Organising branches within branches

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Posts: 1, Visits: 20
I am creating an experiment requiring the following layout:

Where trial 1 will lead to one of the trials 2-5 depending on the participant’s choice
And trial 2 will lead to one of the survey pages 1-8 depending on the participant’s choice and so on.
I have used branches at the trial level, for example trial 1…

<trial choice>
/ stimulusframes = [5=frontpage, logo, coffee, hotchoc, tea, iced]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (coffee, hotchoc, tea, iced)
/ branch = [
    if ( trial.choicecoffee]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.choice.response==picture.hotchoc) trial.choice.hotchoc]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.choice.response==picture.tea) trial.choice.tea]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.choice.response==picture.iced) trial.choiceiced]

… and put all of these trials into a block. When I do this, all trials run in the order they are presented rather than following the specified branches.
I have tried putting all trials in separate blocks and using branches at a block level but that still hasn’t worked.

Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks 😊


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