Randomising Trial Selection

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Posts: 13, Visits: 53

I'm looking for help on how to program an idiosyncratic presentation for sorting rules in a sorting task. 
In my script I have a radiobutton selection of the sorting rules in which participants select 1 option of 4 possible options. Then using /skip I present this sorting rule in the first block of trials. What I want is, in a second block of trials, to randomly present one of the other 3 options. I believe should be using the /counter function. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to define the /items basic upon an earlier response. 

Thanks in advance 
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
raynae - 1/16/2022

I'm looking for help on how to program an idiosyncratic presentation for sorting rules in a sorting task. 
In my script I have a radiobutton selection of the sorting rules in which participants select 1 option of 4 possible options. Then using /skip I present this sorting rule in the first block of trials. What I want is, in a second block of trials, to randomly present one of the other 3 options. I believe should be using the /counter function. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to define the /items basic upon an earlier response. 

Thanks in advance 

You need to be more specific. Also, provide example code.
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
Dave - 1/17/2022
raynae - 1/16/2022

I'm looking for help on how to program an idiosyncratic presentation for sorting rules in a sorting task. 
In my script I have a radiobutton selection of the sorting rules in which participants select 1 option of 4 possible options. Then using /skip I present this sorting rule in the first block of trials. What I want is, in a second block of trials, to randomly present one of the other 3 options. I believe should be using the /counter function. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to define the /items basic upon an earlier response. 

Thanks in advance 

You need to be more specific. Also, provide example code.

Here's a basic template; It contains a lot of guesswork since you didn't reveal very much about the structure of your script, but it should give you something you can adapt to your needs nonetheless.

/ selected_rule = 0

<block first_rule>
/ trials = [1=surveypage.first_rule]

<surveypage first_rule>
/ ontrialend = [
    values.selected_rule = dropdown.first_rule.response; // store selected rule number in variable
    list.rules.removeitem(values.selected_rule); // remove selected rule option from list
    list.rulenumbers.removeitem(values.selected_rule); // remove corresponding rule number from list
/ questions = [1=dropdown.first_rule]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false

// 4 rules available for the first selection
<dropdown first_rule>
/ caption = "select a sorting rule"
/ options = ("<%list.rules.items.1%>", "<%list.rules.items.2%>", "<%list.rules.items.3%>", "<%list.rules.items.4%>")
/ optionvalues = ("<%list.rulenumbers.items.1%>", "<%list.rulenumbers.items.2%>", "<%list.rulenumbers.items.3%>", "<%list.rulenumbers.items.4%>")

<block second_rule>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.selected_rule = list.rulenumbers.nextvalue; // now select one of the 3 remaining rules at random for the second round

// option text displayed by the rule selection dropdown; can be any kind of descriptive text
<list rules>
/ items = ("Rule A", "Rule B", "Rule C", "Rule D")

// numerical identifiers for the rules used as optionvalues
<list rulenumbers>
/ items = (1, 2, 3, 4)

// rule 1 block: skipped if selected rule is not rule #1
<block rule_1>
/ skip = [
    values.selected_rule != 1;
/ trials = [1=trial.mytrial]

// rule 2 block: skipped if selected rule is not rule #2
<block rule_2>
/ skip = [
    values.selected_rule != 2;
/ trials = [1=trial.mytrial]

// rule 3 block: skipped if selected rule is not rule #3
<block rule_3>
/ skip = [
    values.selected_rule != 3;
/ trials = [1=trial.mytrial]

// rule 4 block: skipped if selected rule is not rule #4
<block rule_4>
/ skip = [
    values.selected_rule != 4;
/ trials = [1=trial.mytrial]

<trial mytrial>
/ stimulusframes = [1=text.mytext]
/ validresponse = (57)

<text mytext>
/ items = ("Rule #<%values.selected_rule%> was selected. This is block.<%script.currentblock%>.")

/ blocks = [
    1=sequence(block.first_rule, block.rule_1, block.rule_2, block.rule_3, block.rule_4); // first round
    2=sequence(block.second_rule, block.rule_1, block.rule_2, block.rule_3, block.rule_4); // second round


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