Splitting by difficulty

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Posts: 20, Visits: 53

I'm using the trail making test script provided in the test library but is there a way to split it into two difficulties like have 2 conditions one easy one difficult?


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JDYates - 6/30/2022

I'm using the trail making test script provided in the test library but is there a way to split it into two difficulties like have 2 conditions one easy one difficult?



You'll have to explain in more detail what you mean by that
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 20, Visits: 53
Dave - 6/30/2022
JDYates - 6/30/2022

I'm using the trail making test script provided in the test library but is there a way to split it into two difficulties like have 2 conditions one easy one difficult?



You'll have to explain in more detail what you mean by that


Sorry so I have this script from the millisecond download library for a trail making test - 
But I was wondering if it were possible to split the task into easy difficulty and hard difficulty conditions

<item instructions>
/ 1 = "TASK INSTRUCTIONS~n~nOn this page are some numbers. Using <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>, begin on number 1 and draw a line from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then 3 to 4, and so on, in order, until you reach the end.
~nDraw the lines as fast as you can.
~nTo begin the task, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%> circle 1 marked 'Start' and then begin drawing. Make sure you hit all circles in order."
/ 2 = "You started with the wrong circle.~n~nStart by <%expressions.buttoninstruct3%> circle 1 marked 'Start'."
/ 3 = "You skipped circle <% values.targetDotNumber %>.~n~nYou should go from 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on, in order until you reach circle <% values.dotCount %>, marked 'End'. ~n~nGo back to <%values.startDotNumber%> and then continue to circle <%values.targetDotNumber%>."
/ 4 = "Good, you have completed this set."
/ 5 = "TASK INSTRUCTIONS~n~nAs before, begin on number 1, and draw a line from 1 to 2, then 2 to 3, then 3 to 4, and so on, in order, until you reach the end.~n~nDraw the lines as fast as you can.~n~nTo begin the task, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%> circle 1 marked 'Start' and then begin drawing."
/ 6 = "TASK INSTRUCTIONS~n~nOn this page are some numbers and letters. Using <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>, begin at number 1 and draw a line from 1 to A, then A to 2, 2 to B, B to 3, 3 to C, and so on, in order, until you reach the circle marked 'End'. Remember, first you have a number, then a letter, then a number, then a letter, and so on. ~n~nDraw the lines as fast as you can.~n~nTo begin the task, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%> circle 1 marked 'Start' and then begin drawing."
/ 7 = "You skipped circle <% item.dotLabelSB.item(values.targetDotNumber) %>.~n~nYou should go from 1 to A, A to 2, 2 to B, B to 3, and so on, in order until you reach circle <%item.dotLabelsSB.item( values.dotCount) %>, marked 'End'. ~n~n Go back to circle <%item.dotLabelsSB.item(values.startDotNumber) %> and then continue to circle <%item.dotLabelsSB.item(values.targetDotNumber) %>."
/ 8 = "TASK INSTRUCTIONS~n~nAs before, on this page are some numbers and letters. Do this the same way. Using <%expressions.buttoninstruct1%>, begin at number 1 and draw a line from 1 to A, then A to 2, 2 to B, B to 3, 3 to C, and so on, in order, until you reach the circle marked 'End'. Remember, first you have a number, then a letter, then a number, then a letter, and so on. Do not skip around, but go from one circle to the next in the proper order.~n~nDraw the lines as fast as you can.~n~nTo begin the task, <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%> circle 1 marked 'Start' and then begin drawing."
/ 9 = "You skipped circle <%item.dotLabelsB.item(values.targetDotNumber) %>.~n~nYou should go from 1 to A, A, to 2, 2 to B, B to 3, and so on, in order until you reach circle <%item.dotLabelsB.item(values.dotCount) %>, marked 'End'. ~n~n Go back and <%expressions.buttoninstruct2%> circle <%item.dotLabelsB.item(values.startDotNumber) %> and then continue to circle <%item.dotLabelsB.item(values.targetDotNumber) %>."

general instruction expressions: adjust the instruction text depending on device used to run script
/ buttoninstruct1 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"your fingers";} else {"your mouse";}
/ buttoninstruct2 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"PRESS DOWN on";} else {"CLICK on";}
/ buttoninstruct3 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"by pressing down on";} else {"clicking on";}
/ buttoninstruct4 = if (computer.touch && !computer.haskeyboard) {"Tap";} else {"Click";}

                !!!REMAINING CODE: Customize after careful consideration only!!!

script requires Inquisit or higher

/ canvassize = (70%, 100%)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ canvasaspectratio = (8.5, 11)
/ canvasposition = (50%, 50%)


/ file = "SampleA.iqx"
/ file = "Trail1.iqx"
/ file = "SampleB.iqx"
/ file = "Trail2.iqx"


Note: data file explanations under User Manual Information at the top

raw data file

/ columns = (build, computer.platform, computer.touch, date, time, subject, group, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum,
values.startDotNumber, values.targetDotNumber,
values.sampleAErrors, values.trail1Errors, values.sampleBErrors, values.trail2Errors,
values.errortrail_samplea, values.errortrail_trail1, values.errortrail_sampleb, values.errortrail_trail2,
values.sampleATime, values.trail1Time, values.sampleBTime, values.trail2Time)
/ separatefiles = true

summary data

/ columns = (script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.groupid, script.elapsedtime, computer.platform, values.completed,
values.sampleAErrors, values.sampleATime, values.sampleBErrors, values.sampleBTime, values.trail1Errors, values.trail1Time, values.trail2Errors, values.trail2Time,
expressions.combined_errors, expressions.combined_trailtime)
/ separatefiles = true

    VALUES: automatically updated
/completed:                            0 = script was not completed (prematurely aborted); 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/ currentSample:                
/ dotCount:                            stores the number of dots to be connected for each trail
/ startDotNumber:                    specifies the current dot that participant is on
/ targetDotNumber:                    specifies the current dot that needs to be connected next
/ startCircleHPosition:                contains the horizontal coordinate of the current start circle (circle participant is on)
/ startCircleVPosition:                contains the vertical coordinate of the current start circle (circle participant is on)
/ redrawEndCircle:                    contains the end circle for the each trail
/ targetDotHPosition:                contains the horizontal coordinate of the target circle (circle participant needs to connect)
/ targetDotVPosition:                contains the vertical coordinate of the target circle (circle participant needs to connect)
/ instructionPage:                    the itemnumber of the instruction page that needs to be presented (item.instructions)
/ startTrail:                        stores the elapsed time when each trail was started (helper variable to measure times)
/ sampleAErrors:                    counts the errors made on SampleA Trail
/ trail1Errors:                        counts the errors made on Trail1
/ sampleBErrors:                    counts the errors made on SampleB Trail
/ trail2Errors:                        counts the errors made on Trail2
/ sampleATime:                        time (in ms) spent on SampleA Trail
/ trail1Time:                        time (in ms) spent on Trail1
/ sampleBTime:                        time (in ms) spent on SampleB Trail
/ trail2Time:                        time (in ms) spent on Trail2

/ errortrail_sampleA-
/ errortrail_trail2:                saves all missed circles in the order made for each trail separately

/ completed = 0
/ currentSample = "SA"
/ dotCount = 25
/ startDotNumber = 1
/ targetDotNumber = 2
/ startCircleHPosition = 0
/ startCircleVPosition = 0
/ redrawEndCircle = 0
/ targetDotHPosition = 0
/ targetDotVPosition = 0
/ instructionPage = 1
/ startTrail = 0
/ sampleAErrors = 0
/ trail1Errors = 0
/ sampleBErrors = 0
/ trail2Errors = 0
/ sampleATime = 0
/ trail1Time = 0
/ sampleBTime = 0
/ trail2Time = 0

/ errortrail_sampleA = ""
/ errortrail_trail1 = ""
/ errortrail_sampleB = ""
/ errortrail_trail2 = ""


/ startDotName:         retrieves the name of the dot that participant is currently on
/ targetDotName:         retrieves the name of the dot that participant is supposed to connect

/combined_errors:        adds errors made on all 4 trails
/combined_trailtime:    combines the time it took all 4 trails

/ startDotName = concat(values.currentSample, values.startDotNumber)
/ targetDotName = concat(values.currentSample, values.targetDotNumber)

/ combined_errors = values.sampleaerrors + values.trail1errors + values.sampleberrors + values.trail2errors
/ combined_trailtime = values.sampleatime + values.trail1time + values.samplebtime + values.trail2time

/ highlight_sample1 = {
    if (expressions.targetDotName == "SA1"){
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SA1.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SA1.hposition;                
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SA2")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SA2.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SA2.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SA3")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SA3.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SA3.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SA4")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SA4.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SA4.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SA5")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SA5.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SA5.hposition;        
    } ;
/ highlight_trail1 = {
    if (expressions.targetDotName == "A1"){
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A1.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A1.hposition;                
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A2")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A2.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A2.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A3")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A3.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A3.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A4")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A4.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A4.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A5")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A5.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A5.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A6")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A6.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A6.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A7")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A7.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A7.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A8")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A8.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A8.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A9")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A9.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A9.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A10")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A10.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A10.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A11")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A11.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A11.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A12")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A12.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A12.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A13")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A13.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A13.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A14")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A14.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A14.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A15")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A15.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A15.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A16")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A16.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A16.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A17")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A17.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A17.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A18")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A18.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A18.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A19")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A19.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A19.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A20")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A20.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A20.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A21")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A21.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A21.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A22")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A22.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A22.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A23")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A23.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A23.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A24")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A24.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A24.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "A25")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.A25.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.A25.hposition;    
    } ;
/ highlight_trail2 = {
    if (expressions.targetDotName == "B1"){
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B1.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B1.hposition;                
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B2")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B2.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B2.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B3")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B3.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B3.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B4")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B4.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B4.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B5")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B5.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B5.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B6")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B6.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B6.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B7")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B7.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B7.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B8")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B8.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B8.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B9")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B9.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B9.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B10")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B10.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B10.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B11")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B11.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B11.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B12")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B12.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B12.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B13")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B13.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B13.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B14")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B14.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B14.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B15")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B15.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B15.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B16")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B16.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B16.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B17")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B17.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B17.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B18")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B18.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B18.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B19")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B19.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B19.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B20")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B20.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B20.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B21")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B21.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B21.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B22")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B22.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B22.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B23")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B23.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B23.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B24")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B24.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B24.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "B25")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.B25.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.B25.hposition;    
    } ;
/ highlight_sample2 = {
    if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB1"){
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB1.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB1.hposition;                
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB2")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB2.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB2.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB3")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB3.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB3.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB4")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB4.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB4.hposition;    
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB5")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB5.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB5.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB6")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB6.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB6.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB7")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB7.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB7.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB8")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB8.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB8.hposition;        
    } else if (expressions.targetDotName == "SB9")    {
        text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB9.vposition;
        text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB9.hposition;        
    } ;


<text instructions>
/ items = instructions
/ select = values.instructionPage
/ size = (100%, 15%)
/ position = (0%, 75%)
/ halign = left
/ hjustify = left
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = black
/ txbgcolor = #EEEEEE


    General Utilities

<shape pencil>
/ shape = circle
/ color = black
/ size = (.5%, .5%)

<text startLabel>
/ items = ("Start")
/ valign = bottom
/ erase = false
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.75%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text endLabel>
/ items = ("End")
/ valign = top
/ erase = false
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.75%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)

<text nextLabel>
/ items = ("<%expressions.buttoninstruct4%> here for the next set")
/ valign = top
/ halign = left
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ color = blue

<text finishLabel>
/ items = ("<%expressions.buttoninstruct4%> here to finish")
/ valign = top
/ halign = left
/ position = (50%, 95%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ color = blue

<text highlight>
/ items = ("O")
/ txcolor = yellow
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ vjustify = center
/ hjustify = center
/ size = (11%, 11%)


    Sample A Trials and Logic

<trial sampleAPositionMouse>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [values.instructionPage = 1]
/ stimulusframes = [1=SA1, SA1pic, SA2, SA2pic, SA3, SA3pic, SA4, SA4pic, SA5, SA5pic,
          SAD1, SAD1pic, SAD2, SAD2pic, SAD3, SAD3pic, SAD4, SAD4pic, SAD5, SAD5pic, SAD6, SAD6pic, startLabel, endLabel, instructions]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4, SA5, SAD1, SAD2, SAD3, SAD4, SAD5, SAD6)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, shape.SAD5)
/ ontrialend = [ values.startTrail = script.elapsedtime ]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.sampleAPositionMouse.response != expressions.startDotName)

<trial sampleABeginDrawing>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ stimulusframes = [1=SA1, SA1pic, SA2, SA2pic, SA3, SA3pic, SA4, SA4pic, SA5, SA5pic,
          SAD1, SAD1pic, SAD2, SAD2pic, SAD3, SAD3pic, SAD4, SAD4pic, SAD5, SAD5pic, SAD6, SAD6pic, startLabel, endLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ draw = pencil
/ validresponse = (SA2, SA3, SA4, SA5, SAD1, SAD2, SAD3, SAD4, SAD5, SAD6)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName;]
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, shape.SAD5)
/ undodraw = [trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName && trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName]
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    if ( values.targetDotNumber > values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response == expressions.startDotName )
    else if ( trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName && values.targetDotNumber >= values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName )
    else if ( trial.sampleABeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName )

<trial sampleACorrectDot>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.sampleATime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail ]
/ response = noresponse
/ draw = pencil
/ ontrialend = [
    values.startDotNumber += 1;
    values.targetDotNumber += 1;
/ branch = [trial.sampleABeginDrawing]

<trial sampleAIncorrectStart>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sampleATime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.sampleAErrors += 1;
    values.instructionPage = 2;
    values.errortrail_samplea = concat(values.errortrail_samplea, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_samplea = concat(values.errortrail_samplea, ",");
    text.highlight.vposition = shape.SA1.vposition;
    text.highlight.hposition = shape.SA1.hposition;
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (SA1)
/ monkeyresponse = (shape.SA1)
/ branch = [trial.sampleABeginDrawing]

<trial sampleAIncorrectSkip>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sampleATime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.sampleAErrors += 1;
    values.instructionPage = 3;
    values.errortrail_samplea = concat(values.errortrail_samplea, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_samplea = concat(values.errortrail_samplea, ",");
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4, SA5, SAD1, SAD2, SAD3, SAD4, SAD5, SAD6)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.sampleAIncorrectSkip.response == expressions.startDotName]
/ branch = [trial.sampleABeginDrawing]

<trial sampleATaskFinished>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sampleATime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.instructionPage = 4;
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, nextLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (nextLabel)

    Trail 1 Trials and Logic

<trial trail1PositionMouse>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [values.instructionPage = 5]
/ stimulusframes = [1=A1, A1pic, A2, A2pic, A3, A3pic, A4, A4pic, A5, A5pic, A6, A6pic, A7, A7pic, A8, A8pic, A9, A9pic, A10, A10pic,
          A11, A11pic, A12, A12pic, A13, A13pic, A14, A14pic, A15, A15pic, A16, A16pic, A17, A17pic, A18, A18pic, A19, A19pic
          A20, A20pic, A21, A21pic, A22, A22pic, A23, A23pic, A24, A24pic, A25, A25pic, startLabel, endLabel, instructions]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, picture.A16pic)
/ ontrialend = [ values.startTrail = script.elapsedtime ]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.trail1PositionMouse.response != expressions.startDotName)

<trial trail1BeginDrawing>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ stimulusframes = [1=A1, A1pic, A2, A2pic, A3, A3pic, A4, A4pic, A5, A5pic, A6, A6pic, A7, A7pic, A8, A8pic, A9, A9pic, A10, A10pic,
          A11, A11pic, A12, A12pic, A13, A13pic, A14, A14pic, A15, A15pic, A16, A16pic, A17, A17pic, A18, A18pic, A19, A19pic
          A20, A20pic, A21, A21pic, A22, A22pic, A23, A23pic, A24, A24pic, A25, A25pic, startLabel, endLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ draw = pencil
/ validresponse = (A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName;]
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, picture.A23pic)
/ undodraw = [trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName && trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName ]
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    if ( values.targetDotNumber > values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response == expressions.startDotName )
    else if ( trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName && values.targetDotNumber >= values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName )
    else if ( trial.trail1BeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName )

<trial trail1CorrectDot>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.trail1Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail ]
/ response = noresponse
/ draw = pencil
/ ontrialend = [
    values.startDotNumber += 1;
    values.targetDotNumber += 1;
/ branch = [
    if ( values.startDotNumber >= values.dotCount)

<trial trail1IncorrectStart>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trail1Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.trail1Errors += 1;
    values.instructionPage = 2;
    values.errortrail_trail1 = concat(values.errortrail_trail1, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_trail1 = concat(values.errortrail_trail1, ",");
    text.highlight.vposition = shape.A1.vposition;
    text.highlight.hposition = shape.A1.hposition;
/ stimulusframes = [1=highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (A1)
/ monkeyresponse = (shape.A1)
/ branch = [trial.trail1BeginDrawing]

<trial trail1IncorrectSkip>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trail1Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.trail1Errors += 1;
    values.instructionPage = 3;
    values.errortrail_trail1 = concat(values.errortrail_trail1, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_trail1 = concat(values.errortrail_trail1, ",");
/ stimulusframes = [1=highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A25)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.trail1IncorrectSkip.response == expressions.startDotName]
/ branch = [trial.trail1BeginDrawing]

<trial trail1TaskFinished>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.trail1Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail ]
/ ontrialbegin = [values.instructionPage = 4]
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, nextLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (nextLabel)

    Sample B Trials and Logic

<trial sampleBPositionMouse>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [values.instructionPage = 6]
/ stimulusframes = [1=SB1, SB1pic, SB2, SB2pic, SB3, SB3pic, SB4, SB4pic, SB5, SB5pic,
          SB6, SB6pic, SB7, SB7pic, SB8, SB8pic, SB9, SB9pic, startLabel, endLabel, instructions]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4, SB5, SB6, SB7, SB8, SB9)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName)
/ ontrialend = [ values.startTrail = script.elapsedtime ]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.sampleBPositionMouse.response != expressions.startDotName)

<trial sampleBBeginDrawing>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ stimulusframes = [1=SB1, SB1pic, SB2, SB2pic, SB3, SB3pic, SB4, SB4pic, SB5, SB5pic,
          SB6, SB6pic, SB7, SB7pic, SB8, SB8pic, SB9, SB9pic, startLabel, endLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ draw = pencil
/ validresponse = (SB2, SB3, SB4, SB5, SB6, SB7, SB8, SB9)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName;]
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, picture.SB9pic)
/ undodraw = [trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName && trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName]
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    if ( values.targetDotNumber > values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName && values.targetDotNumber >= values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response == expressions.startDotName )
    else if ( trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName )
    else if ( trial.sampleBBeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName )

<trial sampleBCorrectDot>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.sampleBTime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail ]
/ response = noresponse
/ draw = pencil
/ ontrialend = [
    values.startDotNumber += 1;
    values.targetDotNumber += 1;
/ branch = [
    if ( values.startDotNumber >= values.dotCount)

<trial sampleBIncorrectStart>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sampleBTime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.sampleBErrors += 1;
    values.errortrail_sampleB = concat(values.errortrail_sampleB, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_sampleB = concat(values.errortrail_sampleB, ",");
    values.instructionPage = 2;
    text.highlight.vposition = shape.SB1.vposition;
    text.highlight.hposition = shape.SB1.hposition;
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (SB1)
/ monkeyresponse = (shape.SB1)
/ branch = [trial.sampleBBeginDrawing]

<trial sampleBIncorrectSkip>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sampleBTime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.sampleBErrors += 1;
    values.instructionPage = 7;
    values.errortrail_sampleB = concat(values.errortrail_sampleB, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_sampleB = concat(values.errortrail_sampleB, ",");
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4, SB5, SB6, SB7, SB8, SB9)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.sampleBIncorrectSkip.response == expressions.startDotName]
/ branch = [trial.sampleBBeginDrawing]

<trial sampleBTaskFinished>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sampleBTime = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.instructionPage = 4;
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, nextLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (nextLabel)

    Trail 2 Trials and Logic

<trial trail2PositionMouse>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [values.instructionPage = 8]
/ stimulusframes = [1=B1, B1pic, B2, B2pic, B3, B3pic, B4, B4pic, B5, B5pic, B6, B6pic, B7, B7pic, B8, B8pic, B9, B9pic, B10, B10pic,
          B11, B11pic, B12, B12pic, B13, B13pic, B14, B14pic, B15, B15pic, B16, B16pic, B17, B17pic, B18, B18pic, B19, B19pic
          B20, B20pic, B21, B21pic, B22, B22pic, B23, B23pic, B24, B24pic, B25, B25pic,
          BD1, BD1pic, BD2, BD2pic, BD3, BD3pic, BD4, BD4pic, BD5, BD5pic, BD6, BD6pic, BD7, BD7pic,
          BD8, BD8pic, BD9, BD9pic, BD10, BD10pic, BD11, BD11pic, BD12, BD12pic, BD13, BD13pic, BD14, BD14pic, BD15, BD15pic,
          startLabel, endLabel, instructions]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B20, B21, B22,
         B23, B24, B25, BD1, BD2, BD3, BD4, BD5, BD6, BD7, BD8, BD9, BD10, BD11, BD12, BD13, BD14, BD15)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, picture.BD7pic)
/ ontrialend = [ values.startTrail = script.elapsedtime ]
/ branch = [
    if (trial.trail2PositionMouse.response != expressions.startDotName)

<trial trail2BeginDrawing>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ stimulusframes = [1=B1, B1pic, B2, B2pic, B3, B3pic, B4, B4pic, B5, B5pic, B6, B6pic, B7, B7pic, B8, B8pic, B9, B9pic, B10, B10pic,
          B11, B11pic, B12, B12pic, B13, B13pic, B14, B14pic, B15, B15pic, B16, B16pic, B17, B17pic, B18, B18pic, B19, B19pic
          B20, B20pic, B21, B21pic, B22, B22pic, B23, B23pic, B24, B24pic, B25, B25pic,
          BD1, BD1pic, BD2, BD2pic, BD3, BD3pic, BD4, BD4pic, BD5, BD5pic, BD6, BD6pic, BD7, BD7pic,
          BD8, BD8pic, BD9, BD9pic, BD10, BD10pic, BD11, BD11pic, BD12, BD12pic, BD13, BD13pic, BD14, BD14pic, BD15, BD15pic,
          startLabel, endLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ draw = pencil
/ validresponse = (B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B20, B21, B22,
         B23, B24, B25, BD1, BD2, BD3, BD4, BD5, BD6, BD7, BD8, BD9, BD10, BD11, BD12, BD13, BD14, BD15)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName;]
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName, expressions.targetDotName, picture.B19pic)
/ undodraw = [trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName && trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response != expressions.startDotName]
/ recorddata = false
/ branch = [
    if ( values.targetDotNumber > values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response == expressions.startDotName )
    else if ( trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName && values.targetDotNumber >= values.dotCount )
    else if ( trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response == expressions.targetDotName )
    else if ( trial.trail2BeginDrawing.response != expressions.targetDotName )

<trial trail2CorrectDot>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [ values.trail2Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail ]
/ response = noresponse
/ ontrialend = [
    values.startDotNumber += 1;
    values.targetDotNumber += 1;
/ branch = [
    if ( values.startDotNumber >= values.dotCount)

<trial trail2IncorrectStart>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trail2Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.instructionPage = 2;
    values.trail2Errors += 1;
    values.errortrail_trail2 = concat(values.errortrail_trail2, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_trail2 = concat(values.errortrail_trail2, ",");
    text.highlight.vposition = shape.B1.vposition;
    text.highlight.hposition = shape.B1.hposition;
/ stimulusframes = [1 = highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (B1)
/ monkeyresponse = (shape.B1)
/ branch = [trial.trail2BeginDrawing]

<trial trail2IncorrectSkip>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trail2Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.instructionPage = 9;
    values.trail2Errors += 1;
    values.errortrail_trail2 = concat(values.errortrail_trail2, values.targetdotnumber);
    values.errortrail_trail2 = concat(values.errortrail_trail2, ",");
/ stimulusframes = [1=highlight]
/ inputdevice = mouseover
/ validresponse = (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B20, B21, B22,
         B23, B24, B25, BD1, BD2, BD3, BD4, BD5, BD6, BD7, BD8, BD9, BD10, BD11, BD12, BD13, BD14, BD15)
/ monkeyresponse = (expressions.startDotName)
/ isvalidresponse = [trial.trail2IncorrectSkip.response == expressions.startDotName]
/ branch = [trial.trail2BeginDrawing]

<trial trail2TaskFinished>
/ beginresponseframe = -1
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.trail2Time = script.elapsedtime - values.startTrail;
    values.instructionPage = 4;
/ stimulusframes = [1=instructions, finishLabel]
/ inputdevice = mouse
/ validresponse = (finishLabel)


<block sampleA>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.currentSample = "SA";
    values.dotcount = 5;
    values.redrawEndCircle = shape.SA5;
    values.startCircleHPosition = shape.SA1.hposition;
    values.startCircleVPosition = shape.SA1.vposition;
    values.targetDotHPosition = shape.SA5.hposition;
    values.targetDotVPosition = shape.SA5.vposition;
    values.startDotNumber = 1;
    values.targetDotNumber = 2;
    text.startLabel.vposition=shape.SA1.vposition - (shape.SA1.height/2);
    text.endLabel.vposition=shape.SA5.vposition + (shape.SA5.height/2);
/ trials = [1=sampleAPositionMouse]

<block trail1>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.currentSample = "A";
    values.dotcount = 25;
    values.redrawEndCircle = shape.A25;
    values.startCircleHPosition = shape.A1.hposition;
    values.startCircleVPosition = shape.A1.vposition;
    values.targetDotHPosition = shape.A25.hposition;
    values.targetDotVPosition = shape.A25.vposition;
    values.startDotNumber = 1;
    values.targetDotNumber = 2;
    text.startLabel.vposition=shape.A1.vposition - (shape.A1.height/2);
    text.endLabel.vposition=shape.A25.vposition + (shape.A25.height/2);
/ trials = [1=trail1PositionMouse]

<block sampleB>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.currentSample = "SB";
    values.dotcount = 9;
    values.redrawEndCircle = shape.SB5;
    values.startCircleHPosition = shape.SB1.hposition;
    values.startCircleVPosition = shape.SB1.vposition;
    values.targetDotHPosition = shape.SB5.hposition;
    values.targetDotVPosition = shape.SB5.vposition;
    values.startDotNumber = 1;
    values.targetDotNumber = 2;
    text.startLabel.vposition=shape.SB1.vposition - (shape.SB1.height/2);
    text.endLabel.vposition=shape.SB9.vposition + (shape.SB9.height/2);
/ trials = [1=sampleBPositionMouse]

<block trail2>
/ onblockbegin = [
    values.currentSample = "B";
    values.dotcount = 25;
    values.redrawEndCircle = shape.B25;
    values.startCircleHPosition = shape.B1.hposition;
    values.startCircleVPosition = shape.B1.vposition;
    values.targetDotHPosition = shape.B1.hposition;
    values.targetDotVPosition = shape.B1.vposition;
    values.startDotNumber = 1;
    values.targetDotNumber = 2;
    text.startLabel.vposition=shape.B1.vposition - (shape.B1.height/2);
    text.endLabel.vposition=shape.B25.vposition + (shape.B25.height/2);
/ trials = [1=trail2PositionMouse]


<expt tmt>
/ onexptbegin = [
    if (parameters.showTestErrorFeedback == false) {
        text.highlight.textcolor = transparent;
/ blocks = [
    1= sampleA;
/ onexptend = [values.completed = 1]
Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)Supreme Being (1M reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K, Visits: 106K
I know the script well, no need to paste it here. I need you to explain what you consider to be the "easy difficulty"  vs the "hard difficulty" condition and what you mean by "split". Split what? Spilt how, for what purpose. Things in the script have names -- please refer to the things you mean by their names. Thanks.


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