses;

<text q_same_diff>
/ items = ("Was the second tune the same melody as the first, despite being played at a different pitch?")
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ erase = false

<text q_confidence>
/ items = ("How sure are you about this answer?")
/ position = (50%, 60%)
/ erase = false

<text different>
/ items = ("DIFFERENT")
/ txbgcolor = green
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (30%, 40%)
/ vjustify = center

<text same>
/ items = ("SAME")
/ txbgcolor = red
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (70%, 40%)
/ vjustify = center

<text guess>
/ items = ("I'm guessing")
/ txbgcolor = cornflowerblue
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (20%, 80%)
/ vjustify = center

<text think_so>
/ items = ("I think so")
/ txbgcolor = cornflowerblue
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 80%)
/ vjustify = center

<text sure>
/ items = ("I'm totally sure")
/ txbgcolor = cornflowerblue
/ txcolor = white
/ erase = false
/ size = (25%, 12%)
/ position = (80%, 80%)
/ vjustify = center

<trial logresponses>
/ stimulusframes = [1=q_same_diff, same, different, q_confidence, guess, think_so, sure]
/ validresponse = (0)
/ iscorrectresponse = [
    values.same_diff_response == values.trialtype;
/ trialduration = 500

/ columns = (date time subject group session values.trialcount values.trialtype values.same_diff_response correct values.confidence)

Immensely grateful - thank you! 

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