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Hi, I am new on millisecond and have to create an experiment which is similar (but not quite the same) to the AlcoholDotProbe experiment. In fact, the main differences are that in my experiment the probe is not on the left and on the right, but on the top and on the bottom of the screen and that the probe is an arrow which points left and right. The participant has to chose between 'M' for the right arrow and 'Z' for the left arrow, independently from the position (up or down). The probe replaces always one of two words (top and bottom of the screen) and we want to see how the reaction time varies in function of the type of word the probe replaces. So the direction in which the arrow points, and with this the decision of 'M' or 'Z' key defines only the accuracy/correctness of the response. My problem at this point is that I don't manage to incorporate the direction decision into the right/wrong character of the response. Attached, you can find the project. Anne