saving trial timings

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I need to save the following timing informaiton in my data files: time when trial started, time when trial ended, time when response was made compared to trial start and time when response was made compared to script start. I am using the following variables to save these data. Could you please let me know if these are the most accurate Inquisit properties that I can use to save these data or can I use something else?
trial start = trial.trialName.timestamp
trial end  = script.elapsed
RTFromScriptStart = script.elapsedtime
RTFromTrialStart = trial.trialName.elapsedtime

Also what is the difference between trial.timestamp and script.elapsed if I use it in a /ontrialbegin?
Also which of these Inquisit properties would be the closed to the times being saved in the Inquisit audit file?

Thank you
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nidhi_desai - 5/21/2022

I need to save the following timing informaiton in my data files: time when trial started, time when trial ended, time when response was made compared to trial start and time when response was made compared to script start. I am using the following variables to save these data. Could you please let me know if these are the most accurate Inquisit properties that I can use to save these data or can I use something else?
trial start = trial.trialName.timestamp
trial end  = script.elapsed
RTFromScriptStart = script.elapsedtime
RTFromTrialStart = trial.trialName.elapsedtime

Also what is the difference between trial.timestamp and script.elapsed if I use it in a /ontrialbegin?
Also which of these Inquisit properties would be the closed to the times being saved in the Inquisit audit file?

Thank you

> trial start = trial.trialName.timestamp

Is the correct thing to use. It indicates when the trial object was initiated, that is before the trial object started doing anything else, like executing /ontrialbegin logic or presenting any stimuli.

> trial end = script.elapsed

Whether this indicates when your trial ended depends on how the given trial is set up. Whether this reflects its actual end cannot be answered, since you did not provide any information about that.

> RTFromScriptStart = script.elapsedtime

Same as above.

> Also what is the difference between trial.timestamp and script.elapsed if I use it in a /ontrialbegin?

Already explained above. In practice, you should not see much of a difference. Most of the time they'll be identical.

> Also which of these Inquisit properties would be the closed to the times being saved in the Inquisit audit file?

Cannot be answered based on the information provided.

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