rename trialcode output

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Tylhi - 10/30/2021

I'm looking for changing outputs that appear in the column trialcode in my data and that are generated with a combination of surveypage and radiobuttons names.

for example I have this surveypage with 3 questions
<surveypage chocolat>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.picturetype = "DES"]
/ caption = "Merci de répondre aux questions suivantes :"
/ stimulusframes =[1=chocolat; 2=categorieDES]
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ questions=[1=associe; 2=lisible; 3=complexe]
/ finishlabel = "Page suivante"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "Suivant"
/ backlabel = " "
/ nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)


<radiobuttons associe>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ position = (5%, 5%)
/ subcaption = "Selon vous, est-ce que cette image est associée à :"
/ subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.1%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ caption = " "
/ options = ("1~nPas du tout~nassociée", "2", "3", "4~nMoyennement associée", "5", "6", "7~nFortement~nassociée")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal
/ required = true
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (1,10)

<radiobuttons lisible>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ position = (5%, 25%)
/ subcaption = "Selon vous, cette image est :"
/ subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.1%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ caption = " "
/ options = (" 1~nPas du tout lisible ", " 2 " " 3 ", " 4~nMoyennement lisible ", " 5 ", " 6 ", " 7~nTout à fait lisible ")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal
/ required = true
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (1,30)

<radiobuttons complexe>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ position = (5%, 45%)
/ subcaption = "Selon vous, cette image est :"
/ subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.1%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ caption = " "
/ options = ("1~nPas du tout complexe", "2", "3", "4~nMoyennement complexe", "5", "6", "7~nTrès complexe")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal
/ required = true
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (1,50)

My trialcode output is for example chocolat_associe, chocolat_lisible, chocolat_complexe

I would like to have only associe, lisible and complexe or at list change the order of this two words (to simplify further analysis).
Is it possible?


> I would like to have only associe, lisible and complexe or at least change the order of these two words (to simplify further analysis).
> Is it possible?

No, it isn't.

Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)Respected Member (426 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 20, Visits: 121

I'm looking for changing outputs that appear in the column trialcode in my data and that are generated with a combination of surveypage and radiobuttons names.

for example I have this surveypage with 3 questions
<surveypage chocolat>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.picturetype = "DES"]
/ caption = "Merci de répondre aux questions suivantes :"
/ stimulusframes =[1=chocolat; 2=categorieDES]
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ questions=[1=associe; 2=lisible; 3=complexe]
/ finishlabel = "Page suivante"
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "Suivant"
/ backlabel = " "
/ nextbuttonposition = (85%, 90%)


<radiobuttons associe>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ position = (5%, 5%)
/ subcaption = "Selon vous, est-ce que cette image est associée à :"
/ subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.1%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ caption = " "
/ options = ("1~nPas du tout~nassociée", "2", "3", "4~nMoyennement associée", "5", "6", "7~nFortement~nassociée")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal
/ required = true
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (1,10)

<radiobuttons lisible>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ position = (5%, 25%)
/ subcaption = "Selon vous, cette image est :"
/ subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.1%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ caption = " "
/ options = (" 1~nPas du tout lisible ", " 2 " " 3 ", " 4~nMoyennement lisible ", " 5 ", " 6 ", " 7~nTout à fait lisible ")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal
/ required = true
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (1,30)

<radiobuttons complexe>
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.2%)
/ position = (5%, 45%)
/ subcaption = "Selon vous, cette image est :"
/ subcaptionfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.1%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ caption = " "
/ options = ("1~nPas du tout complexe", "2", "3", "4~nMoyennement complexe", "5", "6", "7~nTrès complexe")
/ optionvalues = ("1","2","3","4","5","6","7")
/ orientation = horizontalequal
/ required = true
/ txcolor = black
/ position = (1,50)

My trialcode output is for example chocolat_associe, chocolat_lisible, chocolat_complexe

I would like to have only associe, lisible and complexe or at list change the order of this two words (to simplify further analysis).
Is it possible?


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