Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6,
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Hi all! I'm running into an error in which Inquisit Web Player is playing the audio but not the video for an online experiment for a subset of participants. The participant reported that she could hear the music that accompanies the video clip but none of the images. She has tried re-downloading Inquisit Web Player and has ensured that Inquisit has the correct accessibility settings. She is able to see other blocks of the experiment, including surveys and separate experiment blocks. The machine she is using is a new MacBook Pro with the latest software (happy to provide additional details about the hardware of the computer if needed). Below is the Inquisit script for the block that is not playing correctly. Please let me know if you have thoughts about why this is occurring or if additional details would be helpful to debug this issue.
<video positive_affect_manip> / items = ("positive_task1_standard.mp4") / playthrough = true / position = (50%, 50%) /size = (50%, 50%)
<trial positive_affect_manip_trial> / stimulustimes = [0=video.positive_affect_manip] / validresponse = (" ") / timeout = 5000 </trial>
<block pos_affect_manip> /trials=[1=positive_affect_manip_trial] </block>