Background not using all of monitor

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Hi, I'm trying to display a background image across the entire screen that  the participant will see. I'm trying to learn about the canvasaspectratio, but I think I'm not using it right or something.

My monitor resolution is 3840x2160 so I set the default to 16:9

/ canvasaspectratio = (16,9)
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)

Then I set the background image (attached) like this:

<picture background>
/items= ("000_BG03_LAVENDER_border.png")
/ halign = left
/ valign = top
/position = (0%, 0%)
/size = (100%, 100%)

But as you see in the attached image, it leaves quite a bit of territory on the right side of the screen unused.

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It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that...
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Jeff - 1/25/2022

It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that...

> It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that..

You can attach files per +Insert -> Add File...

That said, the picture will cover the entire screen, if and only if the image file's aspect ratio is 16:9. Inquisit will not distort an image's inherent aspect ratio.

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Dave - 1/25/2022
Jeff - 1/25/2022

It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that...

> It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that..

You can attach files per +Insert -> Add File...

That said, the picture will cover the entire screen, if and only if the image file's aspect ratio is 16:9. Inquisit will not distort an image's inherent aspect ratio.

Thanks, Dave. That makes sense, but it does make cross-device compatibility more difficult.

Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
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Jeff - 1/26/2022
Dave - 1/25/2022
Jeff - 1/25/2022

It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that...

> It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that..

You can attach files per +Insert -> Add File...

That said, the picture will cover the entire screen, if and only if the image file's aspect ratio is 16:9. Inquisit will not distort an image's inherent aspect ratio.

Thanks, Dave. That makes sense, but it does make cross-device compatibility more difficult.

Not really if you're declaring a 16:9 ratio per your /canvasaspectratio. On a screen that isn't 16:9 then, the script will not use the entire screen anyway, but only a 16:9 subsection (the canvas).

Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)Guru (9.3K reputation)
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Posts: 49, Visits: 123
Dave - 1/26/2022
Jeff - 1/26/2022
Dave - 1/25/2022
Jeff - 1/25/2022

It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that...

> It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that..

You can attach files per +Insert -> Add File...

That said, the picture will cover the entire screen, if and only if the image file's aspect ratio is 16:9. Inquisit will not distort an image's inherent aspect ratio.

Thanks, Dave. That makes sense, but it does make cross-device compatibility more difficult.

Not really if you're declaring a 16:9 ratio per your /canvasaspectratio. On a screen that isn't 16:9 then, the script will not use the entire screen anyway, but only a 16:9 subsection (the canvas).

One more follow-up. If it doesn't change the inherent aspect ratio, how does it handle conflicting percentages in the size attribute? If an image is naturally 16:9 but I specify percentages of 30%, 15%, how does it resolve that? 
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Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 105K
Jeff - 1/26/2022
Dave - 1/26/2022
Jeff - 1/26/2022
Dave - 1/25/2022
Jeff - 1/25/2022

It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that...

> It doesn't seem to be uploading the pictures? Not sure what to do about that..

You can attach files per +Insert -> Add File...

That said, the picture will cover the entire screen, if and only if the image file's aspect ratio is 16:9. Inquisit will not distort an image's inherent aspect ratio.

Thanks, Dave. That makes sense, but it does make cross-device compatibility more difficult.

Not really if you're declaring a 16:9 ratio per your /canvasaspectratio. On a screen that isn't 16:9 then, the script will not use the entire screen anyway, but only a 16:9 subsection (the canvas).

One more follow-up. If it doesn't change the inherent aspect ratio, how does it handle conflicting percentages in the size attribute? If an image is naturally 16:9 but I specify percentages of 30%, 15%, how does it resolve that? 

It takes the smaller specified value (here: 15%) and sizes that dimension accordingly. The other dimension is whatever the image's aspect ratio dictates.


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