I am attempting to add a text above the response on a trial. Since I failed to do so in the trial during which stimuli are presented, I decided to break up the experiment into several trials. This looks as follows: 1st trial = presentation of stimuli, 2nd trial = digit response box, 3rd trial = color response selection.
Please let me know if I missed something, and adding text to a stimulus presentation trial is indeed possible. If not, however, my 'solution' runs into the issue of presenting the first response box twice, once as part of the 1st trial, and once as part of the 2nd trial. Therefore, I would like to remove the text box from the 1st trial (stimulus presentation):
<trial trial250>
/ recorddata = false
/ trialduration = 401
/ ontrialbegin = [
// select digit items
values.dig1 = list.digits.nextvalue;
values.dig2 = list.digits.nextvalue;
// select target item
values.t = list.t_items.nextvalue;
// select distractor items
values.d1 = list.d_items.nextvalue;
values.d2 = list.d_items.nextvalue;
// select target position
values.t_x = list.t_x.nextvalue;
// select distractor positions
values.d1_x = list.d_x.nextvalue;
values.d2_x = list.d_x.nextvalue;
// select target color
values.t_color = list.t_colors.nextvalue;
// and corresponding response key
// combine digits
values.correctdigit = concat(values.dig1, values.dig2);
// select distractor colors
values.d1_color = list.d_colors.nextvalue;
values.d2_color = list.d_colors.nextvalue;
/stimulustimes = [0 = clearscreen; 1 = fixation; 150 = clearscreen; 151 = t, d1, d2 , dig1, dig2; 401 = clearscreen]
/ branch = [openended.digitResponse]
/ ontrialend = [
// reset relevant lists for next trial
<openended digitResponse>
/ recorddata = false
/ stimulustimes = [0 = digResp]
/ correctresponse = (values.correctdigit)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/ branch = [if(trial.digitResponse.correct == 1 || trial.digitResponse.correct == 0)trial.colorResponse]
/ ontrialend = [
// save data
values.latencyDigit = openended.digitResponse.latency;
values.digitResponse = openended.digitResponse.response;
values.digPropCor = openended.digitResponse.percentcorrect;
values.digLatAvg = openended.digitResponse.meanlatency;
<text digResp>
/ caption = "Enter the two presented digits"
/ maxchars = 2
/ mask = positiveinteger
All the best,