About error message: Connection is not private

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I am running an IAT task using Inquisit Lab 4 for my master's thesis right now. Since yesterday, my participants have been receiving an error message before they are redirected to the IAT Task. I have attached it here for your kind review.

I have never seen this message appear in the past year that I have been running the IAT Task on Inquisit, so I wanted to reach out and ask if this is of concern? To be completely honest, I am kind of worried because I am receiving only a partial dataset now: Some of my participants are worried after seeing this message and do not want to participate in the IAT task anymore.

Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Millisecond error message.png (296 views, 201.00 KB)
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Confused_desi - 11/30/2021

I am running an IAT task using Inquisit Lab 4 for my master's thesis right now. Since yesterday, my participants have been receiving an error message before they are redirected to the IAT Task. I have attached it here for your kind review.

I have never seen this message appear in the past year that I have been running the IAT Task on Inquisit, so I wanted to reach out and ask if this is of concern? To be completely honest, I am kind of worried because I am receiving only a partial dataset now: Some of my participants are worried after seeing this message and do not want to participate in the IAT task anymore.

Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Thanks for the report. The certificate issue relating to the research(.)millisecond(.)com domain should be resolved now and you should not be seeing that warning anymore.
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Thank you so much Dave! :) I really appreciate your prompt help with this!

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