Group: Forum Members
Posts: 32,
Visits: 41
Hi there,
I'm looking to add a slider trial asking about perception at the end of the reverse corsi block tapping task. I have a code for the question below as a draft but I'm not sure where to insert it. I'd appreciate any help!
<slidertrial corsiperception> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, perceptionquestion] / range = (0,100) / increment = 1 / orientation = horizontal / labels = ("<font color=white>0</font>", "<font color=white>100</font>") / required = true / position = (50%, 60%) / size = (90%, 20%) / buttonlabel = "Submit" </slidertrial>
<text perceptionquestion> / items = ("Please enter the percentage you believe you got correct on the Reverse Corsi Block Tapping task") / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / position = (50%, 30%) </text>