Saving UserEnteredWithConfirmation subject id into data file

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Thank you so much and sorry for such a silly question. I had checked before but I must have just been having a mad few minutes. Thank you for such a quick response. 
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n.lee.20 - 11/24/2021

I am running a longitudinal study through Inquisit web so am using 'userenteredwithconfirmation' to generate participant ids so that I can match up participants data. The ID saves as part of the file name so I can track across participants but I would also like to save this in the data file so that I don't have to manually input it for each participant. Is there a way to do this, please? I have looked through forums but all I can gather is that I'd have to include an additional question in my actual script, save this as a value then record that. If I can save it directly then that would be great.

Thank you very much!

The entered ID is the subject ID, so it is saved in the subject column in the raw data files and the script.subjectid column in any summary files.
Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)Associate Member (271 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 17, Visits: 68

I am running a longitudinal study through Inquisit web so am using 'userenteredwithconfirmation' to generate participant ids so that I can match up participants data. The ID saves as part of the file name so I can track across participants but I would also like to save this in the data file so that I don't have to manually input it for each participant. Is there a way to do this, please? I have looked through forums but all I can gather is that I'd have to include an additional question in my actual script, save this as a value then record that. If I can save it directly then that would be great.

Thank you very much!

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