Picture not returning to 100% size and centre despite size=100% and hposition=50%

Picture not returning to 100% size and centre despite size=100% and...
Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)Esteemed Member (2.4K reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 85
I thought I would start a new thread for this topic. I have a large image which is presented using the picture element at full size and centrally (hposition = 50%) for the first half of the block. It is then reduced to 35% of its size and shown along with another picture side by side (at hposition = 25% or hposition = 75%) for the last half of the block. This all works great. However, at the start of the next block, despite the size being returned to 100% and the hposition = 50%, the images are shown off centre and not full sized (they are nearly full sized but not quite). I'm tearing my hair out.

<item Fractals>
/ 1 = "fractal1.jpg"
/ 2 = "fractal2.jpg"

<picture fractalPicLoseCake>
/items = Fractals
/ select = values.fractalbalance
/size = (values.fractalsize,values.fractalsize)
/h_position = values.fractal1_x

<picture fractalPicWinCake>
/items = Fractals
/ select = expressions.fractal2
/size = (values.fractalsize,values.fractalsize)
/h_position = values.fractal1_x

<trial Pavlovian>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    trial.Pavlovian.insertstimulustime(shape.eraser, parameters.fixationduration);
    values.trialType = list.pavTrialType.nextvalue;
    if (list.pavTrialType.nextvalue==1){
    trial.Pavlovian.insertstimulustime(picture.fractalPicWinCake, parameters.fixationduration);
    values.pavPicName = picture.fractalPicWinCake.currentitem}
    else if (list.pavTrialType.nextvalue==2){
    trial.Pavlovian.insertstimulustime(picture.fractalPicLoseCake, parameters.fixationduration);     
    values.pavPicName = picture.fractalPicLoseCake.currentitem;}]

<trial pavChoiceTrial>
/ inputdevice=keyboard
/ ontrialbegin = [
  values.trialType = list.pavChoiceTrialSelector.nextvalue;
    values.fractalpositions = list.fractal_positions.nextvalue;
    if (values.fractalpositions == 1) {
    } else if (values.fractalpositions == 2) {
    trial.pavChoiceTrial.insertstimulustime(shape.eraser, parameters.fixationduration);
    if (values.trialType==1){
    trial.pavChoiceTrial.insertstimulustime(picture.fractalPicWinCake, parameters.fixationduration);
    values.PavChoice1 = picture.fractalPicWinCake.currentitem;
    trial.pavChoiceTrial.insertstimulustime(picture.fractalPicLoseCake, parameters.fixationduration);
    values.PavChoice2 = picture.fractalPicLoseCake.currentitem;

<block pavlovianTrials>
/ onblockbegin = [ values.fractalsize=100%; values.fractal1_x=50%; values.fractal2_x=50%;]
/ trials = [1-8 = Pavlovian; 9-15 = pavChoiceTrial]

Is it something to do with what it thinks the size of the canvas is? Currently the only default setting is / canvasaspectratio = (4,3). I'll be testing this over the internet so don't want to constrain the window too much as people's monitors will change so much?

Please help, thank you!


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