Markers not appearing and the lpt3 can't be found.

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 22

I am trying to use the inquisit6.5.2 to display a probabilistic selection task (downloaded from the Millisecond library) , and use another computer to record the EEG signal by the BrainProducts' software.
The script can run, but it produced a reminder:"Parallel port 3 not found on this machine", and the signal couldn't be sent out successfully to EEG amplifier.
I would appreciate any help and input on this matter.

This is the code I used to define the signal:
/canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)
/ lptaddresses = (lpt3=CEFC)

<port ABtrigger_p1>
/ port = LPT3
/ subport = data
/ items = ("00000101")

<port CDtrigger_p1>
/ port = LPT3
/ subport = data
/ items = ("00001001")

<port EFtrigger_p1>
/ port = LPT3
/ subport = data
/ items = ("00010001")

<port feedback1>
/ port = LPT3
/ subport = data
/ items = ("10100000")

<port feedback2>
/ port = LPT3
/ subport = data
/ items = ("10010000")

Many thanks,

add LPT__PST.iqx (145 views, 51.00 KB)

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LinShiying - 3 Years Ago
LinShiying - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
LinShiying - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
LinShiying - 3 Years Ago
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                         The "response markers" I mean is the "markers". I have misunderstood...
LinShiying - 3 Years Ago
                             Have you tried with the pre-release version I linked here? Yes or no?...
Dave - 3 Years Ago
                                 I have solved the problem. Thank you very much!
LinShiying - 3 Years Ago

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