/ learninginterval = 1500
/ probepause = 1000
/ mindigits = 2
/ maxdigits = 6
/ setsize = ""
/ words = ""
/ first = ""
/ second = ""
/ third = ""
/ fourth = ""
/ fifth = ""
/ sixth = ""
/ seventh = ""
/ target = ""
/ columns = [date time subject trialcode latency response correct values.setsize values.first values.second values.third values.fourth values.fifth values.sixth values.seventh values.target]
<counter setsize>
/ items = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
/ select = noreplace
<text digit1ordigit2>
/ items = ("")
<counter select1or2>
/ items = (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2)
/ select = noreplace
/ screencolor = black
/ txcolor = white
/ txbgcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%)
/ minimumversion = ""
<item digits1>
/ 1 = "Failure"
/ 2 = "Hatred"
/ 3 = "Grief"
/ 4 = "Betray"
/ 5 = "Unhappy"
/ 6 = "Cruel"
/ 7 = "Death"
/ 8 = "Sad"
/ 9 = "Rejected"
/ 10 = "Sick"
/ 11 = "Nightmare"
/ 12 = "Bored"
/ 13 = "Abuse"
/ 14 = "Insult"
/ 15 = "Loneliness"
/ 16 = "Loser"
/ 17 = "Pain"
/ 18 = "Disaster"
/ 19 = "Hurt"
/ 20 = "Toothache"
/ 21 = "Funeral"
/ 22 = "Germs"
/ 23 = "Bees"
/ 24 = "Poison"
/ 25 = "Vomit"
<item digits2>
/ 1 = "Success"
/ 2 = "Loved"
/ 3 = "Joy"
/ 4 = "Protected"
/ 5 = "Happy"
/ 6 = "Kindness"
/ 7 = "Life"
/ 8 = "Cheer"
/ 9 = "Acceptance"
/ 10 = "Health"
/ 11 = "Dream"
/ 12 = "Fun"
/ 13 = "Hug"
/ 14 = "Joke"
/ 15 = "Friend"
/ 16 = "Champion"
/ 17 = "Pleasure"
/ 18 = "Paradise"
/ 19 = "Kiss"
/ 20 = "Beach"
/ 21 = "Money"
/ 22 = "Rollercoaster"
/ 23 = "Terrific"
/ 24 = "Vacation"
/ 25 = "Laughter"
<counter digit1>
/ items = (
/ select = noreplace
<counter digit2>
/ items = (
/ select = noreplace
<text blank>
/ items = ("00")
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = black
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
<text in>
/ items = in
/ txcolor = yellow
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
/ erase = true (0,0,0)
/ select = noreplace
<text out>
/ items = digits1
/ txcolor = yellow
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
/ erase = true (0,0,0)
/ select = noreplace
<text out2>
/ items = digits2
/ txcolor = yellow
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
/ erase = true (0,0,0)
/ select = noreplace
<text errorsignal>
/ items = ("X")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
/ txcolor = red
/ position = (50%, 80%)
<text correctsignal>
/ items = ("O")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
/ txcolor = green
/ position = (50%, 80%)
<text inreminder>
/ items = ("YES")
/ position = (20%, 90%)
<text outreminder>
/ items = ("NO")
/ position = (80%, 90%)
<trial first>
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.first = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ branch = [trial.second]
/ recorddata = false
<trial second>
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.second = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ branch = [trial.third]
/ recorddata = false
<trial third>
/ skip = [values.setsize < 3]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.third = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ branch = [trial.fourth]
/ recorddata = false
<trial fourth>
/ skip = [values.setsize < 4]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.fourth = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ branch = [trial.fifth]
/ recorddata = false
<trial fifth>
/ skip = [values.setsize < 5]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.fifth = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ branch = [trial.sixth]
/ recorddata = false
<trial sixth>
/ skip = [values.setsize < 6]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.sixth = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ branch = [trial.seventh]
/ recorddata = false
<trial seventh>
/ skip = [values.setsize < 7]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 1) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit1.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [ if (counter.select1or2.selectedvalue == 2) text.digit1ordigit2.item.1 = counter.digit2.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.setsize = counter.setsize.selectedvalue]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.words = ""]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = digit1ordigit2]
/ trialduration = values.learninginterval
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ ontrialend = [values.seventh = text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem; item.in.item=text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem]
/ ontrialend = [values.words = concat(concat(values.words, text.digit1ordigit2.currentitem), " ")]
/ recorddata = false
<trial in>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ pretrialpause = values.probepause
/ stimulusframes = [1=in]
/ validresponse = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ correctresponse = (inreminder)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.target = text.in.currentitem]
/ branch = [trial.reset]
<trial out>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ pretrialpause = values.probepause
/ stimulusframes = [1=out]
/ validresponse = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ correctresponse = (outreminder)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.target = text.out.currentitem]
/ branch = [trial.reset]
<trial out2>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ pretrialpause = values.probepause
/ stimulusframes = [1=out2]
/ validresponse = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ correctresponse = (outreminder)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.target = text.out2.currentitem]
/ branch = [trial.reset]
<trial in_p>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ pretrialpause = values.probepause
/ stimulusframes = [1=in]
/ validresponse = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ correctresponse = (inreminder)
/ errormessage = (errorsignal, 0)
/ correctmessage = (correctsignal, 1)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.target = text.in.currentitem]
/ branch = [trial.reset]
<trial out_p>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ pretrialpause = values.probepause
/ stimulusframes = [1=out]
/ validresponse = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ correctresponse = (outreminder)
/ errormessage = (errorsignal, 0)
/ correctmessage = (correctsignal, 1)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.target = text.out.currentitem]
/ branch = [trial.reset]
<trial out2_p>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ pretrialpause = values.probepause
/ stimulusframes = [1=out2]
/ validresponse = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ correctresponse = (outreminder)
/ errormessage = (errorsignal, 0)
/ correctmessage = (correctsignal, 1)
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.target = text.out2.currentitem]
/ branch = [trial.reset]
<trial reset>
/ ontrialbegin = [reset(text.digit1ordigit2)]
/ stimulusframes = [1=blank]
/ response = noresponse
/ recorddata = false
/ posttrialpause = 500
/ ontrialend = [values.first = ""]
/ ontrialend = [values.second = ""]
/ ontrialend = [values.third = ""]
/ ontrialend = [values.fourth = ""]
/ ontrialend = [values.fifth = ""]
/ ontrialend = [values.sixth = ""]
/ ontrialend = [values.seventh = ""]
<block memorytest>
/ bgstim = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ trials = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 = first; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 = noreplace(in, out, out2)]
<block memorytest2>
/ bgstim = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ trials = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29 = first; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 = noreplace(in, out, out2)]
<block practice>
/ bgstim = (inreminder, outreminder)
/ trials = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9 = first; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 = noreplace(in_p, out_p, out2_p)]
<block instruction>
/ trials = [1=instruction]
<block instruction2>
/ trials = [1=instruction2]
<block instruction3>
/ trials = [1=instruction3]
<block instruction4>
/ trials = [1=instruction4]
<trial instruction>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions]
/ validresponse = (lbuttonup)
/ recorddata = false
<trial instruction2>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions2]
/ validresponse = (lbuttonup)
/ recorddata = false
<trial instruction3>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions3]
/ validresponse = (lbuttonup)
/ recorddata = false
<trial instruction4>
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions4]
/ validresponse = (lbuttonup)
/ recorddata = false
<text instructions>
/ items = ("Word Memory Game
On the following trials, you will be see a series of words presented one at a time printed in white. Immediately following each sequence, you will see a final word printed in yellow. Your task is to decide whether or not the the yellow word appeared in the preceding sequence.
If the yellow word appeared in the sequence, press the 'Yes' button. If the yellow word was NOT in the sequence, press the 'NO' button. We'll practice a few so that you get the hang of it.
During this practice, a green O will appear when you are correct. If you are incorrect, a red X will appear.
Touch the screen when you are ready to begin.")
/ size = (75%, 75%)
/ hjustify = left
<text instructions2>
/ items = ("You're doing a great job!
Now the practice is over and the real game starts. Try your best to accurately decide if a word was seen in the previous set or not.
The game will no longer tell you if you are correct, so try your best.
Touch the screen when you're ready.")
/ size = (75%, 75%)
/ hjustify = left
<text instructions3>
/ items = ("Break!
You're doing great.
Touch the screen when you're ready to start again.")
/ size = (75%, 75%)
/ hjustify = left
<text instructions4>
/ items = ("Finished!
Please let the experimenter know that you have completed this game")
/ size = (75%, 75%)
/ hjustify = left
<expt sternberg>
/ blocks = [1=instruction; 2=practice; 3=instruction2; 4=memorytest; 5=instruction3; 6=memorytest; 7=instruction4]