Subliminal Priming - Request help setting time parameters for Prime Image

Subliminal Priming - Request help setting time parameters for Prime...
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Posts: 18, Visits: 64
Hello. So, I have zero experience with coding and I am doing the best that I can to use the Subliminal Priming Procedure (Bona Fide) by Dr. Katja Borchert as a framework for creating a subliminal priming task using an image prime. Dr. Borchert uses text primes, however, I would like to use image primes and I do not know how to set it so that the image disappears after a certain amount of time (ex. 100ms) before the mask, then target prime appear. Right now I have gotten the image to show up, but it remains on screen as the rest of the process unfolds. I am hoping that someone with coding experience can help me figure out if I have programmed this script correctly.

Patrick Kelly


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