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I have an experiment where I want to have users decide between 1, 2 or 3 (keyboard input). If they decide for a specific number (either 1 or 3), they should get a message of being correct or incorrect. If they decide for number 2, they should see another trial. This works fine so far, but now I want to specify the correct (and incorrect) numbers using a list. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and the correct number is not assigned in my data either.
Here is the code: (copied the relevant parts only):
<item item_correct_answers> /1 = "1" /2 = "3" /3 = "1" /4 = "3" </item>
<list correct_answers> / items = [item.item_correct_answers] / select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list>
<item item_incorrect_answers> /1 = "3" /2 = "1" /3 = "3" /4 = "1" </item>
<list incorrect_answers> / items = [item.item_incorrect_answers] / select = values.currentscenario </list>
<values> / currentscenario = 0 </values>
<trial task_70> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction, stimulus_70, orangeChoice, blueChoice, automationChoice, press_1, press_2, press_3] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue) / responsemessage = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue, feedback_correct, 1500) / responsetrial = ("2", task_70_advice) / responsemessage = (list.incorrect_answers.currentvalue, feedback_incorrect, 1500) / ontrialbegin = [ values.currentscenario = values.currentscenario + 1; ] </trial>
<block task> / trials = [1-4 = sequence(task_70)] </block>
<expt> / blocks = [ 1 = task; ] </expt>
Thanks in advance!
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
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+xHey, I have an experiment where I want to have users decide between 1, 2 or 3 (keyboard input). If they decide for a specific number (either 1 or 3), they should get a message of being correct or incorrect. If they decide for number 2, they should see another trial. This works fine so far, but now I want to specify the correct (and incorrect) numbers using a list. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and the correct number is not assigned in my data either. Here is the code: (copied the relevant parts only): <item item_correct_answers> /1 = "1" /2 = "3" /3 = "1" /4 = "3" </item> <list correct_answers> / items = [item.item_correct_answers] / select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list> <item item_incorrect_answers> /1 = "3" /2 = "1" /3 = "3" /4 = "1" </item> <list incorrect_answers> / items = [item.item_incorrect_answers] / select = values.currentscenario </list> <values> / currentscenario = 0 </values> <trial task_70> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction, stimulus_70, orangeChoice, blueChoice, automationChoice, press_1, press_2, press_3] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue) / responsemessage = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue, feedback_correct, 1500) / responsetrial = ("2", task_70_advice) / responsemessage = (list.incorrect_answers.currentvalue, feedback_incorrect, 1500) / ontrialbegin = [ values.currentscenario = values.currentscenario + 1; ] </trial> <block task> / trials = [1-4 = sequence(task_70)] </block> <expt> / blocks = [ 1 = task; ] </expt> Thanks in advance! <list correct_answers> / items = [item.item_correct_answers]/ select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list> This is not how you define items in a list. Lists don't use <item> elements.
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4,
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Thank you! Below you can find a small demo that runs. What I want to do is iterate over a list with different answers. Participants have to choose between A or B. In the first trial, A is correct, in the second trial, B is correct (and so on - that is subject to change in the future). They can also request advice. Now the advice also iterates over a list of items. However, I cannot set the correct and incorrect responses (with corresponding response message) based on the current trial / list. The iteration of advice works for each trial, but setting the correct answers and response message and incorrect answers and response message for the current trial does not work.
// define correct answers (would be great to use this item element for easier customization) <item item_correct_answers> / 1 = "1" / 2 = "3" / 3 = "1" / 4 = "3" </item>
// define the correct answers, as of now in a list element <list correct_answers> / items = (1, 3, 1, 3) / select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list>
// define incorrect answers (would be great to use this item element for easier customization) <item item_incorrect_answers> / 1 = "3" / 2 = "1" / 3 = "3" / 4 = "1" </item>
// define the incorrect answers, as of now in a list element <list incorrect_answers> / items = [item.item_incorrect_answers] / select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list>
// define texts <text fixation> /items = ("+") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text feedback_correct> /items = ("Correct!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text feedback_incorrect> / items = ("Incorrect!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
// Ask participants to press either 1 or 3 on their keyboard, if they want help, they should press 2 <text instruction> / items = ("A (Press 1) or B (Press 3)? If you want support, press 2") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = white </text>
// Override the fixation with a white screen <shape override_fixation> / shape = rectangle / size = (30%, 30%) / color = (255,255,255) / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </shape>
// specify advice <item advice_answer_text> /1 = "Advice: 1" /2 = "Advice: 3" /3 = "Advice: 1" /4 = "Advice: 3" </item>
// provide advice <text advice_answer> / items = advice_answer_text / select = values.currentscenario / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / size = (32%, 15%) / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = grey </text>
// define data to be recorded <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, session, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, list.correct_answers.currentvalue, response, latency, correct) </data>
// define values <values> / currentscenario = 0 </values>
// In this practice trial, I can define the correct answers. 1 is correct, 1 gives the "correct" Feedback and 3 gives the "incorrect" feedback. However, the correct response might change in other trials (to be B, so 3, for example) <trial practice> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = ("1") / responsemessage = ("1", feedback_correct, 0) / responsemessage = ("3", feedback_incorrect, 0) / posttrialpause = 1500 </trial>
// this code works, but it does not give the "feedback_correct" or "feedback_incorrect" response and also does not code the correctresponse in the data section <trial task_70> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue) / responsemessage = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue, feedback_correct, 1500) / responsetrial = ("2", task_70_advice) / responsemessage = (list.incorrect_answers.currentvalue, feedback_incorrect, 1500) / ontrialbegin = [ values.currentscenario = values.currentscenario + 1; ] </trial>
// if participants wanted to get advice (pressed 2 in the other trial), they can get advice here and choose again. However, it does not correctly code correct/incorrect either <trial task_70_advice> / stimulusframes = [1 = override_fixation, instruction, advice_answer] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "3") / responsemessage = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue, feedback_correct, 1500) / responsemessage = (list.incorrect_answers.currentvalue, feedback_incorrect, 1500) </trial>
// define blocks <block practice_task> / trials = [1 = practice] </block>
<block task> / trials = [1-4 = sequence(task_70)] </block>
// define experiment <expt> / blocks = [ 1 = practice_task; 2 = task; ] </expt>
Group: Administrators
Posts: 13K,
Visits: 106K
+xThank you! Below you can find a small demo that runs. What I want to do is iterate over a list with different answers. Participants have to choose between A or B. In the first trial, A is correct, in the second trial, B is correct (and so on - that is subject to change in the future). They can also request advice. Now the advice also iterates over a list of items. However, I cannot set the correct and incorrect responses (with corresponding response message) based on the current trial / list. The iteration of advice works for each trial, but setting the correct answers and response message and incorrect answers and response message for the current trial does not work. // define correct answers (would be great to use this item element for easier customization) <item item_correct_answers> / 1 = "1" / 2 = "3" / 3 = "1" / 4 = "3" </item> // define the correct answers, as of now in a list element <list correct_answers> / items = (1, 3, 1, 3) / select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list> // define incorrect answers (would be great to use this item element for easier customization) <item item_incorrect_answers> / 1 = "3" / 2 = "1" / 3 = "3" / 4 = "1" </item> // define the incorrect answers, as of now in a list element <list incorrect_answers> / items = [item.item_incorrect_answers] / select = values.currentscenario // select = 2 </list> // define texts <text fixation> /items = ("+") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text> <text feedback_correct> /items = ("Correct!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text> <text feedback_incorrect> / items = ("Incorrect!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text> // Ask participants to press either 1 or 3 on their keyboard, if they want help, they should press 2 <text instruction> / items = ("A (Press 1) or B (Press 3)? If you want support, press 2") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = white </text> // Override the fixation with a white screen <shape override_fixation> / shape = rectangle / size = (30%, 30%) / color = (255,255,255) / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </shape> // specify advice <item advice_answer_text> /1 = "Advice: 1" /2 = "Advice: 3" /3 = "Advice: 1" /4 = "Advice: 3" </item> // provide advice <text advice_answer> / items = advice_answer_text / select = values.currentscenario / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / size = (32%, 15%) / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = grey </text> // define data to be recorded <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, session, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, list.correct_answers.currentvalue, response, latency, correct) </data> // define values <values> / currentscenario = 0 </values> // In this practice trial, I can define the correct answers. 1 is correct, 1 gives the "correct" Feedback and 3 gives the "incorrect" feedback. However, the correct response might change in other trials (to be B, so 3, for example) <trial practice> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = ("1") / responsemessage = ("1", feedback_correct, 0) / responsemessage = ("3", feedback_incorrect, 0) / posttrialpause = 1500 </trial> // this code works, but it does not give the "feedback_correct" or "feedback_incorrect" response and also does not code the correctresponse in the data section <trial task_70> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue) / responsemessage = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue, feedback_correct, 1500) / responsetrial = ("2", task_70_advice) / responsemessage = (list.incorrect_answers.currentvalue, feedback_incorrect, 1500) / ontrialbegin = [ values.currentscenario = values.currentscenario + 1; ] </trial> // if participants wanted to get advice (pressed 2 in the other trial), they can get advice here and choose again. However, it does not correctly code correct/incorrect either <trial task_70_advice> / stimulusframes = [1 = override_fixation, instruction, advice_answer] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "3") / responsemessage = (list.correct_answers.currentvalue, feedback_correct, 1500) / responsemessage = (list.incorrect_answers.currentvalue, feedback_incorrect, 1500) </trial> // define blocks <block practice_task> / trials = [1 = practice] </block> <block task> / trials = [1-4 = sequence(task_70)] </block> // define experiment <expt> / blocks = [ 1 = practice_task; 2 = task; ] </expt> I don't see any need to use lists here at all. The simplest way to get this working properly based on what you have is this: // define correct answers (would be great to use this item element for easier customization) <item item_correct_answers> / 1 = "1" / 2 = "3" / 3 = "1" / 4 = "3" </item>
// define incorrect answers (would be great to use this item element for easier customization) <item item_incorrect_answers> / 1 = "3" / 2 = "1" / 3 = "3" / 4 = "1" </item>
// define texts <text fixation> /items = ("+") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text feedback_correct> /items = ("Correct!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
<text feedback_incorrect> / items = ("Incorrect!") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / size = (30%, 30%) / txbgcolor = white / txcolor = black / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </text>
// Ask participants to press either 1 or 3 on their keyboard, if they want help, they should press 2 <text instruction> / items = ("A (Press 1) or B (Press 3)? If you want support, press 2") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / txcolor = black / txbgcolor = white </text>
// Override the fixation with a white screen <shape override_fixation> / shape = rectangle / size = (30%, 30%) / color = (255,255,255) / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / position = (50%, 50%) </shape>
// specify advice <item advice_answer_text> /1 = "Advice: 1" /2 = "Advice: 3" /3 = "Advice: 1" /4 = "Advice: 3" </item>
// provide advice <text advice_answer> / items = advice_answer_text / select = values.currentscenario / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) / position = (50%, 75%) / size = (32%, 15%) / vjustify = center / hjustify = center / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = grey </text>
// define data to be recorded <data> / columns = (build, computer.platform, date, time, subject, group, session, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, values.incorrectanswer, values.correctanswer, responsetext, latency, correct) </data>
// define values <values> / currentscenario = 0 / correctanswer = " " / incorrectanswer = " " </values>
// In this practice trial, I can define the correct answers. 1 is correct, 1 gives the "correct" Feedback and 3 gives the "incorrect" feedback. However, the correct response might change in other trials (to be B, so 3, for example) <trial practice> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = ("1") / responsemessage = ("1", feedback_correct, 0) / responsemessage = ("3", feedback_incorrect, 0) / posttrialpause = 1500 </trial>
// this code works, but it does not give the "feedback_correct" or "feedback_incorrect" response and also does not code the correctresponse in the data section <trial task_70> / stimulusframes = [1 = fixation; 100 = override_fixation, instruction] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "2", "3") / correctresponse = (values.correctanswer) // correct answer is pressing the correct key as stored in values.correctanswer / responsemessage = (values.correctanswer, feedback_correct, 1500) // give correct feedback / responsetrial = ("2", task_70_advice) / responsemessage = (values.incorrectanswer, feedback_incorrect, 1500) // give error feedback / ontrialbegin = [ values.currentscenario = values.currentscenario + 1; // store correct key for the current scenario in a variable values.correctanswer = item.item_correct_answers.item(values.currentscenario); // store incorrect key for the current scenario in a variable values.incorrectanswer = item.item_incorrect_answers.item(values.currentscenario); ] </trial>
// if participants wanted to get advice (pressed 2 in the other trial), they can get advice here and choose again. However, it does not correctly code correct/incorrect either <trial task_70_advice> / stimulusframes = [1 = override_fixation, instruction, advice_answer] / inputdevice = keyboard / validresponse = ("1", "3") / responsemessage = (values.correctanswer, feedback_correct, 1500) // give correct feedback / responsemessage = (values.incorrectanswer, feedback_incorrect, 1500) // give error feedback </trial>
// define blocks <block practice_task> / trials = [1 = practice] </block>
<block task> / trials = [1-4 = sequence(task_70)] </block>
// define experiment <expt> / blocks = [ 1 = practice_task; 2 = task; ] </expt>