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Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4?
Thank you
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+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer.
Group: Forum Members
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+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this.
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+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu.
Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu. Hi Dave, I appreciate you mentioning the simple SRT. Unfortunately I need a version that works more or less like the last one on this page: https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/I will do my best to update the syntax using the link you sent previously, and reference the 'simple' version you have linked just now if I have any issues. I anticipate that I'll be posting on here again for help at some point, but I will do my best to update the code before doing so. Thank you so much for your quick replies
Group: Administrators
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+x+x+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu. Hi Dave, I appreciate you mentioning the simple SRT. Unfortunately I need a version that works more or less like the last one on this page: https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/I will do my best to update the syntax using the link you sent previously, and reference the 'simple' version you have linked just now if I have any issues. I anticipate that I'll be posting on here again for help at some point, but I will do my best to update the code before doing so. Thank you so much for your quick replies Attached is a first quick pass through https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/v5/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask.iqx , adapted to work under Inquisit 4. The script should run; what is not done is the <expressions> work, since <list> elements in Inquisit 4 do not have mean or median properties. Means are straightforward enough to obtain by summing up the relevant quantity in a value and dividing by the applicable N. There is no straighfforward way to get the median in Inquisit 4, so personally I would leave that out and calculate the medians of interest from the raw data in a spreadsheet or statistical analysis application. If you feel you absolutely must have Inquisit 4 compute the medians, see Katja's tutorial here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic14637.aspx(Also, my memory is bad and the <clock> stimulus actually is already available in Inquisit 4 -- I got that mixed up.)
Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+x+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu. Hi Dave, I appreciate you mentioning the simple SRT. Unfortunately I need a version that works more or less like the last one on this page: https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/I will do my best to update the syntax using the link you sent previously, and reference the 'simple' version you have linked just now if I have any issues. I anticipate that I'll be posting on here again for help at some point, but I will do my best to update the code before doing so. Thank you so much for your quick replies Attached is a first quick pass through https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/v5/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask.iqx , adapted to work under Inquisit 4. The script should run; what is not done is the <expressions> work, since <list> elements in Inquisit 4 do not have mean or median properties. Means are straightforward enough to obtain by summing up the relevant quantity in a value and dividing by the applicable N. There is no straighfforward way to get the median in Inquisit 4, so personally I would leave that out and calculate the medians of interest from the raw data in a spreadsheet or statistical analysis application. If you feel you absolutely must have Inquisit 4 compute the medians, see Katja's tutorial here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic14637.aspx(Also, my memory is bad and the <clock> stimulus actually is already available in Inquisit 4 -- I got that mixed up.) Thank you so much Dave. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing that. I'm sure you've saved me hours and hours (I am new to inquisit)! Medians won't be an issue and I should be able to write up the code for the means. There is one more change I will need to make to this script. In between the familiarization phase and pre-transfer sequence learning phase I am planning on placing an experimental manipulation where participants will be given 1 of 2 possible text-based instructions. I've seen very similar situtations come up on this forum, so I'll look around for an analagous case. I should be able to get it running on my own I hope, but if I run into any issues I'll post again. Again, thank you so much for altering the code for me!
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+x+x+x+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu. Hi Dave, I appreciate you mentioning the simple SRT. Unfortunately I need a version that works more or less like the last one on this page: https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/I will do my best to update the syntax using the link you sent previously, and reference the 'simple' version you have linked just now if I have any issues. I anticipate that I'll be posting on here again for help at some point, but I will do my best to update the code before doing so. Thank you so much for your quick replies Attached is a first quick pass through https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/v5/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask.iqx , adapted to work under Inquisit 4. The script should run; what is not done is the <expressions> work, since <list> elements in Inquisit 4 do not have mean or median properties. Means are straightforward enough to obtain by summing up the relevant quantity in a value and dividing by the applicable N. There is no straighfforward way to get the median in Inquisit 4, so personally I would leave that out and calculate the medians of interest from the raw data in a spreadsheet or statistical analysis application. If you feel you absolutely must have Inquisit 4 compute the medians, see Katja's tutorial here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic14637.aspx(Also, my memory is bad and the <clock> stimulus actually is already available in Inquisit 4 -- I got that mixed up.) I haven't gotten particularly far on this. I suppose I could always calculate the mean reaction times and proportion of correct responses using R later, but it would be nice to get it going in inquisit. So far what I've got is: / propCorrect_overall = "to do" / meanRT_overall = list.latencies / 396 / medianRT_overall = "to do" / propCorrect_Familiarization = "to do" / meanRT_Familiarization = list.latenciesFamiliarization / 36 / medianRT_Familiarization = "to do" / propCorrect_Learning = "to do" / meanRT_Learning = list.latenciesPreTR / 120 / medianRT_Learning = "to do" / propCorrect_postTransfer = "to do" / meanRT_postTransfer = list.latenciesposttr / 120 / medianRT_postTransfer = "to do" / propCorrect_Transfer = "to do" / meanRT_Transfer = list.latenciestransfer / 120 / medianRT_Transfer = "to do" Which doesn't seem to work. Where would be the best place to familairize myself with the basic features of Inquisit 4? Or if you have quick advice about how to edit this code so that I get the Mean RT and proportion of correct response for each phase of the trial that would be appreciated. Thank you, Willis
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+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu. Hi Dave, I appreciate you mentioning the simple SRT. Unfortunately I need a version that works more or less like the last one on this page: https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/I will do my best to update the syntax using the link you sent previously, and reference the 'simple' version you have linked just now if I have any issues. I anticipate that I'll be posting on here again for help at some point, but I will do my best to update the code before doing so. Thank you so much for your quick replies Attached is a first quick pass through https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/v5/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask.iqx , adapted to work under Inquisit 4. The script should run; what is not done is the <expressions> work, since <list> elements in Inquisit 4 do not have mean or median properties. Means are straightforward enough to obtain by summing up the relevant quantity in a value and dividing by the applicable N. There is no straighfforward way to get the median in Inquisit 4, so personally I would leave that out and calculate the medians of interest from the raw data in a spreadsheet or statistical analysis application. If you feel you absolutely must have Inquisit 4 compute the medians, see Katja's tutorial here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic14637.aspx(Also, my memory is bad and the <clock> stimulus actually is already available in Inquisit 4 -- I got that mixed up.) I haven't gotten particularly far on this. I suppose I could always calculate the mean reaction times and proportion of correct responses using R later, but it would be nice to get it going in inquisit. So far what I've got is: / propCorrect_overall = "to do" / meanRT_overall = list.latencies / 396 / medianRT_overall = "to do" / propCorrect_Familiarization = "to do" / meanRT_Familiarization = list.latenciesFamiliarization / 36 / medianRT_Familiarization = "to do" / propCorrect_Learning = "to do" / meanRT_Learning = list.latenciesPreTR / 120 / medianRT_Learning = "to do" / propCorrect_postTransfer = "to do" / meanRT_postTransfer = list.latenciesposttr / 120 / medianRT_postTransfer = "to do" / propCorrect_Transfer = "to do" / meanRT_Transfer = list.latenciestransfer / 120 / medianRT_Transfer = "to do" Which doesn't seem to work. Where would be the best place to familairize myself with the basic features of Inquisit 4? Or if you have quick advice about how to edit this code so that I get the Mean RT and proportion of correct response for each phase of the trial that would be appreciated. Thank you, Willis You need to set up additional <values>. Sum those up as needed /ontrialend in the respective trial elements. See https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost29874.aspx
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHello, Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? Thank you > Is there a pre-programmed script for the SRT in inquisit 4? No. > If not, does anyone have advice on how to alter the code for the SRT for inquisit 5 such that it runs in inquisit 4? This has been discussed multiple times, e.g. here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost27217.aspxIn addition, there is no <clock> stimulus element in Inquisit 4, so you'd either have to omit that during the break trial or make do with a <video> displaying a timer. Hi Dave, Thank you very much for this. Adding, since it's not entirely clear which "SRT" you mean. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/ , the answer is no. For https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/simplereactiontime/ , some Inquisit 4 versions exist, available per the "Download Test..." menu. Hi Dave, I appreciate you mentioning the simple SRT. Unfortunately I need a version that works more or less like the last one on this page: https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/serialreactiontimetask/I will do my best to update the syntax using the link you sent previously, and reference the 'simple' version you have linked just now if I have any issues. I anticipate that I'll be posting on here again for help at some point, but I will do my best to update the code before doing so. Thank you so much for your quick replies Attached is a first quick pass through https://www.millisecond.com/download/library/v5/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask/serialreactiontimetask.iqx , adapted to work under Inquisit 4. The script should run; what is not done is the <expressions> work, since <list> elements in Inquisit 4 do not have mean or median properties. Means are straightforward enough to obtain by summing up the relevant quantity in a value and dividing by the applicable N. There is no straighfforward way to get the median in Inquisit 4, so personally I would leave that out and calculate the medians of interest from the raw data in a spreadsheet or statistical analysis application. If you feel you absolutely must have Inquisit 4 compute the medians, see Katja's tutorial here: https://www.millisecond.com/forums/Topic14637.aspx(Also, my memory is bad and the <clock> stimulus actually is already available in Inquisit 4 -- I got that mixed up.) I haven't gotten particularly far on this. I suppose I could always calculate the mean reaction times and proportion of correct responses using R later, but it would be nice to get it going in inquisit. So far what I've got is: / propCorrect_overall = "to do" / meanRT_overall = list.latencies / 396 / medianRT_overall = "to do" / propCorrect_Familiarization = "to do" / meanRT_Familiarization = list.latenciesFamiliarization / 36 / medianRT_Familiarization = "to do" / propCorrect_Learning = "to do" / meanRT_Learning = list.latenciesPreTR / 120 / medianRT_Learning = "to do" / propCorrect_postTransfer = "to do" / meanRT_postTransfer = list.latenciesposttr / 120 / medianRT_postTransfer = "to do" / propCorrect_Transfer = "to do" / meanRT_Transfer = list.latenciestransfer / 120 / medianRT_Transfer = "to do" Which doesn't seem to work. Where would be the best place to familairize myself with the basic features of Inquisit 4? Or if you have quick advice about how to edit this code so that I get the Mean RT and proportion of correct response for each phase of the trial that would be appreciated. Thank you, Willis You need to set up additional <values>. Sum those up as needed /ontrialend in the respective trial elements. See https://www.millisecond.com/forums/FindPost29874.aspx Here's a draft of the expressions rewrite. You should work through this closely and compare to the original to see what / where the various changes are. If you don't understand a particular change, feel free to ask about it. Also, please test this thorioughly for any mistakes before putting it to use, I do not have the time to do so and it's entirely possible I overlooked something.