Data file makes new directory

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Hello all,

Currently I have a small issue with the saving of my data. Currently my code states that it needs to save a file to specific directory, like this:

/ columns=[subject, blockcode, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, stimulusitem, stimulusnumber]
/ file = "C:\Users\BasE\Desktop\CBM-I\Data"
/ encrypt= false
This is an existing directory on my pc. However, when it saves the data it makes a new directory using the same names instead of using the existing directory. I feel like I am missing a line of code here, can someone point out to me what is going wrong here?

Many thanks in advance!

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BasE - 9/7/2021
Hello all,

Currently I have a small issue with the saving of my data. Currently my code states that it needs to save a file to specific directory, like this:

/ columns=[subject, blockcode, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, stimulusitem, stimulusnumber]
/ file = "C:\Users\BasE\Desktop\CBM-I\Data"
/ encrypt= false
This is an existing directory on my pc. However, when it saves the data it makes a new directory using the same names instead of using the existing directory. I feel like I am missing a line of code here, can someone point out to me what is going wrong here?

Many thanks in advance!

Unable to reproduce this under Inquisit 6.5.0 or 6.4.2. The data files end up in the existing, specified directory, no new directory is created. Note:
If you want a single data file, instead of a separate file per run, specifiy /separatefiles = false in the <data> element.
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Dave - 9/7/2021
BasE - 9/7/2021
Hello all,

Currently I have a small issue with the saving of my data. Currently my code states that it needs to save a file to specific directory, like this:

/ columns=[subject, blockcode, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, stimulusitem, stimulusnumber]
/ file = "C:\Users\BasE\Desktop\CBM-I\Data"
/ encrypt= false
This is an existing directory on my pc. However, when it saves the data it makes a new directory using the same names instead of using the existing directory. I feel like I am missing a line of code here, can someone point out to me what is going wrong here?

Many thanks in advance!

Unable to reproduce this under Inquisit 6.5.0 or 6.4.2. The data files end up in the existing, specified directory, no new directory is created. Note:
If you want a single data file, instead of a separate file per run, specifiy /separatefiles = false in the <data> element.

Coul it be something specific to my pc then? I included a screenshot where the newly created directory is shown ("Gebruikers" meaning "Users", deleted username for privacy reasons).

Screenshotdirectory.png (181 views, 60.00 KB)
Screenshotdirectory2.png (177 views, 3.00 KB)
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BasE - 9/7/2021
Dave - 9/7/2021
BasE - 9/7/2021
Hello all,

Currently I have a small issue with the saving of my data. Currently my code states that it needs to save a file to specific directory, like this:

/ columns=[subject, blockcode, trialcode, trialnum, latency, response, stimulusitem, stimulusnumber]
/ file = "C:\Users\BasE\Desktop\CBM-I\Data"
/ encrypt= false
This is an existing directory on my pc. However, when it saves the data it makes a new directory using the same names instead of using the existing directory. I feel like I am missing a line of code here, can someone point out to me what is going wrong here?

Many thanks in advance!

Unable to reproduce this under Inquisit 6.5.0 or 6.4.2. The data files end up in the existing, specified directory, no new directory is created. Note:
If you want a single data file, instead of a separate file per run, specifiy /separatefiles = false in the <data> element.

Coul it be something specific to my pc then? I included a screenshot where the newly created directory is shown ("Gebruikers" meaning "Users", deleted username for privacy reasons).

Double-check your /file attribute in the <data> element. You almost certainly have a typo in there, e.g. a trailing space in "Gebruikers ".

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I found the issue! It appears that Inquisit gets confused when I specify my directory in Dutch, which I translated in the original post for an international audience. Copying the directory directly in to the <data> and switching the text to English worked in the end. Thanks for your help regardless, Dave

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