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I'm trying to script the following:
Participants will be presented with two tone sequences, ranging from 4-9 notes (three trials for each step, i.e. 18 trials in total). Their task is to identify which note was different in the second sequence as compared to the first. Additionally, there should be a numbered box that represents each tone, which gets lighter in color when the tone is played, with different colors for the two melody sequences. Sound stimuli - separate sound files for each tone - These should be separated by 650 ms. Between the first and second melody, there is a 1.3 s gap.
I've hard coded it as of now, but my naive Inquisit hunch tells me there must be a much easier way to do this, but I don't know how - and right now it is messy... Would love to get some input as to how this could be done more efficiently?
The attached zip file provides an example of sound stimuli and the preliminary script.