Randomly select control items from list

Ine Van der Cruyssen
Ine Van der Cruyssen
Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)Associate Member (103 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 9, Visits: 75
Hi everyone,

I'm running into some problems when programming my experiment.
What I want to do is that participants see a checklist with 16 items and have to check the ones that are significant to them. The ones that are checked are removed from the list and from the items that remain, we want to randomly select 4 items that will serve as control items in the experiment.
However, I have no idea how to do the last step. I don't seem to manage to randomly select 4 items (no repeat) and make them work as control items.
I would be very happy if someone could help me out. 

I attached my script. The part where I'm stuck is line 376.

Thank you in advance!
All the best,

ExpNathalie.iqx (152 views, 63.00 KB)

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