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I am trying to use the inquisit6.5.2 to display a probabilistic selection task (downloaded from the Millisecond library) , and use another computer to record the EEG signal by the BrainProducts' software. The script can run, but it produced a reminder:"Parallel port 3 not found on this machine", and the signal couldn't be sent out successfully to EEG amplifier. I would appreciate any help and input on this matter.
This is the code I used to define the signal: <defaults> /canvasaspectratio = (4,3) /minimumversion = "" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) /txbgcolor = white / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) / lptaddresses = (lpt3=CEFC) </defaults>
<port ABtrigger_p1> / port = LPT3 / subport = data / items = ("00000101") </port>
<port CDtrigger_p1> / port = LPT3 / subport = data / items = ("00001001") </port>
<port EFtrigger_p1> / port = LPT3 / subport = data / items = ("00010001") </port>
<port feedback1> / port = LPT3 / subport = data / items = ("10100000") </port>
<port feedback2> / port = LPT3 / subport = data / items = ("10010000") </port>
Many thanks, LinShiying