I have constructed a survey with simple randomization. Participants view a photo of a child and answer 4 questions about the photo. This is repeated across 4 child photos and the order in which the child photos are presented is randomized for each participant.
I have a batch of data from this survey but would like to confirm how Inquisit output treats these randomized photos.
In the output, the results come out in order (e.g., survey page1_responses, survey page 2_responses, survey page 3_responses, survey page 4_responses). Is this output presented while ignoring the randomized order a participant received? For example, are all responses under "survey page 1_responses" of the same child? Or were these the ratings that participants provided to the first child that they saw, and responses here would refer to different children depending on the randomized order?
I am also wondering if there is a way to know which randomized order each participant received.
I have pasted the script for this task. The survey pages called "ratings1, ratings2, ratings3, ratings4" are what are presented randomly (where ratings1 = the page with child 1 photo).
Since, for example, ratings1 is programmed to show child photo 1, I think this means that all ratings1_responses will be about the same child (ignoring randomization), but I just want to be sure.
Thank you!
<picture mypicture>
/ items = pictureitems
/ select = noreplace
<item pictureitems>
/ 1 = "f.rating.b1size.jpg"
/ 2 = "f.rating.w1size.jpg"
/ 3 = "m.rating.b2size.jpg"
/ 4 = "m.rating.w2size.jpg"
<image photo1>
/ items = ("f.rating.b1size.jpg")
<image photo2>
/ items = ("f.rating.w1size.jpg")
<image photo3>
/ items = ("m.rating.b2size.jpg")
<image photo4>
/ items = ("m.rating.w2size.jpg")
<surveypage instructions>
/ caption = "You will now view photos of chidren and will answer questions about each child."
<surveypage ratings1>
/ questions = [1= photo1; 2=child1; 3=child2; 4=child3; 5=child4; 6=child5]
/ showbackbutton = false
<surveypage ratings2>
/ questions = [1= photo2; 2=child1; 3=child2; 4=child3; 5=child4; 6=child5]
/ showbackbutton = false
<surveypage ratings3>
/ questions = [1= photo3; 2=child1; 3=child2; 4=child3; 5=child4; 6=child5]
/ showbackbutton = false
<surveypage ratings4>
/ questions = [1= photo4; 2=child1; 3=child2; 4=child3; 5=child4; 6=child5]
/ showbackbutton = false
<slider child1>
/ caption="Please indicate how warm or cold you feel towards this child"
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ labels=("Cold or unfavorable", "Warm or favorable")
/ range = (0,100)
/ increment = 10
<slider child2>
/ caption="How honest is this child?"
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ labels=("Dishonest", "Honest")
/ range = (0,7)
/ increment = 1
<slider child3>
/ caption="How pleasant is this child?"
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ labels=("Unpleasant", "Pleasant")
/ range = (0,7)
/ increment = 1
<slider child4>
/ caption="How nice is this child?"
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ labels=("Awful", "Nice")
/ range = (0,7)
/ increment = 1
<slider child5>
/ caption="How beautiful is this child?"
/ defaultresponse = "0"
/ labels=("Ugly", "Beautiful")
/ range = (0,7)
/ increment = 1
<survey PhotoRatings>
/pages = [1 =instructions; 2-5 = noreplace(ratings1, ratings2, ratings3, ratings4)]
/showpagenumbers = false
/showquestionnumbers = false
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/itemfontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 1.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ navigationbuttonsize = (15%, 5%)
/ finishlabel = "Next"