Minor formatting questions - underscores, continue button, and screen size adaptations

Minor formatting questions - underscores, continue button, and screen...
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We are putting the finishing touches on our experiment and have a few questions where we have gotten stuck:

1. We would like the underscores we have written in this script to be visible to participants, but they appear as blank spaces. Please see attached to see what participants see, and below for the script.

<text ThreatRecogscenario2>
/ items = ("THE CUT:
You are organizing some paperwork in the office and get a papercut. You go to the bathroom to wash the cut and ask a coworker for a bandage. You examine the cut to see how deep it i_.")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ size = (100%, 0%)
/ position = (50%, 0%)
/ hjustify = left
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

2. Also in the attached image and script below, please see our "Continue" button. Is there a way to modify the size and position of this button, so that it is just in the bottom right corner rather than the full bottom of the page?

/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 7.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (white)
/ screencolor = black
/ lastlabel = "Continue"

3. We have received very helpful guidance on this page before about how to modify our script to adapt to many different types of smartphone screen sizes. We changed all of our values from absolute numbers to percentages. Unfortunately there is one paragraph (for now) that is still cutting off on screens, and we are not sure why. Please see the lines of text in attached image, and the script for this below where we have "size" and "position" as well as our default settings for the script - is there anything else we can try?

<text ThreatRecogscenario2>
/ items = ("THE CUT:
You are organizing some paperwork in the office and get a papercut. You go to the bathroom to wash the cut and ask a coworker for a bandage. You examine the cut to see how deep it i_.")
/ txbgcolor = black
/ txcolor = (white)
/ size = (100%, 0%)
/ position = (50%, 0%)
/ hjustify = left
/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%)
/ numitems = 1 </text>

/ fontstyle = ("Hiragino Sans", 8%, false, false, false, false)
/ txcolor = (white)
/ screencolor = black
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)

Thank you!

IMG_8825 (1).PNG (177 views, 226.00 KB)

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inquisituser22 - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
inquisituser22 - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                         Thank you for trying to test it, that's odd these issues don't show up...
inquisituser22 - 3 Years Ago
                             Hmm, I'm puzzled. What happens when you add another line break, i.e.
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                                 Wow that worked, thank you so much! I wonder why that was different...
inquisituser22 - 3 Years Ago
                                     While that's yet another entirely different continue button (here: of...
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                                         Ok thank you, I'll reduce the font size so that it fits. So the...
inquisituser22 - 3 Years Ago
                                             (1) That definition is not the current one. (2) The only other thing I...
Dave - 3 Years Ago
devin698260 - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
devin698260 - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                         The size/position attributes under <surveypage Controlratings1D>...
devin698260 - 3 Years Ago
                             The <surveypage> element has no size and position attributes...
Dave - 3 Years Ago
inquisituser22 - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago

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