Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xActually scratch my last response, it was erroneous. (Skipping blocks used to be not supported on touch screens, but that is no longer the case.) On a touch device, you can skip through blocks by drawing a mirrored Z-shape with two fingers across the screen. That is: Lower left corner of the screen -> lower right corner -> diagonally up to upper left corner -> upper right corner.  These gestures may take a few attempts to get right, they're built so as to not be triggered accidentally. Ok that is a big relief, thank you. At what point do we do that? any time during the session? Yeah, these gestures should work at any point during a given script. Ok thank you, we are working on figuring that out. In the meantime, we are having the participant we have in the study currently skipping ahead session IDs on their phone. We had them encounter a very odd error just now. We had them do what is session ID 8 (see script below) and it had the participant doing an .iqx file that is part of Session 1 instead. Please see log attached. You can see it says session 8 but then is not the file listed below in session 8's script. Any idea what we have done incorrectly or is this a glitch? Thank you. session8_batch.iqx ****PSYCHOED GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (1 of 2) / file="psychoed session 6 March11.iqx" </batch> ****CBM-I GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (2 of 2) / file="cbm training session 6 april19.iqx" </batch> There is no log attached. Sorry - I didn't realize there was a limit for space for attachments of 5 MB - it won't let me post it as it says I have used 4 MB. I've copied instead, I apologize as I know it is harder to read. It's also weird because this iqx that was erroneously run says it itself had an error, but when I went to validate the script, no error was even found. But, the bigger problem remains why was session 1 run instead of session 8. 8 2 iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 6.5.2 Launch 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 License 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 Data Finish 9 Event Times Date/Time Event IP Address OS Client User Agent Data File 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 Thanks for the log excerpt. This descriptor 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 is the name of the script file that was the study's start script when the experiment was initially registered. That descriptor is kept as an internal identifer, even if the start script is later changed to a different script and even if the original start script has been deleted. When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs. That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:   As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors. Hi Dave, thank you for explaining all of this. Some follow-up questions: 1) "When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs."Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name, and I don't know how I would be able to catch these on my own without posting in the forums each time. 2) "That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:"This makes more sense now - I went to validate all of the scripts quickly (the participant was waiting) and no errors appeared. It seems that running the batch scripts lead to a bunch of errors that are hard for us to predict/anticipate from our test runs we do internally as a team. I am not sure if this means we need to purchase a second license to reduce the amount of batch scripts, pay for a programmer at Inquisit with our limited funds, or if there are other ways you would recommend managing these unanticipated issues before we can recruit additional participants.
3) "As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors." Ok, thank you. Do you mean on the participant's end when they were downloading/storing on device, or when I was uploading these files? Re. 1): > Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? Not after the fact. When you register a new study, make sure you either upload the script that is to serve as the start script first or, if you're uploading multiple scripts, make sure the start script's name is alphabetically first. > This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name. The error here is not because of a prior file name. Re. 2): I don't think you're running into any exceptional errors because of the use of batch scripts. Things will go wrong in online research, the systems are not under your control and will be in varying states of maintenance, a participant's connection may be flaky or suffering from other issues temporarily. Re. 3): On the participant's end. The files uploaded to the server are intact. Ok, we have hopefully addressed some of those issues now, thank you. Two next questions: 1) As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors.When this happens with a participant, what would you recommend we do to address the issue with the participant to start fresh? When this happened to us a few days ago, we had the participant fully quit out of Inquisit and restart, and also just entering the session ID in Inquisit player several times and it wouldn't load until we gave up and skipped that session and went on to the next one.
2) In my own testing, I keep running into "internet timeout error" for several different session IDs in Inquisit player. How would you recommend we address this with participants? 04/26/2022 - 00:36:17 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.script Internet timeout error. Files pending: 2. 126 Thanks again One other question for now, is I can't figure out a pattern to when the logs show you the file completed by participants under "Data Files" vs are blank. Thanks again
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 106K
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xActually scratch my last response, it was erroneous. (Skipping blocks used to be not supported on touch screens, but that is no longer the case.) On a touch device, you can skip through blocks by drawing a mirrored Z-shape with two fingers across the screen. That is: Lower left corner of the screen -> lower right corner -> diagonally up to upper left corner -> upper right corner.  These gestures may take a few attempts to get right, they're built so as to not be triggered accidentally. Ok that is a big relief, thank you. At what point do we do that? any time during the session? Yeah, these gestures should work at any point during a given script. Ok thank you, we are working on figuring that out. In the meantime, we are having the participant we have in the study currently skipping ahead session IDs on their phone. We had them encounter a very odd error just now. We had them do what is session ID 8 (see script below) and it had the participant doing an .iqx file that is part of Session 1 instead. Please see log attached. You can see it says session 8 but then is not the file listed below in session 8's script. Any idea what we have done incorrectly or is this a glitch? Thank you. session8_batch.iqx ****PSYCHOED GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (1 of 2) / file="psychoed session 6 March11.iqx" </batch> ****CBM-I GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (2 of 2) / file="cbm training session 6 april19.iqx" </batch> There is no log attached. Sorry - I didn't realize there was a limit for space for attachments of 5 MB - it won't let me post it as it says I have used 4 MB. I've copied instead, I apologize as I know it is harder to read. It's also weird because this iqx that was erroneously run says it itself had an error, but when I went to validate the script, no error was even found. But, the bigger problem remains why was session 1 run instead of session 8. 8 2 iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 6.5.2 Launch 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 License 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 Data Finish 9 Event Times Date/Time Event IP Address OS Client User Agent Data File 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 Thanks for the log excerpt. This descriptor 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 is the name of the script file that was the study's start script when the experiment was initially registered. That descriptor is kept as an internal identifer, even if the start script is later changed to a different script and even if the original start script has been deleted. When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs. That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:   As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors. Hi Dave, thank you for explaining all of this. Some follow-up questions: 1) "When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs."Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name, and I don't know how I would be able to catch these on my own without posting in the forums each time. 2) "That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:"This makes more sense now - I went to validate all of the scripts quickly (the participant was waiting) and no errors appeared. It seems that running the batch scripts lead to a bunch of errors that are hard for us to predict/anticipate from our test runs we do internally as a team. I am not sure if this means we need to purchase a second license to reduce the amount of batch scripts, pay for a programmer at Inquisit with our limited funds, or if there are other ways you would recommend managing these unanticipated issues before we can recruit additional participants.
3) "As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors." Ok, thank you. Do you mean on the participant's end when they were downloading/storing on device, or when I was uploading these files? Re. 1): > Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? Not after the fact. When you register a new study, make sure you either upload the script that is to serve as the start script first or, if you're uploading multiple scripts, make sure the start script's name is alphabetically first. > This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name. The error here is not because of a prior file name. Re. 2): I don't think you're running into any exceptional errors because of the use of batch scripts. Things will go wrong in online research, the systems are not under your control and will be in varying states of maintenance, a participant's connection may be flaky or suffering from other issues temporarily. Re. 3): On the participant's end. The files uploaded to the server are intact. Ok, we have hopefully addressed some of those issues now, thank you. Two next questions: 1) As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors.When this happens with a participant, what would you recommend we do to address the issue with the participant to start fresh? When this happened to us a few days ago, we had the participant fully quit out of Inquisit and restart, and also just entering the session ID in Inquisit player several times and it wouldn't load until we gave up and skipped that session and went on to the next one.
2) In my own testing, I keep running into "internet timeout error" for several different session IDs in Inquisit player. How would you recommend we address this with participants? 04/26/2022 - 00:36:17 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.script Internet timeout error. Files pending: 2. 126 Thanks again > When this happens with a participant, what would you recommend we do to address the issue with the participant to start fresh? (1) Make sure the internet connection is stable and not otherwise congested (e.g. large OS or app updates downloading at the same time). (2) If a simple app restart doesn't do the trick, clear the player's cache as described here previously:> In my own testing, I keep running into "internet timeout error" for several different session IDs in Inquisit player Timeout errors typically originate client-side, i.e. the connection is slow, unstable, or congested. See (1) above. If your set of scripts is stable, i.e. don't have to be changed around online anymore, you can also put the experiment into "offline" mode on any given device, in which case all materials (scripts, assets, etc. for all sessions) will donwloaded and persistently stored on the device, i.e. they don't have to be downloaded anew every time. The caveat here is: If you change something online, a device that has the study in offline mode will not pick up any of those changes. Offline mode will first have to be disabled again. See under "Offline Support." Note: Even if set to offline, data files will be automatically uploaded if internet connectivity is available, unless automatic data file upload has been explicitly disabled per the player's Data tab.
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 106K
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xActually scratch my last response, it was erroneous. (Skipping blocks used to be not supported on touch screens, but that is no longer the case.) On a touch device, you can skip through blocks by drawing a mirrored Z-shape with two fingers across the screen. That is: Lower left corner of the screen -> lower right corner -> diagonally up to upper left corner -> upper right corner.  These gestures may take a few attempts to get right, they're built so as to not be triggered accidentally. Ok that is a big relief, thank you. At what point do we do that? any time during the session? Yeah, these gestures should work at any point during a given script. Ok thank you, we are working on figuring that out. In the meantime, we are having the participant we have in the study currently skipping ahead session IDs on their phone. We had them encounter a very odd error just now. We had them do what is session ID 8 (see script below) and it had the participant doing an .iqx file that is part of Session 1 instead. Please see log attached. You can see it says session 8 but then is not the file listed below in session 8's script. Any idea what we have done incorrectly or is this a glitch? Thank you. session8_batch.iqx ****PSYCHOED GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (1 of 2) / file="psychoed session 6 March11.iqx" </batch> ****CBM-I GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (2 of 2) / file="cbm training session 6 april19.iqx" </batch> There is no log attached. Sorry - I didn't realize there was a limit for space for attachments of 5 MB - it won't let me post it as it says I have used 4 MB. I've copied instead, I apologize as I know it is harder to read. It's also weird because this iqx that was erroneously run says it itself had an error, but when I went to validate the script, no error was even found. But, the bigger problem remains why was session 1 run instead of session 8. 8 2 iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 6.5.2 Launch 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 License 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 Data Finish 9 Event Times Date/Time Event IP Address OS Client User Agent Data File 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 Thanks for the log excerpt. This descriptor 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 is the name of the script file that was the study's start script when the experiment was initially registered. That descriptor is kept as an internal identifer, even if the start script is later changed to a different script and even if the original start script has been deleted. When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs. That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:   As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors. Hi Dave, thank you for explaining all of this. Some follow-up questions: 1) "When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs."Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name, and I don't know how I would be able to catch these on my own without posting in the forums each time. 2) "That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:"This makes more sense now - I went to validate all of the scripts quickly (the participant was waiting) and no errors appeared. It seems that running the batch scripts lead to a bunch of errors that are hard for us to predict/anticipate from our test runs we do internally as a team. I am not sure if this means we need to purchase a second license to reduce the amount of batch scripts, pay for a programmer at Inquisit with our limited funds, or if there are other ways you would recommend managing these unanticipated issues before we can recruit additional participants.
3) "As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors." Ok, thank you. Do you mean on the participant's end when they were downloading/storing on device, or when I was uploading these files? Re. 1): > Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? Not after the fact. When you register a new study, make sure you either upload the script that is to serve as the start script first or, if you're uploading multiple scripts, make sure the start script's name is alphabetically first. > This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name. The error here is not because of a prior file name. Re. 2): I don't think you're running into any exceptional errors because of the use of batch scripts. Things will go wrong in online research, the systems are not under your control and will be in varying states of maintenance, a participant's connection may be flaky or suffering from other issues temporarily. Re. 3): On the participant's end. The files uploaded to the server are intact. Ok, we have hopefully addressed some of those issues now, thank you. Two next questions: 1) As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors.When this happens with a participant, what would you recommend we do to address the issue with the participant to start fresh? When this happened to us a few days ago, we had the participant fully quit out of Inquisit and restart, and also just entering the session ID in Inquisit player several times and it wouldn't load until we gave up and skipped that session and went on to the next one.
2) In my own testing, I keep running into "internet timeout error" for several different session IDs in Inquisit player. How would you recommend we address this with participants? 04/26/2022 - 00:36:17 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.script Internet timeout error. Files pending: 2. 126 Thanks again One other question for now, is I can't figure out a pattern to when the logs show you the file completed by participants under "Data Files" vs are blank. Thanks again  Check the settings in the player's Data tab. If you want data files automatically uploaded, leave the Automatic Upload box checked. If you want to prevent automatic upload, uncheck it. Data files residing on the device will be listed on the data tab, you can manually trigger upload by tapping the "Cloud Upload" icon in the upper right corner.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 96,
Visits: 339
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xActually scratch my last response, it was erroneous. (Skipping blocks used to be not supported on touch screens, but that is no longer the case.) On a touch device, you can skip through blocks by drawing a mirrored Z-shape with two fingers across the screen. That is: Lower left corner of the screen -> lower right corner -> diagonally up to upper left corner -> upper right corner.  These gestures may take a few attempts to get right, they're built so as to not be triggered accidentally. Ok that is a big relief, thank you. At what point do we do that? any time during the session? Yeah, these gestures should work at any point during a given script. Ok thank you, we are working on figuring that out. In the meantime, we are having the participant we have in the study currently skipping ahead session IDs on their phone. We had them encounter a very odd error just now. We had them do what is session ID 8 (see script below) and it had the participant doing an .iqx file that is part of Session 1 instead. Please see log attached. You can see it says session 8 but then is not the file listed below in session 8's script. Any idea what we have done incorrectly or is this a glitch? Thank you. session8_batch.iqx ****PSYCHOED GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (1 of 2) / file="psychoed session 6 March11.iqx" </batch> ****CBM-I GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (2 of 2) / file="cbm training session 6 april19.iqx" </batch> There is no log attached. Sorry - I didn't realize there was a limit for space for attachments of 5 MB - it won't let me post it as it says I have used 4 MB. I've copied instead, I apologize as I know it is harder to read. It's also weird because this iqx that was erroneously run says it itself had an error, but when I went to validate the script, no error was even found. But, the bigger problem remains why was session 1 run instead of session 8. 8 2 iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 6.5.2 Launch 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 License 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 Data Finish 9 Event Times Date/Time Event IP Address OS Client User Agent Data File 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 Thanks for the log excerpt. This descriptor 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 is the name of the script file that was the study's start script when the experiment was initially registered. That descriptor is kept as an internal identifer, even if the start script is later changed to a different script and even if the original start script has been deleted. When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs. That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:   As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors. Hi Dave, thank you for explaining all of this. Some follow-up questions: 1) "When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs."Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name, and I don't know how I would be able to catch these on my own without posting in the forums each time. 2) "That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:"This makes more sense now - I went to validate all of the scripts quickly (the participant was waiting) and no errors appeared. It seems that running the batch scripts lead to a bunch of errors that are hard for us to predict/anticipate from our test runs we do internally as a team. I am not sure if this means we need to purchase a second license to reduce the amount of batch scripts, pay for a programmer at Inquisit with our limited funds, or if there are other ways you would recommend managing these unanticipated issues before we can recruit additional participants.
3) "As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors." Ok, thank you. Do you mean on the participant's end when they were downloading/storing on device, or when I was uploading these files? Re. 1): > Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? Not after the fact. When you register a new study, make sure you either upload the script that is to serve as the start script first or, if you're uploading multiple scripts, make sure the start script's name is alphabetically first. > This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name. The error here is not because of a prior file name. Re. 2): I don't think you're running into any exceptional errors because of the use of batch scripts. Things will go wrong in online research, the systems are not under your control and will be in varying states of maintenance, a participant's connection may be flaky or suffering from other issues temporarily. Re. 3): On the participant's end. The files uploaded to the server are intact. Ok, we have hopefully addressed some of those issues now, thank you. Two next questions: 1) As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors.When this happens with a participant, what would you recommend we do to address the issue with the participant to start fresh? When this happened to us a few days ago, we had the participant fully quit out of Inquisit and restart, and also just entering the session ID in Inquisit player several times and it wouldn't load until we gave up and skipped that session and went on to the next one.
2) In my own testing, I keep running into "internet timeout error" for several different session IDs in Inquisit player. How would you recommend we address this with participants? 04/26/2022 - 00:36:17 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.script Internet timeout error. Files pending: 2. 126 Thanks again One other question for now, is I can't figure out a pattern to when the logs show you the file completed by participants under "Data Files" vs are blank. Thanks again  Check the settings in the player's Data tab. If you want data files automatically uploaded, leave the Automatic Upload box checked. If you want to prevent automatic upload, uncheck it. Data files residing on the device will be listed on the data tab, you can manually trigger upload by tapping the "Cloud Upload" icon in the upper right corner. Thank you, I changed my start script to be alphabetically first "a_mainbatch.iqx" and went to test out "offline mode" and both with that on and off I am encountering the following error and unable to run the session. Also, it is still bringing up the file name that used to come first alphabetically and I am not sure why. Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/26/2022 - 17:23:47 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx QNetwork Error: Error transferring training session 8 march31.iqx - server replied: Line 102, File /Users/erik/ms/qt5.15/inquisit_5.15/IQRuntime/qt/Path_qt.cpp 46
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 96,
Visits: 339
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xActually scratch my last response, it was erroneous. (Skipping blocks used to be not supported on touch screens, but that is no longer the case.) On a touch device, you can skip through blocks by drawing a mirrored Z-shape with two fingers across the screen. That is: Lower left corner of the screen -> lower right corner -> diagonally up to upper left corner -> upper right corner.  These gestures may take a few attempts to get right, they're built so as to not be triggered accidentally. Ok that is a big relief, thank you. At what point do we do that? any time during the session? Yeah, these gestures should work at any point during a given script. Ok thank you, we are working on figuring that out. In the meantime, we are having the participant we have in the study currently skipping ahead session IDs on their phone. We had them encounter a very odd error just now. We had them do what is session ID 8 (see script below) and it had the participant doing an .iqx file that is part of Session 1 instead. Please see log attached. You can see it says session 8 but then is not the file listed below in session 8's script. Any idea what we have done incorrectly or is this a glitch? Thank you. session8_batch.iqx ****PSYCHOED GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (1 of 2) / file="psychoed session 6 March11.iqx" </batch> ****CBM-I GROUP**** <batch> / groups = (2 of 2) / file="cbm training session 6 april19.iqx" </batch> There is no log attached. Sorry - I didn't realize there was a limit for space for attachments of 5 MB - it won't let me post it as it says I have used 4 MB. I've copied instead, I apologize as I know it is harder to read. It's also weird because this iqx that was erroneously run says it itself had an error, but when I went to validate the script, no error was even found. But, the bigger problem remains why was session 1 run instead of session 8. 8 2 iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView 6.5.2 Launch 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 License 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 Data Finish 9 Event Times Date/Time Event IP Address OS Client User Agent Data File 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:19:58 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:20:59 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LicenseQuery iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) 04/22/2022 - 20:29:46 LaunchButtonClick iOS 15.4.1 Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) InquisitPlayer/6.5.2 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error iPhone InquisitPlayer 6.5.2 ARM64 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; InquisitPlayer/6.5.2; iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X; ARM64) Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:21:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials Could not locate element 'Threatpositive6'. 15 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.block.Session1.trials trial 1 is unassigned. 29 04/22/2022 - 20:29:57 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 Thanks for the log excerpt. This descriptor 04/22/2022 - 20:20:09 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.openended Name of element is missing. 35 is the name of the script file that was the study's start script when the experiment was initially registered. That descriptor is kept as an internal identifer, even if the start script is later changed to a different script and even if the original start script has been deleted. When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs. That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:   As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors. Hi Dave, thank you for explaining all of this. Some follow-up questions: 1) "When you upload multiple script files at once when registering an experiment, the alphabetically first script will be automatically selected as the start script (that would have been baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx in your case), so you may not even have realized that this script was, in fact, the original start script and thus serves as the study's identifer in the logs."Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name, and I don't know how I would be able to catch these on my own without posting in the forums each time. 2) "That baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx wasn't actually run in session 8 is easy enough to see from the errors themselves. For example, no such thing as <block Session1> exists in baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx. That block exists in cbm training session 6 april19.iqx, however, which is exactly the script expected to be run in session 8 / group 2:"This makes more sense now - I went to validate all of the scripts quickly (the participant was waiting) and no errors appeared. It seems that running the batch scripts lead to a bunch of errors that are hard for us to predict/anticipate from our test runs we do internally as a team. I am not sure if this means we need to purchase a second license to reduce the amount of batch scripts, pay for a programmer at Inquisit with our limited funds, or if there are other ways you would recommend managing these unanticipated issues before we can recruit additional participants.
3) "As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors." Ok, thank you. Do you mean on the participant's end when they were downloading/storing on device, or when I was uploading these files? Re. 1): > Is there a way to clear all of the prior file names? Not after the fact. When you register a new study, make sure you either upload the script that is to serve as the start script first or, if you're uploading multiple scripts, make sure the start script's name is alphabetically first. > This is the second time we have run into errors because of a prior file name. The error here is not because of a prior file name. Re. 2): I don't think you're running into any exceptional errors because of the use of batch scripts. Things will go wrong in online research, the systems are not under your control and will be in varying states of maintenance, a participant's connection may be flaky or suffering from other issues temporarily. Re. 3): On the participant's end. The files uploaded to the server are intact. Ok, we have hopefully addressed some of those issues now, thank you. Two next questions: 1) As for the cause of the errors, almost certainly the script file got cut off and corrupted either during download or when it was stored on the device, leading to the various parsing errors.When this happens with a participant, what would you recommend we do to address the issue with the participant to start fresh? When this happened to us a few days ago, we had the participant fully quit out of Inquisit and restart, and also just entering the session ID in Inquisit player several times and it wouldn't load until we gave up and skipped that session and went on to the next one.
2) In my own testing, I keep running into "internet timeout error" for several different session IDs in Inquisit player. How would you recommend we address this with participants? 04/26/2022 - 00:36:17 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx.script Internet timeout error. Files pending: 2. 126 Thanks again One other question for now, is I can't figure out a pattern to when the logs show you the file completed by participants under "Data Files" vs are blank. Thanks again  Check the settings in the player's Data tab. If you want data files automatically uploaded, leave the Automatic Upload box checked. If you want to prevent automatic upload, uncheck it. Data files residing on the device will be listed on the data tab, you can manually trigger upload by tapping the "Cloud Upload" icon in the upper right corner. Thank you, I changed my start script to be alphabetically first "a_mainbatch.iqx" and went to test out "offline mode" and both with that on and off I am encountering the following error and unable to run the session. Also, it is still bringing up the file name that used to come first alphabetically and I am not sure why. Errors Date/Time Type Script Element Message Error Code 04/26/2022 - 17:23:47 Error baseline assessment 2-28-22 final.iqx QNetwork Error: Error transferring training session 8 march31.iqx - server replied: Line 102, File /Users/erik/ms/qt5.15/inquisit_5.15/IQRuntime/qt/Path_qt.cpp 46 Please disregard - I figured out th problem!