Fill-in-blanks open ended question textbox

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Hi Mr. Dave, sorry to bother You. I searched the forum but coudn't find similar info.

I was wondering is it possible to use openeded element to make something like this in picture below. I want to make a trial that would present participants with fill-in-blanks questions but instead of ______ there would be textbox.

I'm still learning this software, sorry if its silly question. Thank You in advance
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No super-easy way to do this, you'll have to position various <textbox> elements on a surveypage, in-between <caption> elements for the surrounding text.

/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)

<surveypage example>
/ questions = [1=cap1, tb1; 2=cap2, cap3; 3=tb2; 4=cap4]
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false

<caption cap1>
/ caption = "The war is not meant to be "
/ position = (20%, 5%)

<textbox tb1>
/ textboxsize = (15%, 2.5%)
/ position = (39%, 5%)

<caption cap2>
/ caption = ", it is"
/ position = (55%, 5%)

<caption cap3>
/ caption = "meant to be "
/ position = (20%, 10%)

<textbox tb2>
/ textboxsize = (15%, 2.5%)
/ position = (29%, 10%)

<caption cap4>
/ caption = ". Hierarchical society is "
/ position = (45%, 10%)


Edited 3 Years Ago by Dave
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Posts: 5, Visits: 43
Dave - 6/16/2022
/ canvasaspectratio = (4,3)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%)

<surveypage example>
/ questions = [1=cap1, tb1; 2=cap2, cap3; 3=tb2; 4=cap4]
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ showpagenumbers = false

<caption cap1>
/ caption = "The war is not meant to be "
/ position = (20%, 5%)

<textbox tb1>
/ textboxsize = (15%, 2.5%)
/ position = (39%, 5%)

<caption cap2>
/ caption = ", it is"
/ position = (55%, 5%)

<caption cap3>
/ caption = "meant to be "
/ position = (20%, 10%)

<textbox tb2>
/ textboxsize = (15%, 2.5%)
/ position = (29%, 10%)

<caption cap4>
/ caption = ". Hierarchical society is "
/ position = (45%, 10%)


Thank you Sir, you are a lifesaver!

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