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Seems that the /select = replacenot command is crashing the experiment.
I have a single trial, before the start of an experiment, that does nothing but display a video.
The video's are looped gifs turned into mpg (to work on both mac and windows), so I have tried the loop function, but it loops endlessly and passed the 60 second timeout, regardless of using timeout (which is probably the main issue).
I would like to have a single video from the video item's list displayed, but the video is too short for what I am looking for (15 seconds, when I need 60). Instead of taking the video and cut/pasting it x4 in some movie editor (I was worried about file size here), I was going to just display the same video four times using: / stimulustimes = [0 = high; 15000 = high; 30000 = high; 45000 = high].
Using replacenot, I believe I can have it pick the initial video that it selected, then have it replayed to reach 60 second. But this crashes the experiment when I use it.
I'm probably making this much more difficult than it needs to be...
<video high> / items = ("video1.mpg", "video2.mpg", "video3.mpg", "video4.mpg") / playthrough = true / select = replacenot(high) / size = (parameters.picSize, parameters.picSize) / position = (40%, 50%) </video>
<trial displayvideo> / beginresponsetime = [0] / stimulustimes = [0 = high; 15000 = high; 30000 = high; 45000 = high] / timeout = 60000 </trial>