Dear Dave, thanks again for your help.
I have one other question related to the selection of stimuli based on participants' answer.
Do you think it would be possible to create two lists of stimuli (i.e., PA and PA_red) (with differents items), using a single question/answer?
I have tried the following code but assigning two "optionvalue" to the same "option" seem to "erase" one of the list.
Thanks again for your amazing support,
<item PA>
<item PA_red>
<checkboxes PA>
/ caption = "Please select three behaviors"
/ options = ("Run", "Swim", "Bike", "Dance")
/ optionvalues = ("Run_Blue.png", "Swim_Blue.png", "Bike_Blue.png", "Dance_Blue.png")
/ optionvalues = ("Run_Red.png", "Swim_Red.png", "Bike_Red.png", "Dance_Red.png")
/ range = (3, 3)
<surveypage page1>
/ questions = [1=PA; 2 = PA_red]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.1 == true) item.PA.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.1 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.2 == true) item.PA.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.2 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.3 == true) item.PA.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.3 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.4 == true) item.PA.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.4 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.1 == true) item.PA_red.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.1 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.2 == true) item.PA_red.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.2 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.3 == true) item.PA_red.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.3 ]
/ ontrialend = [ if (checkboxes.PA.checked.4 == true) item.PA_red.item = checkboxes.PA.optionvalue.4 ]
<picture selectedPA>
/ items = PA
<picture dummy_PA>
/ items = ("Run_Blue.png", "Swim_Blue.png", "Bike_Blue.png", "Dance_Blue.png")
<picture selectedPAred>
/ items = PA_red
<picture dummy_PA_red>
/ items = ("Run_Red.png", "Swim_Red.png", "Bike_Red.png", "Dance_Red.png")
< survey choice_PA >
/ pages = [1=page1]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ screencolor = white