Inquisit in science - some recent highlights

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Inquisit has been used in thousands of peer-reviewed publications and doctoral dissertations to study diverse topics ranging from animal cognition to the psychology of yoga. Here, we highlight a few interesting examples from the past year. 

A New Remote Guided Method for Supervised Web-Based Cognitive Testing to Ensure High-Quality Data: Development and Usability Study - Leong et al (2022)
Dr Victoria Leong and her colleagues have developed a supervised remote cognitive testing methodology that was evaluated using Inquisit. Results of data gathered remotely were equivalent to those gathered in-person testing. This has obvious relevance to research in a pandemic. While they tested their methods with adults, much of it can also be applied to research on children and adolescents where human assistance and monitoring are important.  

How Candidates’ Age and Gender Predict Voter Preference in a Hypothetical Election - Shen & Shoda (2021)
Drs Alicia Shen and Yuichi Shoda studied how a candidate's perceived age and gender influenced their electability. Participants were shown images of candidates with backgrounds removed. Participants estimated each candidate's age and indicated  how likely they would vote for them, or, in a second study, which of two candidates they preferred. The results showed a preference for younger female candidates that decreased with age. Male candidates between the age of 35-45 were preferred over both younger and older male candidates.

What is a face worth? Facial attractiveness biases experience-based monetary decision-making - Pandey & Zayas (2021)
Drs Gayathri Pandey and Vivian Zayas developed a novel task (Interpersonal DEcision-Making Task - IDEM) modeled after the Iowa Gambling Task in which participants repeatedly selected which of four business partners, represented by headshots on the screen, would maximize their profits, with each selection resulting in a gain or loss. Two partners, one attractive and one unattractive, produced equal gains over time, whereas the other two partners, one attractive and the other unattractive, produced equal losses. Participants showed a preference for the attractive partners, even the losing partner, over the unattractive ones.
Edited 3 Years Ago by Dave

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