Online experiment crashes on video load

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Posts: 118, Visits: 396
Hi all, an odd one today...

An online experiment (registered under my username in the EU region, named AOPA) is crashing for no discernable reason with no error log. Specifically, after the first two files in the batch are run (informed consent and demographics), the main experiment starts. The first block (testing whether participants can see and hear video) runs without issue, including the test video. Then, the experiment asks several attitude items before showing another video. However, in most (but not all) cases, Inquisit quits to desktop when the video file should be played, with no error logged.

I had thought that the problem occurs due to the dynamic selection of the video stimulus from the second block on (it's done via clearing the /items property of the video element, then appending an item pointing to the video file whose name is constructed from various conditions), but the code runs fine offline and my online debugging shows that the filename is being correctly constructed. The videos are all uploaded as well. Could there be some limitation with the video item filenames that only applies online?

I'll continue testing myself, but I would appreciate any input, as I get the feeling that this might be something in the backend that I don't have access to.


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