Entering a picture matrix and triggering sounds

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In order to make this work in inquisit (unless you can think of a better way) we need to introduce a set of coordinate (zeros and ones) in a matrix so inquisit knows whether to play the sound or not? The matrix will be large and therefore likely needing to be referenced from an external file.
Is this possible? Because the coordinates system that we are working form is quite complex (concentric circles) hposition and vposition may not get it done.

Many thanks for any help

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peter - 11/12/2021
In order to make this work in inquisit (unless you can think of a better way) we need to introduce a set of coordinate (zeros and ones) in a matrix so inquisit knows whether to play the sound or not? The matrix will be large and therefore likely needing to be referenced from an external file.
Is this possible? Because the coordinates system that we are working form is quite complex (concentric circles) hposition and vposition may not get it done.

Many thanks for any help

You'll need to be much more specific about what exactly you want to do. That's not clear at all from the few sentences of explanation you provide here.

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