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Hey, I have the following problem. Within my experiment, I want to exclude people that are suffering from colorblindness. Therefore, I want to terminate the session by redirecting them to a page stating they did not meet the inclusion criteria. I tried to use the stop function, but now Inquisit quits immediately when entering the color check. It now quits even before I enter any digit. I think something is wrong with my condition, but I cannot figure out what exactly it is. Any help would be really appreciated :)
<picture colorblidness> <picture colorblidness> /items = ("colorblidness_check.png") / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (75%, 75%) </picture>
<openended colorCheck> / stimulustimes = [0 = colorblidness; 3000 = text.colorQ; 50=colorQ1] / validresponse = (anyresponse) / correctresponse = (74) / beginresponsetime = 5000 / stop = [ openended.colorCheck.responsetext != 74 ] </openended>
<text colorQ> / items = ("Please fill in the presented two-digit number:") / position = (50%, 40%) </text>
<text colorQ1> / items = ("Here we want to check whether you can see the correct number. Please look at the picture carefully.") / position = (45%, 10%) </text>
<block testtrialcolor> /trials = [1= openended.colorCheck] /preinstructions = (page.welcome, page.consent) </block>