Likert response 1 always incorrect

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Posts: 25, Visits: 104
Hi there,
I'm getting the weirdest error with my Likert elements. I cannot seem to specify point 1 as the correct response. It always registers as incorrect.
I can specify point 2 as the correct one, and that works. I can also add a third option and specify that as the correct response. However, if I specify the first option as correct, the trials always registers as incorrect in the output, and I get 'incorrect' feedback on screen (for both possible responses).
Is there an error in my script that I am missing?

<likert testtrial>
/ numpoints = 2
/ anchors = [1 = "YES"; 2 = "NO"]
/ mouse = TRUE
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ stimulustimes = [1= sometext]
/ correctresponse = (1)
/ correctmessage = TRUE(righty, 1000)
/ errormessage = TRUE(error, 1000)

<text sometext>
/ items = ("Hello world")
/ fontstyle = ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 1.81%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<text righty>
/ items = ("correct !")
/size = (900, 70)
/position = (50, 45)
/halign = center
/ color =#00d900

<text Error>
/ items = ("incorrect...")
/size = (900, 70)
/position = (50, 45)
/halign = center
/ color =red
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Posts: 13K, Visits: 102K
Lizzy - 3/14/2022
Hi there,
I'm getting the weirdest error with my Likert elements. I cannot seem to specify point 1 as the correct response. It always registers as incorrect.
I can specify point 2 as the correct one, and that works. I can also add a third option and specify that as the correct response. However, if I specify the first option as correct, the trials always registers as incorrect in the output, and I get 'incorrect' feedback on screen (for both possible responses).
Is there an error in my script that I am missing?

<likert testtrial>
/ numpoints = 2
/ anchors = [1 = "YES"; 2 = "NO"]
/ mouse = TRUE
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ stimulustimes = [1= sometext]
/ correctresponse = (1)
/ correctmessage = TRUE(righty, 1000)
/ errormessage = TRUE(error, 1000)

<text sometext>
/ items = ("Hello world")
/ fontstyle = ("MS Shell Dlg 2", 1.81%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ position = (50%, 30%)

<text righty>
/ items = ("correct !")
/size = (900, 70)
/position = (50, 45)
/halign = center
/ color =#00d900

<text Error>
/ items = ("incorrect...")
/size = (900, 70)
/position = (50, 45)
/halign = center
/ color =red

That appears to be some very strange bug, thanks for reporting. Fortunately, there is a workaround, using /iscorrectresponse should do the trick:

<likert testtrial>
/ numpoints = 2
/ anchors = [1 = "YES"; 2 = "NO"]
/ mouse = TRUE
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ stimulustimes = [1= sometext]
/ iscorrectresponse = [
    likert.testtrial.response == 1;

/ correctmessage = TRUE(righty, 1000)
/ errormessage = TRUE(error, 1000)

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