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Hi, I am running an experiment online where participants need to hear a tone during the experiment. The tone needs to be set to a level that is noticeable but not unpleasant, but it must also be novel, so we have a calibration sound that is matched in intensity at the beginning of the experiment. The idea was to have a block where the participants heard the calibration sound and could set the volume on their computer so that it is at a comfortable level, but Inquisit takes over the computer so that it is not possible to easily change the computer sound level. Is there a way to have an option for the participant to increase or decrease the volume of the sounds themselves which once they set the volume can be used throughout the experiment? This is how it is coded at the moment with the train being the calibration sound but with no way to change intensity.
<item Train> /1= "train.wav" </item>
<sound Train> /items = Train </sound>
<item Tone> / 1 = "tone440hz.wav" </item>
<sound Tone> /items = Tone </sound> g <trial Train> /stimulustimes = [0=Train, TrainInfo] /timeout = 6000 /posttrialpause = 0 </trial>
<trial CSUextinctionNFE> /stimulustimes = [0=CSU; 500=CSU, Tone] /timeout = 2000 /posttrialpause = 2000 </trial>