Difficulty with transferring experiment from Inquisit Lab to Inquisit Web

Difficulty with transferring experiment from Inquisit Lab to Inquisit...
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Posts: 96, Visits: 339
We have several experiments we are working on transferring from Inquisit Lab to Web. Most of our difficulties involve the font size being too small, or when we resize them for the phone rather than the computer, there is variation based on how big the participants' screen sizes are and sometimes the font will go outside the display for some people. We have tried this line but that actually worsened our problem with the font being far too large, "/windowsize = (1334px, 750px)"

Is there any generic advice that could guide us in this process?

One specific example is the Death/Suicide Implicit Association script from the milisecond library where the font is too small.

Thank you very much
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
inquisituser22 - 12/7/2021
We have several experiments we are working on transferring from Inquisit Lab to Web. Most of our difficulties involve the font size being too small, or when we resize them for the phone rather than the computer, there is variation based on how big the participants' screen sizes are and sometimes the font will go outside the display for some people. We have tried this line but that actually worsened our problem with the font being far too large, "/windowsize = (1334px, 750px)"

Is there any generic advice that could guide us in this process?

One specific example is the Death/Suicide Implicit Association script from the milisecond library where the font is too small.

Thank you very much

Generally, define all sizes and positions in percentages. Do not forget to define /size attributes for any <text> elements, otherwise Inquisit will not know where to break longer text into several lines. Consider using conditional <include> elements to deliver settings tailored to specific devices, e.g. different default fontsizes in <defaults> for regular computers / laptops vs. tablets / phones.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 96, Visits: 339
Dave - 12/7/2021
inquisituser22 - 12/7/2021
We have several experiments we are working on transferring from Inquisit Lab to Web. Most of our difficulties involve the font size being too small, or when we resize them for the phone rather than the computer, there is variation based on how big the participants' screen sizes are and sometimes the font will go outside the display for some people. We have tried this line but that actually worsened our problem with the font being far too large, "/windowsize = (1334px, 750px)"

Is there any generic advice that could guide us in this process?

One specific example is the Death/Suicide Implicit Association script from the milisecond library where the font is too small.

Thank you very much

Generally, define all sizes and positions in percentages. Do not forget to define /size attributes for any <text> elements, otherwise Inquisit will not know where to break longer text into several lines. Consider using conditional <include> elements to deliver settings tailored to specific devices, e.g. different default fontsizes in <defaults> for regular computers / laptops vs. tablets / phones.

Thank you for this guidance. I have gone through and made sure that all sizes and positions are in percentages except for a few non-text elements which seem to be fine across devices so I have left those. I redefined the defaults and I am hoping that will help. The biggest problem is that the lines of text will be too long for some screen sizes but not for others, I imagine the defaults area also controls text elements but if not I could add the size tag to each text element. So far when I tried this, I must have done something terribly wrong as the text was almost completely off the screen!

Below is an excerpt from the script - I would be grateful if you could please let me know if anything else here seems like it needs to be changed to work across androids, iPhone 8 vs iPhone 11 screen sizes, etc.!

Thank you very much

/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false)
/ txcolor = (white)
/ screencolor = black
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ size = (5%, 5%)

**********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS**************************

<text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / numitems = 1 / position = (50,60) / font = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) </text>

/ columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct)
/ format = TAB


<text reminder1>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("Please type the letter that is missing in the word fragment.")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ position = (50,80)

<text reminder2>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario.

Press Y for 'Yes' and N for 'No'.")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ position = (50,80)

<page pretraining1>
Please try to imagine yourself in the following scenarios.
There will be word fragments to complete;
you will need to type the correct missing letter
to proceed on the keypad which will pop up automatically.

<page pretraining2>
After reading the scenarios, a question to make sure you understood
the scenario will appear. You won't be able to proceed until responding correctly.
You will need to press Y for 'Yes' and N for 'No'.

<page ratingsinstruct>
Please rate the following items for how closely they match the meaning of the original scenario. Also, please rate each sentence independently of the other.

<page recognitionscenarios1>
The session will now begin.
You will complete several scenarios.

<page recognitionscenarios2>
Next, you will see the title of the previous scenarios followed by 4 sentences;
none will be worded identically to the sentences in the previous scenarios.
You will rate each sentence for its similarity in meaning to what you believe to be the meaning of the scenario you read earlier.

<page recognitionscenarios3>
Also, rate each sentence independently of all others.
For example, if you believe the sentences have the same similarity
in meaning to the scenario, assign them the same level of similarity. 

<page end>
All done with this part!
Please let the experimenter know you are done with this part of the assessment.


<block practice>
/ preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2)
/ trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)]

<slider sliderSUDS>
/ caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from:
0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)?
Please move the slider to respond."
/ range = (0,100)
/ position = (5, 25)
/ slidersize = (80%, 10%)
/ required = true
/ labels=("0","25","50","75","100")
/ defaultresponse = "0"

<surveypage surveySUDS>
/ questions = [1=sliderSUDS]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<block SUDS>
/ trials = [1=surveySUDS]


<text practicescenarios1>

You decide to go to the movies with your friends.
You get to the theater and there is a long line.
Because of the line, you are l_te.

/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionpracticescenarios1>
/ items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ numitems=1 </text>

<openended practicescenarios1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text practicescenarios2>

You have some free time in your afternoon,
so you go grocery shopping. You think you have
bought everything you need. When you get home,
you realize you forgot the m_lk.

/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionpracticescenarios2>
/ items = ("Did you forget to buy the milk?")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems=1 </text>

<openended practicescenarios2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios2, reminder1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("i")
/ responsetrial = ("i", compquestionpracticescenarios2)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionpracticescenarios2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios2, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("y")
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text practicescenarios3>

You spend a long time working on a presentation
late one night. As you finish up on the computer,
you go to print out your work. You then realize you
do not have any more p_per.

/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionpracticescenarios3>
/ items = ("Did you run out of ink?")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems=1 </text>

<openended practicescenarios3>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios3, reminder1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios3)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionpracticescenarios3>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios3, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>


<text ImportRecogscenario1>

You are chatting with a friend on a new phone.
Unexpectedly, a blasphemous thought about your
friend pops into your mind. As you think about
this blasphemous thought, you wonder whether it
says anything about who you are as a per_on.")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1>
/ items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<openended ImportRecogscenario1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("s")
/ responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text ImportRecogscenario2>
/ items = ("THE BUS RIDE:

You are sitting on a bus. The bus stops,
people get on, and an unwanted thought of
tripping the next person who walks by pops
into your mind. As you watch the passengers
file by, you wonder whether thinking this
thought is as bad as actually tripping someo_e. ")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionImportRecogscenario2>
/ items = ("Are you the only person on the bus?")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<openended ImportRecogscenario2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario2]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ responsetrial = ("n", compquestionImportRecogscenario2)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </openended>

<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario2, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text UncertRecogscenario1>
/ items = ("THE TEST:

You studied a lot for a difficult test.
Some of the questions are a little difficult
and really make you think. As you take the
test, you realize you aren’t 100% sure how
best to answer all of the questio_s.")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionUncertRecogscenario1>
/ items = ("Is the test easy?")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<openended UncertRecogscenario1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=UncertRecogscenario1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ responsetrial = ("n", compquestionUncertRecogscenario1)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </openended>
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
inquisituser22 - 12/14/2021
Dave - 12/7/2021
inquisituser22 - 12/7/2021
We have several experiments we are working on transferring from Inquisit Lab to Web. Most of our difficulties involve the font size being too small, or when we resize them for the phone rather than the computer, there is variation based on how big the participants' screen sizes are and sometimes the font will go outside the display for some people. We have tried this line but that actually worsened our problem with the font being far too large, "/windowsize = (1334px, 750px)"

Is there any generic advice that could guide us in this process?

One specific example is the Death/Suicide Implicit Association script from the milisecond library where the font is too small.

Thank you very much

Generally, define all sizes and positions in percentages. Do not forget to define /size attributes for any <text> elements, otherwise Inquisit will not know where to break longer text into several lines. Consider using conditional <include> elements to deliver settings tailored to specific devices, e.g. different default fontsizes in <defaults> for regular computers / laptops vs. tablets / phones.

Thank you for this guidance. I have gone through and made sure that all sizes and positions are in percentages except for a few non-text elements which seem to be fine across devices so I have left those. I redefined the defaults and I am hoping that will help. The biggest problem is that the lines of text will be too long for some screen sizes but not for others, I imagine the defaults area also controls text elements but if not I could add the size tag to each text element. So far when I tried this, I must have done something terribly wrong as the text was almost completely off the screen!

Below is an excerpt from the script - I would be grateful if you could please let me know if anything else here seems like it needs to be changed to work across androids, iPhone 8 vs iPhone 11 screen sizes, etc.!

Thank you very much

/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false)
/ txcolor = (white)
/ screencolor = black
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ size = (5%, 5%)

**********************************DATA SPECIFICATIONS**************************

<text error> / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / numitems = 1 / position = (50,60) / font = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%) </text>

/ columns = (subject date time build blocknum blockcode trialcode trialnum stimulus response latency correct response correct)
/ format = TAB


<text reminder1>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("Please type the letter that is missing in the word fragment.")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ position = (50,80)

<text reminder2>
/ numitems = 1
/ items = ("Please answer based on the previous scenario.

Press Y for 'Yes' and N for 'No'.")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, true, false, false, 5, 0)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ position = (50,80)

<page pretraining1>
Please try to imagine yourself in the following scenarios.
There will be word fragments to complete;
you will need to type the correct missing letter
to proceed on the keypad which will pop up automatically.

<page pretraining2>
After reading the scenarios, a question to make sure you understood
the scenario will appear. You won't be able to proceed until responding correctly.
You will need to press Y for 'Yes' and N for 'No'.

<page ratingsinstruct>
Please rate the following items for how closely they match the meaning of the original scenario. Also, please rate each sentence independently of the other.

<page recognitionscenarios1>
The session will now begin.
You will complete several scenarios.

<page recognitionscenarios2>
Next, you will see the title of the previous scenarios followed by 4 sentences;
none will be worded identically to the sentences in the previous scenarios.
You will rate each sentence for its similarity in meaning to what you believe to be the meaning of the scenario you read earlier.

<page recognitionscenarios3>
Also, rate each sentence independently of all others.
For example, if you believe the sentences have the same similarity
in meaning to the scenario, assign them the same level of similarity. 

<page end>
All done with this part!
Please let the experimenter know you are done with this part of the assessment.


<block practice>
/ preinstructions = (pretraining1, pretraining2)
/ trials = [1-3 = random(practicescenarios1, practicescenarios2, practicescenarios3)]

<slider sliderSUDS>
/ caption = "How anxious do you feel right now on a scale from:
0 (Not at all anxious) to 100 (Most Anxious)?
Please move the slider to respond."
/ range = (0,100)
/ position = (5, 25)
/ slidersize = (80%, 10%)
/ required = true
/ labels=("0","25","50","75","100")
/ defaultresponse = "0"

<surveypage surveySUDS>
/ questions = [1=sliderSUDS]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

<block SUDS>
/ trials = [1=surveySUDS]


<text practicescenarios1>

You decide to go to the movies with your friends.
You get to the theater and there is a long line.
Because of the line, you are l_te.

/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionpracticescenarios1>
/ items = ("Did you make it to the movie on time?")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ numitems=1 </text>

<openended practicescenarios1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios1, reminder1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios1)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionpracticescenarios1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios1, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text practicescenarios2>

You have some free time in your afternoon,
so you go grocery shopping. You think you have
bought everything you need. When you get home,
you realize you forgot the m_lk.

/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionpracticescenarios2>
/ items = ("Did you forget to buy the milk?")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems=1 </text>

<openended practicescenarios2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios2, reminder1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("i")
/ responsetrial = ("i", compquestionpracticescenarios2)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionpracticescenarios2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios2, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("y")
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text practicescenarios3>

You spend a long time working on a presentation
late one night. As you finish up on the computer,
you go to print out your work. You then realize you
do not have any more p_per.

/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionpracticescenarios3>
/ items = ("Did you run out of ink?")
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems=1 </text>

<openended practicescenarios3>
/ stimulusframes = [1=practicescenarios3, reminder1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("a")
/ responsetrial = ("a", compquestionpracticescenarios3)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionpracticescenarios3>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionpracticescenarios3, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>


<text ImportRecogscenario1>

You are chatting with a friend on a new phone.
Unexpectedly, a blasphemous thought about your
friend pops into your mind. As you think about
this blasphemous thought, you wonder whether it
says anything about who you are as a per_on.")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionImportRecogscenario1>
/ items = ("Are you talking with your mom on the phone?")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<openended ImportRecogscenario1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("s")
/ responsetrial = ("s", compquestionImportRecogscenario1)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct

<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario1, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text ImportRecogscenario2>
/ items = ("THE BUS RIDE:

You are sitting on a bus. The bus stops,
people get on, and an unwanted thought of
tripping the next person who walks by pops
into your mind. As you watch the passengers
file by, you wonder whether thinking this
thought is as bad as actually tripping someo_e. ")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionImportRecogscenario2>
/ items = ("Are you the only person on the bus?")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ hjustify = center
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<openended ImportRecogscenario2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=ImportRecogscenario2]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ responsetrial = ("n", compquestionImportRecogscenario2)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </openended>

<trial compquestionImportRecogscenario2>
/ stimulusframes = [1=compquestionImportRecogscenario2, reminder2]
/ correctresponse = ("n") / validresponse = ("y", "n")
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </trial>

<text UncertRecogscenario1>
/ items = ("THE TEST:

You studied a lot for a difficult test.
Some of the questions are a little difficult
and really make you think. As you take the
test, you realize you aren’t 100% sure how
best to answer all of the questio_s.")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<text compquestionUncertRecogscenario1>
/ items = ("Is the test easy?")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ hjustify = center
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

<openended UncertRecogscenario1>
/ stimulusframes = [1=UncertRecogscenario1]
/ beginresponsetime = 7000
/ mask = alphabetic
/ charlimit = 1
/ size = (12%, 12%)
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ correctresponse = ("n")
/ responsetrial = ("n", compquestionUncertRecogscenario1)
/ errormessage = true(error, 200)
/ response = correct </openended>

> I imagine the defaults area also controls text elements but if not I could add the size tag to each text element.

No, /position and /size are not defined in <defaults>. What you can define in <defaults> is documented in the documentation:

You need to define /size and /position in the respective stiimulus elements (<text>, <picture>, etc.)


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