Random assigments of pictures, remaining in pairs throughout the conditioning

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Posts: 6, Visits: 15
Hello, I'm COMPLETELY  new and I've been struggling to create conditioning. I have 4 neutral images, 2 positive and 2 negative pictures. I need every neutral picture to draw one positive or negative picture and remain in this pair till the end of conditioning. It is essentiall that each time (in case of different particiapnts) every neutral photo schould  randomly choose positive or negative image. I've managed to create drawing but my stimuli pairs are changing, they do not stay together until the end. I would be very gratefull for any help...

dog, dolphins are negative
biketrip, doggys are positive

<item US>
/ 1 = "kitten.bmp"
/ 2 = "kiddy2.bmp"
/ 3 = "chairelctr.bmp"
/ 4 = "roach.bmp"

<item CS>
/ 1 = "biketrip.bmp"
/ 2 = "dog.bmp"
/ 3 = "doggys.bmp"
/ 4 = "dolphins.bmp"

<item CSpos>
/1 = "kitten.bmp"

<item CSneg>
/1 = "roach.bmp"

<counter los_bodz_pos>
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
/ items = ("biketrip.bmp","doggys.bmp")

<counter los_bodz_neg>
/ select = noreplace
/ selectionrate = always
/ items = ("dog.bmp","dolphins.bmp")

<trial los_pos>
/ trialduration = 0
/ ontrialend = [
    item.CSpos.item = counter.los_bodz_pos.selectedvalue
<trial los_neg>
/ trialduration = 0
/ ontrialend = [
    item.CSneg.item = counter.los_bodz_neg.selectedvalue

<block losowanie>
/ onblockbegin = [
    item.CSpos.clearitems(); item.CSneg.clearitems()
/ trials = [1-4 = noreplace(los_pos,los_neg)]


<picture US>
/ items = US
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (30%, 30%)

<picture CS>
/ items = CS
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ size = (30%, 30%)

<trial warunkowanie>
/ stimulustimes = [0= picture.CS; 1000=picture.US]
/ timeout = 4000
/ pretrialpause = 2000

<block 4>
/trials = [1-64=noreplace(warunkowanie)]
/preinstructions = (instr_warunkowanie)

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ninamis - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
ninamis - 3 Years Ago
ninamis - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
ninamis - 3 Years Ago
                         Sorry for all the mistakes in spelling :( Than you sooo much for help
ninamis - 3 Years Ago
                             Then you can simply do someting like this:
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                                 Wow, it's working!! I'm very grateful !!!!!! I need to learn more...
ninamis - 3 Years Ago
                                     The programmer's manual is a good starting point:...
Dave - 3 Years Ago

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