Inquisit crashing with eyetracking

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For one of our tasks, Inquisit crashes at the end of the task. I have attached the images showing the what Inquisit displays. Also a message is displayed "Calibration exited with return code 1000; Drift correct not complete". We have other Inquisit tasks run on the same computer with same setup which seem to be working fine. They also have the same eyetracking setup connected. I am having trouble figuring out why this particular task is having this error. Could you please help me debug this?

Thank you
IMG_07081.jpg (149 views, 665.00 KB)
ImageiOS (1).jpg (137 views, 27.00 KB)
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nidhi_desai - 8/16/2022

For one of our tasks, Inquisit crashes at the end of the task. I have attached the images showing the what Inquisit displays. Also a message is displayed "Calibration exited with return code 1000; Drift correct not complete". We have other Inquisit tasks run on the same computer with same setup which seem to be working fine. They also have the same eyetracking setup connected. I am having trouble figuring out why this particular task is having this error. Could you please help me debug this?

Thank you

Please provide:
(1) The script, including any files it may require to run (i.e. image files, etc.).
(2) The system information available via Tools -> System Information...
(3) The log file available via Tools -> View Log File...

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Dave - 8/16/2022
nidhi_desai - 8/16/2022

For one of our tasks, Inquisit crashes at the end of the task. I have attached the images showing the what Inquisit displays. Also a message is displayed "Calibration exited with return code 1000; Drift correct not complete". We have other Inquisit tasks run on the same computer with same setup which seem to be working fine. They also have the same eyetracking setup connected. I am having trouble figuring out why this particular task is having this error. Could you please help me debug this?

Thank you

Please provide:
(1) The script, including any files it may require to run (i.e. image files, etc.).
(2) The system information available via Tools -> System Information...
(3) The log file available via Tools -> View Log File...

Also, if you could provide information about the make and model of eye tracker you're currently it could be beneficial.

Developer at Millisecond Software, LLC.

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