I have run a short iat of word stimuli with inqusit 2, and I have got the data .I have also used your convenien t spss syntax to merge them . I got the spss data editor report.But I was a little bit confused about the variable names in the first row , FOR INSTANCE d-biep a ,d-biep b ,m1a,m2a,m2b,m1b, d-biep ,PCT 300,PCT 400,PCT 10K, AVELTNCY,ERRORPCT,NTRIAL etc.
I may guess
AVELTNCY means average latency
ERRORPCT means error percent ,
d-biep may be the d score .
But I just guess it is ,I am not quite sure about it ,also not very clear about the true meaning of some of them . And for most of the variable names , I can not figure out what they really are, I have no idea . Could some one please help .
I would BE very much appriciated for your kind help